Do You Want to Make the World a Better Place?

There are so many ways to segment peoples of the world; by race, by income level, education, political view, genetics, and sociological traditions, whatever… For me, it comes down to core motivation by answering the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?”

Do you want to make the world a better place

It’s not the end-all be-all qualification, but it’s an important part of establishing a person’s character.

Some of you might think this is a simple yes or no question, right? Well, it turns out its terribly complicated. I’ve always held to this tenet like the Holy Grail, because the idea is a driving force throughout my whole life. I often ask myself, “What can I do today – or in this moment – to make the world a better place?” even if only in some small way.

Having this particular mindset has me on the lookout for others who are motivated in the same way, because couldn’t we all impact the world in a massive way for raising love, understanding, consciousness or global peace if we could join together?

So, I routinely ask the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” A glowing 90 percent of people answer, “Yes.” Wa-hoo! I’ve found a soul-brother or soul-sister!

Then, to qualify we are sharing common ground, I ask, “What does that mean to you?”

This is where it all starts to fall apart. My joyous enthusiasm starts to wane, as they scrunch their nose, squint, tuck their chin and ask, “What?”

If they can provide me with an intellectually sound reply, I challenge them with, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?”

I am surprised how complicated such a simple question could be. The problem appears to be that we – all of us – have our own interpretation of the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” And if we are at all concerned about making the world a better place, each of us has a different idea about what that might look like.

Kind’a like my, “What would you do with 20 million dollars?” question.

It appears the question is misinterpreted or lost in translation, because when I ask someone, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” the question they answer is:

“Do you want everyone in the world to think, act, believe and be like you?”

Which (I’m disappointed to say) is not the question.

And I’m as guilty of it as anyone. When I ask the question, it is from my individual point of view. To me the question infers random acts of kindness, sharing love and compassion, personal, emotional and spiritual growth, tolerance for all peoples, responsible care and tending of our planet, and more along this trend of thought.

Even though from my perspective my inference was full of intention and clarity, the person to whom I had proposed the question possesses an entirely different perspective and agenda.

Even you; if you would like to see the world a better place, you might have a completely different idea, like:

(List of other ideas deleted prior to publishing, due to my own ignorance)

I am humbled and humiliated by this rant, now.

I found myself listing the myriad of ideas that others had answered the question with that were not congruent with my own and found myself in judgment. Ranting… (Where’s the tolerance in that?) participating in the problem myself.

I am the hypocrite, the problem. I am what’s wrong with the world.

Regrettably, those things I despise still reside within me… It is an ongoing process…

Forgive me.

How to Make a Million Dollars

If you’ve ever pondered how to make a million dollars, chances are you don’t already have a million dollars and probably have never possessed 1 million dollars.

how to make a million dollars make money one million dollars 1 million dollars how to make money million dollar

You’ve heard all the stories about how other people have awakened one morning to suddenly have a million dollars in their bank account and you’re thinking you want some of that too.

Are these stories true?

For the most part, they are, though many important details are often left out.

Could it happen to you?

Yes, it could. Anything could happen. Will it happen? Well, that’s another question entirely. Whether it happens to you, or not, depends on you and what you do.

Which of these two?

First, you have to ask yourself how bad you want it?

Based on your desire to attain your one million dollars, do you want it

The Easy Way? or The Hard Way?

The easy way, means you’ll be at the very least buying lottery tickets regularly. Buy lottery tickets regularly while you daydream about winning the lottery, getting one dollar from every person, or coming up with your ingenious idea that will shower you with millions of dollars with little or no effort on your part. Unless you have a wealthy relative with whom you share good favor and he/she has named you as the recipient of 1 million dollars in their will, you will probably win the lottery before you make a million dollars the easy way.

If you want it bad enough to be willing to do it the hard way, you are willing to take 100 percent responsibility to the work necessary to make your vision of having a million dollars a reality.

What do you have to do?

We can learn from millionaires who have amassed fortunes and started from scratch. These individuals set out to purposely create wealth and many started with little or no resources at the out-set of their financial journey.

What did they have?

1 Passion and Vision

They have a clear vision of the ultimate destination and the drive to make it happen that is so strong that it enables them to power-through the tough times (and there will be times when it gets rough).

