Ready to Change Your Life

Disillusioned much lately? Feeling like your life is not going the way you’d imagined it would? Think you’re unable to trust those who have influenced what you’ve come to know or believe? Now, you are ready to change your life. How do you go about making this massive change?

If you believe that this dawning of your evolutional metamorphosis will be your embracing your highest and best, before you go about changing your life, you need to feel confident about and have a resonant inner knowing about who you are. Who you really are. The person you were meant to be when you first entered this life.

When you first arrived you knew who you were, your divine nature, your powerful special abilities which would assist your ability to achieve your highest and best, help others, and make an important contribution in making the world a better place.

Unfortunately, “the system,” the people and forces that profit from people, just like you and me, who fail to embrace their purpose, message, passion, and mission, they have seen to it, that any ideas you might have had about achieving your highest and best were wiped out by the constructs which they have created.

They offer instead, a concept of life which represents doing the right thing. And this doing the right thing includes being an obedient, subservient person who follows “the rules” (their imposed rules) for which you are rewarded with the ability to be a “productive member of society.”

This is the greatest conspiracy, where the whole world conspires to keep you (all of us) dumbed down and basically blindly accepting a life of slavery in exchange for the reward of being able to have a mediocre life, when all the while, there is something deep inside of you that amidst all the chaos whispers in your ear, “You were meant for so much more.” And everyone (nearly the whole world) is a part of this conspiracy to hold you back and keep you down. Nonetheless,

You Are Meant for So Much More

Your journey to achieve your highest and best starts now, with the realization that you were meant for more and there is far more going on, here, than you were ever allowed to conceive of.

No one can tell you what is really going on or what lies in store for you. This is your journey, and your journey alone. It is up to you to start looking around, and as you start to relieve yourself from the mental and spiritual restraints which have shackled you until now and begin to see things as they really are.

Top Secret

As you go about your process of growth and expansion, learning and unlearning to broaden your horizons, freeing yourself from the chains that bind you, its best to do so in a stealthy manner.

As you start to see things as they really are, you may feel compelled to shout about your new realizations from the rooftops. Not a good idea. Why? Because the defenders of “the system” have been trained to listen for such radical proclamations, and the system has methods in place for seeking out rebels like you at the first indication that you might be veering away from the fold, and reeling you back in.

Their methods have been contrived and honed over the years and they are far more effective today than ever. They will use your family, friends, loved ones, teachers, mentors, religious leaders, health care professionals, bosses, politicians, law enforcement, anyone and everyone at every level to help return you to your regular station in the system.


Because you could potentially put their system at risk, a system which they profit wildly from. If you are allowed to continue to awaken and evolve, it could lead to the awakening of others.

Their “system” is unsustainable in a world of awakened and evolved human beings.

A new world is evolving, and you (and others, like you) are evolving with it. This archaic barbarian world of being controlled and serving the few who feel entitled to lord over you (all of us) is coming to an end.

If your destiny includes being a warrior for the warrior, boldly confronting the powers that be may be a part of your calling. If you are prone to conflict and warring against the machine and that resonates with your awakening process, then God bless you as you fight the battle.

If your function is anything but a warrior, then you are better off not wasting your efforts focusing on the things that do not serve your growth and expansion. Focus instead on those things that lead to your further metamorphosis and avoid anything that might hinder your progress, while keeping it on the down-low.

You might find that tolerance and the truth continuum to be concepts that will help you embrace your continued transformation.

However you do it, find your own way to keep on keeping on, and offering your gifts and abilities to others who need you and what you have to offer.

This is you living a better life, your best life, and making the world a better place.

God bless you on your pursuit to your highest and best.

I Want My Life to Have Meaning

There comes a time in your life when you look back at your life and you think, “I want my life to have meaning,” with an inkling to want to have made a difference, to desire to know that after living your life you will have made a contribution, leaving behind some proof of your existence.

This is the still small voice inside your heart reaching out to you. It has been all but silenced by all the trying to find a place to survive in this life without being a total outsider.

You learn not to listen to your heart as it is overpowered by the thoughts and voices of everyone else, your family, friends, teachers, authority figures, mentors, and the constant barrage of the media, telling you who and what you should be.

Then, when you experience a moment of silence in your life, you hear your heart’s voice utter, “I want my life to mean something,” and in that moment you want your life to have meaning.

What does, “I want my life to have meaning,” mean?

It means you are awakening to the idea that your life has a divine purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) and it’s so true. You came to this earth to make a contribution, to make a difference, but society has squelched the greater part of you as you remained small in an effort to not make waves or upset the social landscape too much.

You instinctual spark to make a difference, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, was probably quickly silenced by your negative self-talk, or brushing the idea aside as you resigned to live a life in an effort to just get by.

This time, before you push the idea out of your head, take time to sit back and imagine what your life could look like if you hadn’t been born into the family, raised in the town, trained in the schools, faced the challenges, suffered the tragedies, lived the life you have lived ‘til now.

What could your life look like if you could have it any way you wanted it?

You get accustomed to seeing your life as just the way it is, but you can change your life dramatically any time you want. You don’t have to work at the same job, live in the same place, or even be the same person you have trained yourself to accept as your life.

Dare to visualize what your life would be like if you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life.

It’s never too late for you to change your life, if there is still life in you to be lived.

What would your new life look like? Where would you live, if you could live anywhere? What would you do, if you could do anything you wanted? Who would your friends be? How would you spend the free time in your life, if you had it? What would you like to change about the world?

Getting a grasp of what your life could be like, what meaning and impact your life could have, will empower you to not only see the unlimited possibilities which lay before you but enable you to take inspired action toward making your personal vision a reality.

If every day you ask yourself, “What step(s) could I take today that will bring me that much closer to the life I want?” will reveal to your conscious mind things that you could do, even the smallest of steps move you closer to where you want to be.

Writing them down, so that you can review and refine them later can turn these ideas into goals. A conscious written goal can easily be achieved if you keep bringing it to your awareness. Soon a path, a map, will emerge, and you will see yourself using these as stepping stones leading to your new life of meaning and purpose.

Congratulations. You’ve taken the first step.

Hold your head up high and keep moving away from that part of your life which represents the prison you’ve succumbed to in the past.

You’ve taken the first step toward achieving your highest and best.

An amazing and meaningful life awaits you.

Relationships Come and Go

Living life is all about advancing, growing and changing. Not settling for mediocrity, nor staying in the same place. Real life is about transitioning from one stage to the next, making the necessary adjustments along the way, and relationships come and go, though some remain.

As you move through this life, you will encounter and bond with people along the way who will vary in significance. You may develop deep relationships which serve you in the deepest, most meaningful ways. You would like to believe that people who play such a key role in your life today will be there tomorrow. Yet in many cases, this is not meant to be.

The best lives are built on a foundation of growth and change, and sometimes, the people who mean the most to you today may not be suitable for the path you are destined to follow. Everyone has their own journey; some relationships can be sustained longer than others.

In order to keep growing, changing, and continuing on your sacred journey, you must be able to find comfort in moving on from relationships that no longer serve you, as you move on.

You’ve shared life and love with them, will cherish the memories, carry them always in your heart, and keep moving.

Everything is in divine order, and these people of varying significance were integral to your success and metamorphosis. They were there for you, supported you, cared for you, loved you, and gave you the strength to keep going on.

Returning to places or revisiting people from your past via celebration or reunion brings a flood of nostalgic emotion, instantly taking you back to the moment in time when these moments from your past were so integral to your survival and transition, and you are blessed.

As much as you might want to return to those times, you know you no longer are connected to those people, places, and things, like you were before. You are an entirely different person now, and so are they, living lives so different, each better in your own ways.

Realizing that relationships come and go helps you to appreciate the people who have significance in your life. You are far more appreciative, cherishing and honoring each moment because you know it may not last forever, though it may feel like it in the moment.

When relationships come to us we are blessed, sometimes sharing the most intimate of moments, when relationships go, it can be hard to say goodbye, even lead to heartbreak, or depression, but life goes on.

New people will be attracted to you to help you on your journey, and others will come into your life who will test you, help you to learn, grow, and expand into the best version of yourself.

There will be those who may be on a similar enough path to yours to accompany you for much, if not all, of your journey. These are those, the most special of whom will be there forever.

For those who you’ve left behind, they can live on forever in your memories, in the deepest most precious recesses of your heart, always honored and remembered for their blessing you along the way. In a sense, still encouraging you and supporting your continued growth and transformation from within.

Continue to love and bless them, and they may continue to love and bless you, even though you may never cross paths again, as you live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Don’t Slow Your Roll

Don’t slow your roll. You’ve done it. You’ve decided to make the changes necessary to start living a new life, a better life, your best life and make the world a better place. You’ve taken steps to start making the change, then your motivation just seems to wane, and you fall yourself falling back into the same ol’ same ol’?