2 Self Awareness

Successful entrepreneurs spend time assessing themselves of their skills and abilities, so that they are aware of their own individual strengths and weaknesses, realizing they will probably not be able to do it themselves, or having a team (made up of those who have the entrepreneur’s weaknesses as their strengths) to accomplish the mission.

3 Education

(Not the traditional get-a-degree type of education.) They teach themselves or learn everything there is to equip them to do whatever it takes to make their dream come true. Even if they are not doing the work themselves (outsourcing) they have a basic understanding of what needs to be done so they can hold others accountable.

4 Plans

They make plans and are willing to change them on-the-fly based on emerging data, as circumstances, the landscape and marketplace changes and they adapt.

5 Create Momentum

Without momentum, you’re really going nowhere. The people who really make their dreams come true are in the business of doing something every day (or regularly) that moves them closer toward where they want to be. Regular movement forward creates momentum and it is accumulative, resulting in a wave that can propel itself forward, while haphazard effort will mean much more work over time.

6 Accept the Process

Successful entrepreneurs who started on a shoes string accepted the idea that achieving their financial goals may take on many different faces and progress through different phases on the journey from here to there. It may take starting a small business, selling it and parlaying the profits into the next venture. A process that may need to be repeated until the goal is attained.

7 Fail Forward

Be willing to fail at any point along the way, but not to give up when faced with failure. Actually, to the burgeoning entrepreneur, there is no such thing as failure, as it is only a learning tool. It’s like being thrown off a horse. They don’t give up riding altogether. They dust themselves off, evaluate what happened, and get back on a little wiser than they were the last go ‘round.

Isn’t now the best time to start making a million dollars for you?

Self Healing and Health Care

I have the privilege to work with people who are both patients and practitioners of alternative treatment therapies. It never ceases to amaze me that people can heal themselves of all types of ailment, from sleeplessness to cancer without drugs or surgery.

People with ailments are looking for alternative methods to deal with the emotional and physical issues that rear their ugly head when you least expect it.

The health management industry is bilking the unsuspecting public while promoting continued dependence on the system for health management. For instance, if you have pain in a particular area of the body, you can go the doctor and get a prescription medication to reduce or eliminate the pain. The prescription medication is scientifically designed to target the specific ailment, but also possesses a host of side-effects.

No problem, as the doctor has prescription medications to treat the ailment(s) arising from the use of the original prescription, each with its own set of side effects with prescription solutions for these new ailments also.

self healing non medical treatment medical alternatives self help therapy naturopath homeopathy

Is it just me? Or does anyone else see a problem with this form of health management system?

It occurred to me long ago, when making deathbed visits to people in the last moments of their lives, the mass of little brown bottles on the nightstand made me think something might be wrong with the system. I’m not saying it is entirely broken, as many lives are saved and life enhanced by medical intervention, treatments and surgeries. But there appears to be a dark side to medicine is disconcerting, to say the least.

Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything youve got You cannot chastise punish or poison yourself to health
Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything you’ve got. You cannot chastise, punish, or poison yourself to health.

People are waking up to the reality that something is amiss and they are seeking alternatives. There are thousands of non-medical treatment alternatives for just about anything that ails you, all within a few keystrokes of Google.

I actually know people – real, live people – who have healed themselves from chronic diagnosis indicating a short-term death sentence (given six months to live). Rather than take the prescribed treatment approach to dealing with their life-threatening circumstance, they reach out and embrace alternative treatment modalities varying across the board.

All the people who have decided to take an alternative approach to healing themselves using natural, spiritual or other types of alternative non-medical treatment, have had to deal with the negative side effects of being attacked by friends, relatives and licensed medical professionals, most being asked, “Are you crazy?”

Most of them proceed in secrecy, so as to avoid the negative feedback from others who disagree with their decision to seek out alternative treatment models. In fact, they report that maintaining a positive environment is a critical component to their treatment alternative.

I embrace personal health care and take responsibility for my own wellness without using prescription medications and feel as though my efforts are very effective, though it takes continual research and experimentation because what works for one person might not work for someone else.