Even if you’re taking baby steps, keep taking the action, no matter how small to move you closer to where you want to be. All these efforts are cumulative. Even if you miss a day, you can take another step tomorrow.

Certainly, there will be roadblocks or challenges which you will face along the way. Let fear not be one of them.

Facing your fear and not letting it keep you from doing the right thing is what life is all about. I know it’s an over-used phrase, nonetheless, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It’s all about perseverance in the face of adversity.

Keep on going.

What must you do to change your life for the better?

Do you feel your path ahead is not within your reach? Do you need to take some classes? Do you feel imprisoned by your current situation?

Regardless of how unworthy or incapable, you might feel, you have everything you need right inside of you.

Is there fear about leaving your job for one that will better serve you but will require sacrificing cash flow or security? The false sense of safety and security promoted by society and attached to your “job” is the biggest trap which is used to keep you in your own prison, to keep you controllable and subservient, preventing your growth and expansion.

Be willing to change your world, even if it means taking a pay cut.

Look at the heroes of our age, the people who stood up against what would be insurmountable by others. Who do you look up to? Study them. Use them for inspiration.

If you start thinking, “My life has been so awful,” consider those who have overcome incredible obstacles to live a better life and make the world a better place, take a deep breath and take another step.

Find ways to remind yourself of your dream and make it come true.

Just map it out and do it.

Remember to celebrate your wins along the way. Don’t expect approval or recognition from anyone else, this is your journey.

Looking for back up? Find those people who support you no matter what you do, they have your back. The naysayers? Don’t let them get to you. Kick them to the curb (or put them on hold), at least while you’re moving and shaking to make the adjustments and improvements necessary for your life.

Try to do something different every day. If you are able to do things differently in your life this may put you in a position to meet someone who is likeminded and more supporting, whom you may invite into your circle of influence.

There’s a big world out there, and you are gaining more and more access to it with every step you take outside your comfort zone.

By setting intermediary goal posts, such as completing a course of study, getting a different job, achieving a certain level of income, moving to a different location, starting a business, or whatever it might be, you can see the results of your efforts, and know when it is time to celebrate.

There is no limit to the number of goals you can have, and there is no limit to their size. The smallest of goals, like getting up without hitting the snooze button, or not watching the NEWS (Not Even Worth Sharing), or texting someone in your life a short note of support or gratitude, anything.

The more goals you have, the more you will have to celebrate.

You can repurpose your life and change it massively for the greater good.

You got this.

Let Go or Be Dragged

Thank God for saving me from a far worse fate

Sometimes you get all wrapped up in someone or something; heart, body, mind, and soul. Then when things start to go awry and its clearly time to move on, you don’t want to go. You’re not ready for the change. Maybe things aren’t the best they could be but they’re good enough, and you’re attached, deeply connected, and have a sense of safety and security even amidst all the chaos.

So you hang on.

The whole universe hints and brings you opportunities to do something different in your best interest, but you resist. Then all the powers beyond what we experience in the third dimension rally to champion for you.

God and all of creation knows there is something better waiting for you, but you don’t want to go, for a million reasons, mostly embedded in fear. You made promises. You’re dependable and exemplify truth and integrity. You feel obligated like the whole world is watching you, and you hold yourself to impossible standards because you want to be an example of doing the right thing, etc…

You persist, and God turns up the heat and all His angels champion to save you from this so that you can be ushered into your highest and best in a world that you cannot see and still you refuse to leave the toxicity and chaos.

Your life, the life as you know it, takes control of you, like a powerful addiction, and you refuse to let go, as you cannot possibly imagine life being any other way. You find ways to rationalize this is your lot in life and you succumb to the drone of everyday life defending it with every fiber of your being.

Your Guardian Angel shakes his head, thinking, “How long will it take for you to realize that life is full of changes and growth?” You’ve been fighting against yourself and all the energy and love in the world is beckoning you to change direction enough to be able to get a glimpse of what’s been waiting for you all this time.

Let Go or Be Dragged

If you continue to fight, your Guardian Angel must (if you leave your angel no other choice), will drag you, kicking and screaming, away from that station in life which is not serving you, and maybe leading you down the wrong path, even though you can’t see it at the time.

You’ve fought for your right to this struggle and now it’s come to this, your life is going to have to change and you will be forced to grow against your wishes. This will be a lengthy and painful process, but you left God no other choice.


Accepting what is, will be hard, and the grieving process will be difficult to say the least, probably one of the hardest passages you will have to endure, but you can make it. You are love. You are loved. No one will ask you endure more than you can bear.

Don’t Fight

If you haven’t learned by now, the most valuable lesson you can learn is not to fight. Do not resist the opportunities for growth and change. The less resistance, the easier it will be for you.

And when the smoke clears, you will be able to see that all this adversity allowed you to be in the right place and the right time to usher you to a better life, your best life, enabled you to make a greater contribution and make the world a better place.

And if you’re like me, you will fall to your knees and thank God,

“Thank you, God,
for ripping my heart out!”

Thank you for the misery, the heartache, the destruction, allowing me to be stripped of all my pride because if it weren’t for my being dragged to death (that’s what it felt like), I would never have been in a position to achieve my highest and best.

Now, I can see that where I was, had me headed for a far more destructive end. As painful as it was, I was saved from mediocrity, disaster, and from myself.


Thank you, Jesus, for letting me go through the fire, preparing, and purifying me for You had in store for me.

Let me not resist when You want to lead me to something better.

Love, love, and more love.


You Are the Game Changer

You look around and you can see other people living their lives… Some of them are living far better lives than you, and you think to yourself, “I’d like to have a go at a better life.” And almost immediately after you’ve had the thought the negative inner voices begin to sound off and you hear, “But I’m not educated, or good enough to live a better life.”

As if you’ve been led to believe that you are somehow less deserving of living a better life because of your lack of education, your family doesn’t have a high ranking in the community, you’re finding it hard to keep up with the Joneses, or you are so far removed from the Joneses that you can’t even imagine what it might be like to compete with them.

Let me tell you, there are people far worse off than you who have made the leap from the day-in-day-out mediocre rat race life leading nowhere to immensely successful and satisfying life, without a proper education, financial backing, fine upbringing, or any help from someone else.

What separates these people from the masses?

They did something that society hopes you will never do: Awaken. Awaken to the knowledge that this life is a game. It’s been set up by someone else to play you as a pawn in the game of life. You’ve been programmed since birth to believe that you are supposed to just play your part and feel as though doing anything else is impossible for you.

If you’re not feeling like you’re good enough, the creators of the game can sit back in their easy chairs patting themselves of the back for a game well-played, because they’ve built a set of rules for you to play by which state that you are not good enough to be a real player.

It’s All A Game

The truth is, you’ve come to this planet not only to be a player, but to play the game so masterfully that you can create your own game rules and reinvent the game altogether, but you will only have awareness of this gift in those moments of consciousness when you have clarity.

In those moments, you can see that this life is only a game and you are being played by the game players and makers, but it’s not long when your attention is grabbed by the millions of distractors which pull your attention back down into the gameplay.

There are those, and you may be one of them, who are focusing their attention on higher perspectives which gives these particular people the ability to see the gameplay from somewhat of an aerial view. From this vantage point, they can see the game for what it is.

From here, it is easy to see that you are far more than you’ve ever been allowed to think you are. You are perfect in every way. Your life has meaning and purpose. You can have the life and love you’ve always dreamed of.

And all those not-good-enough routines you’ve been running over and over as a result of your social programming are illusions, which you’ve been coerced to believe but have not real substance whatsoever.

You are free, you are powerful, you do not need anything to achieve your highest and best but the love and life that was your birthright. God has given you everything you need to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, but the gamers took it away from you.

Not anymore.

You’re awakening.

You Are the Game Changer

You’re getting ready to play your own game by your own rules.

You have arrived, as if for the first time, and you are alive. More alive than you’ve ever been allowed to think you could be, and you are far better than good enough.

You are a masterful creator getting ready to unleash your message, gifts, special abilities, and launch your mission and pave the way for a better world for all creation.

You are the light in the darkness. And as you shine your light, it will be seen like a lighthouse’s beacon in the night to be seen by others who are also having moments of clarity. Your light will be an inspiration for others, helping them find their way to seeing the game from a higher perspective.

The time for change is now. We are awakening and the world is changing.

The day is coming when the game of life will no longer be played in the way that we know it as being played today. It is unsustainable, and the revolutionary evolution of the new game is taking place right now. You are part of this change.

You are the game changer.

Live Your Life

You have this one life to live and you can choose to live your life, full on, as your own, or you can life your life as defined by someone or something else, like a good little human. (I humbly apologize for the sarcastic overtones.)

You came to this planet to live your life, to do so in such an individualistic and magnificent way. Along with you, you brought certain talents, gifts, and special abilities, all to support your purpose and to enable you to best sing your song. Not that your song might be a melody to be sung with your voice, but more like your unique message to be shared by you will have an extraordinary perspective, look and feel, unique to you.

There are forces which abound on this planet which would like to eliminate the inkling of a thought which you might entertain about having anything of significance to contribute to the world. So, they start programming you via social engineering to stamp out any hope of remembering your life’s purpose.

This programming is so effective, that your parents, caretakers, teachers, coworkers, family, and friends, are all under the spell of the powers that want to control you, and they are all trying to prevent your authentic, inspired self from emerging and making an impact. Of course, all this effort is heart-felt concern, as if to be looking out for your best interests.

You can’t really fault or blame people for exerting their beliefs in an effort to “save you from yourself” because they love you, and they so sincerely believe their efforts to prevent you from being who you really are will save you from pain, suffering, and utter disaster.

Live Your Life

The real you, the you that you were sent to this planet to be, is aching to be acknowledged and released. You hear that still small inner voice, that resides in the deepest part of you praying that you will be able to hear it among all the noise. It is sometimes so very hard to hear because it is buried so far beneath the loud inner voice of ego, which is easy to be manipulated and programmed by the powers and their social engineering.

And if that weren’t enough, your conscious mind is under constant attack of a barrage of distracting details, data, media, drama, and trauma, that you couldn’t find a gap in the space quiet enough to hear the voice of your true inner self.

Yet, you know it is there. You can feel it.

Even with all the efforts, supported by all the money and power in the world to suppress the real you, you know there is more to this life than what you’ve been allowed to think of or believe in. And apart of you longs to

Live Your Life

If you really want to live your life authentically and be true to yourself, you might consider creating some sacred space for you to tune in to who you really are. Getting in touch with you, “the you” you were meant to be, will take separation from the things in life which have been placed there to distract you and keep you in a state of trance, or panic.

Your feelings easily distract you, so find ways to reduce or eliminate (at least momentarily) any of the things in life that make you feel bad. Anything that makes you feel angry or sad, find ways to get these things out of your life, at least in the beginning. Later, once you are able to identify and connect with your true inner self, then you can find ways to disempower anything that might try to distract you from your purpose, message, passion, and/or mission (pmpm).

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Make a concerted effort to disassociate yourself from the mediocre life you’ve been programmed to accept for yourself. Take a look at all the programming which you have subjected yourself to which may not be supporting your authentic self. Things like bad habits which may not serve you, but are so effective at distracting you from the authentic frequency and vibration of the real you, that you may have physiological connections or dependency on these substances and/or activities keeping you even more separated from who you really are.

Now is the time to make some clean and pure psychological and physiological space for you to enable you to authentically connect to the real you, allowing you to truly live your life in a genuinely empowered and effective life, free from the social engineering and powers which desire your blind subservience.

As you learn more about what you really want in life, know this is your birthright. All the things you desire (when free from the programming, and some which you were drawn to while under the influence of the programming) are yours to be enjoyed in this lifetime. These desires would not have been placed in your heart of hearts, endearing you to them, if you were not called to enjoy them in their fullness.

All these things are waiting for you to have them and frolic fully in the joy of possessing them and/or living in the energy of them. It is on you to close the gap between where you ware and where you want to be, between what you have now and what you want to have.

Since all you want, and have ever wanted, has already been provided for you, all you have to do to close the gap is to align yourself with what you want and to remove anything which is blocking you from seeing it or having it. When nothing stands between you and what you want, and you are in the vibration of whatever it is, you find yourself in the fullness of it.

Doing a little something-something every day moves you closer and closer to what you want, enabling you to live your life authentically and abundantly.

Ask yourself, “Who am I?” Who can I be? Who have I been called to be and what is my message?

Only you can discover the answers to these questions for yourself.

Be open and prepared for evolutionary changes within yourself, which will affect not only you, but the world around you.

This is your life. Start living your own life today.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Yes, you have had the thought of living a life that is better than the life you’ve lived up ‘til now. Yet, somehow you feel as though living a better life is just beyond your reach.

I can tell you, many people started with similar limiting thoughts, just like yours, and decided to begin living their best life ever, regardless of how they felt unworthy of being blessed with an amazing life.

It will take work, tenacity, commitment. You will need to conjure up enough self-esteem and courage to keep pushing forward when the gravity of your old life tries to drag you back into your old life.

Making a massive change in your life – from mediocrity to magnificence – is not going to be easy, so you have to be ready and willing to do the work.



How do you know you’re ready for change?



You’ve had it up to here


It seems like everything is going wrong, every time you turn around you’re faced with adversity and while you do your best to battle it, more often than not it wins over all your attempts to overcome it. You know minor shifts are not going to get you from where you are to where you want to be. You are dissatisfied, disappointed, frustrated and broken but you’re ready to dig in and do whatever it takes to break through come hell or high water.

Life is a prison


You feel as though your complacent life is holding you back. You feels as though you are restrained from the life you desire and cannot break out of the imprisonment of your own life. But you are beginning to see a glimmer of hope. For if your prison sentence is somehow self-imposed, there is an increasing awareness that you must have access to the key and the time has come for you to orchestrate our prison break.

Life is demanding change


What is with the constant struggle in life? It seems you just can’t get a break or catch your breath, and you’re faced with another change. A job that you liked comes to an unexpected end. Your relationship falls apart. It’s like every time to start to find a little comfort, your world changes, knocking you off-balance. It’s as if the universe is demanding you change or forever resolve to live a constantly difficult life.

Love is lost


Once you had an enormous capacity for love. Love for yourself, your family, your fellow man, the community at large, even the whole world seemed to be full of love. Then, due to changes, challenges and circumstances, your love of others and life diminished, leaving you broken and void of love. Yet within you lies the smallest spark waiting to be fully engulfed in the flame of a greater love that cannot be quenched and you know you have been called to share this love with others.

You’ve had a dream


You have had a dream, a plan, goals and aspirations for your life but just can’t seem to create enough momentum to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Whether it is only now occurring to you or it’s been a lifelong vision of the possibility of living a better life, this dream is calling to you to bring it to pass. The magnetic attraction of this calling is getting stronger, strong enough is it’s pull, that you are ready to embrace a brighter future.

It is your time to become a champion


Whether it is out of a sense of duty, or a highly spiritual motivation, you know it is your time to make the move and begin the transformation, unleashing the champion who lies dormant inside you. You know your life has greater meaning and purpose and the time is now to begin the metamorphosis, fully embracing your gifts, talents, special abilities and sense of purpose in an effort to make the world a better place.

The time is now

When is now the time to take the action necessary to create massive change in your life?

It’s time you became who you know you’ve always been called to be, enjoying all this life has to offer and giving to others in a way that creates a better future and world for you, your family, and the community at large.

You know you can live a better life, live your best life and make the world a better place.

Do it now.
The world needs you now, more than ever.

Life Choices, Challenges and Changes

It is common throughout one’s life journey to encounter forks in the road requiring having to make a choice of which path would best suit one’s best interests, unexpected obstacles that present you with challenges or unforeseen changes in life circumstance.

You inner guidance system is there for you to assist you in examining all the possibilities when faced with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

life choices life challenges life changes opportunity


We are faced with making conscious choices that we must make as we navigate throughout our life’s journey, everything from the casual choices, like, what clothes should I wear; what food should I eat? How should I fix my hair; or which shoes should I put on my feet? To more consequential choices, like, should I tell my partner how I really feel; or consider a new vocation? Should I continue to conceal, reveal or consider relocation?

When facing more critical choices in life, we must consider all the ramifications of our decisions, enabling us to make responsible decisions; especially when our choices affect the lives of others who we share our journey with. An honorable person considers others outside of our experience in reverence of the greater good. To not do so is to be selfish, self-centered, or possibly narcissistic in the extreme.

Then there are the consequences of our choices that need to be reviewed before making choices, especially decisions that carry gravity in our social arenas, or may even affect the world that we live in.

It is prudent to seek out an unbiased third party to help sort out the best details. Unlike a professional, friends, family and acquaintances do not always have your best interests at heart when consulting them for advice because they have their own vested interests and agendas, when evaluating the details of your quandary.

Your inner guidance system is there to help you with your choices when you can find the proper attenuation or vibration to sense its knowingness, so that you have the highest and best probability of success.


As we travel through this life, it is not uncommon to encounter challenges that we face. In some cases we may feel as though the obstacles in our way are insurmountable. It is your goal to reframe your life’s circumstances and develop a plan to mitigate the damages as you are empowered to face these challenges head on, with the best possible outcome.

These challenges can be at home, at work or in the most innermost part of our being when struggling with identity, (who we really are) or destiny (our life’s purpose) in an effort to enhance and enrich our lives as we move on to the next level of our higher self.


Unlike choices or challenges, which we have much more control over, there are times when we find ourselves in situations that have come about that are completely outside of our control.

This can be the result of loss; the loss of a job, failure of a business, a romantic relationship that has not turned out the way we had planned. The loss of a significant person in our life, either by proximity, participation, or even a loss of life altogether makes one’s journey more difficult to navigate in the light of such significant changes at times.

These situations need not seem utterly unbearable as it may seem. Oftentimes, effective communication with your inner guidance system can get you from the place where you are, often feeling helpless, to where you want to be, empowered, fulfilled and onto the high quality of life that you deserve.

Many tools, techniques and strategies, like the T Chart, are available that have been honed over a time that have helped others, just like you, who have struggled with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

It is time that you begin living your best life, achieving your highest and best.

Take back the reigns of your life and put you back in the driver’s seat, in control of your life circumstances.


Make Space for Something New

If you’re ready for something new, then you’re ready to create the space for something new.

Something old might need to be cleaned up or discarded to make space for something new.

The act of making space creates the energy necessary to increase the attraction of new things into your space. Create a vacuum and the universe will fill it.

make space for something new

Good things are coming to you… they are looking for space. Honor those good things by making the space for them.

Create space in your time. Are you always on-the-run? Schedule unscheduled time; make the space for something… anything and something will fill the space for you.

Frustrated about your wardrobe? Clean out your closet and see what apparel becomes more appealing, finding its way into those empty spaces.

Create space for a better life. Set aside an hour a day for your personal growth. Fill it with whatever comes, from meditation to hardcore personal research and development. This is your time.

Do an inventory of all the old things cluttering your life and bogging you down in old vibrations. A little housecleaning, garage sale, donation to charity or trip to the dump will ready you now only for a higher vibration, but might change your whole world as the things you’ve longed for have clear landing fields.

Where you are, right now, is a result of your vibration and the lack of space for something new. To expand yourself, you need a little elbow room, enough to make the space for new growth and expansion.

If you keep nesting in your old life, surrounding yourself with your old stuff because there’s a comfort in nostalgia which fuels the fear of the unknown, this may imbue you with a false sense of security. If this is so, you are likely to remain stuck in the life you’ve always known with some degree of compromise, comfortably numb. If you really are ready to begin your new life, make space for it.

It’s up to you to take the action, for if something did appear where would it go? If you have no time in your schedule, space in your home, office, closet, shelf space… It’s not welcoming the good things that long to bless you.

You might feel guilty about making space in your life. Many people find themselves compelled to put others before themselves, second guessing their potential for personal growth or change because it feels selfish in some way, or one might feel undeserving of anything good at all.

If you desire to move to the next level, you need to start saying goodbye you your old life of morbid mediocrity and making a concerted and conscious effort to move into the space where your personal best awaits.

Carving out an hour a day, a foot of closet space, cleaning out a section of the garage, making room on your bookshelf, spending less time with someone who drains your emotional reserves, whatever it is… this is the least selfish thing you can do.

Though your inner voice might condemn you about the pressing needs of your boss, clients, partner, children and friends who desperately need to consume every waking moment adding stress and strain to your already hectic pace, but the truth is

You cannot best serve or help anyone if your cup is empty.

Making space for something new is important self-care. You need to fill your cup to have more to offer those whom you love and care about.

Be bold enough to make it a priority to acknowledge your need and worthiness, while suspending disbelief long enough to dream a new dream and make space for your abundant metamorphosis.

If you do nothing, the weeds will overtake your garden, choking out any hope of new life. While you look at a distance, the patch of weeds looks green and lush enough to be pleasant. A closer look will lead way to disappointment as you consider the loss of potential fruit that could have occupied that very space, especially if you have desire or hunger for something besides the weeds.

A little weeding out the things that are restricting your new growth goes a long way, whether they are in your literal or metaphorical garden, which could be your schedule, home, office or may even include people in your circle of influence.

People in your life who are demanding your attention may be counter-productive to you accomplishing your goals or having the space for someone more supportive or beneficial to come into your life.

Now is the time to allow the opportunity for new growth, make space for it and all the good things that are waiting for you will fill the space you have created.