Fortunately, there are health care professionals who also embrace these alternative treatment modalities. In this way, I can focus on my own self help therapy with holistic support and reaching out to a naturopath in search of an intervention offered by homeopathy as an alternative to seeking a traditional doctor who is likely to rely solely on prescription medications.

A naturopathic doctor will offer holistic medicine alternatives, like homeopathic remedies which are natural remedies and other alternatives, and a holistic doctor will refer you to a medical doctor, if necessary, to augment a complete integrative medicine approach.

I honor professionals and their work on both ends of the healthcare treatment spectrum.

What is your favorite alternative health treatment?

Intention Activities Friends

You are a physiological representation of your vibrational energy. The important contributions to maintaining your personal frequency of vibration are:


intention activities friends energy vibration communication

We are energetic composites of what is our own ideas about how we see ourselves or would like others to see us (intention), how we spend our time (the activities in which we engage) and the people with whom we associate with (who you hang with).

When we interface with other people, our energetic interaction will either influence the person with whom we are communicating positively or negatively. When you speak to someone do your words express life or death? When we communicate with others our words are charged with our own vibrational energy the result will either have a healing effect on the recipient or a harmful effect.

Realizing this puts an incredible amount of pressure on those of us who are on a constant and never-ending path of increased performance and personal growth. It means accepting responsibility for how our own energy, words, and method of communication affects those around us.


Everything begins with intention. I could only assume that your intention is to have a healthy, healing and positive impact on the lives of anyone with whom you are interacting.

Our intention affects the delivery of our message greatly. It influences our body language, voice inflection, choice of words and the general “feeling” that is felt by the recipient. Even if our words are carefully and cognizantly selected, if they are not consistent with our energetic field, the person you’re trying to communicate will not be able to receive your intended message, for they will sense the incongruency and they will be more confused than receptive.

Taking a breath and a moment to set your intention and connecting with your heart before engaging in a conversation (or performance) can help to set the stage for a more effective experience.


How you spend your time sets the frequency for your personal energetic vibration. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, either. You know how to evaluate what frequency you are tuned into by how you feel about a particular activity.
Some of the activities that you engage in do not make you feel good, they send you reeling down the energetic vibration scale. How you feel is a clear indication of where you are on the scale.

How do you feel when you watch the news? How do you feel when you listen to a debate? How do you feel when you play a video game?

How do you feel when you hear (or participate in) gossip? Gossip, or talking behind someone’s back disrespectfully, is an interesting energetic phenomenon. When you engage in gossip you engage in a negative energetic vibration that seeks out the subject of your conversation and sends harmful energy to him or her. Is that really something you want to do? Even if the recipient doesn’t know you, they still feel your negative energy. (This is a scientific fact.)

On the other hand, how do you feel when you volunteer to feed the homeless? How do you feel when you hold a baby in your arms? Snuggle with your cat (or dog, etc…)? How do you feel when singing in the shower, taking a walk along the water, or watching a beautiful sunset?

In terms of your energetic vibration, you are what you do. That is to say, the activities that you participate in sets the tone (vibration) that permeates your life, fueling and determining the energy field surrounding you that affects everything else you do.


It is said that you will be the average of your best five friends, the five friends that you spend the most of your time with (which may not be your “best” friends, for you might have friends that you are closer to, but spend less time with).

So, who are the friends (or people) that you spend the most time with? What are they like? Are they the type of people that you aspire to be? What is their average energetic vibration?

Their energetic vibration will influence yours, and yours will tend to find a resonant vibration similar to their energetic average. So, if you aspire to maintain a higher vibration, it is advisable to spend more time with folks who maintain vibrations higher than yours. This will help raise your vibration.

The knowledge of all this and your ability to take responsibility for your vibration empowers you to keep on track in terms of achieving your highest and best.

Love Magnet Vibration

Love is a vibration that when activated acts like a magnet to attract good things to you. Most of us can only maintain the love vibration for short periods of time, due to the interruptions and distractions altering our vibration to lower levels.

love magnet vibration

Love and Above

The longer you can maintain the Love vibration opportunities will abound for increasing your vibrational state even higher. Higher states of vibration include Joy, Peace and Enlightenment.

Striving to maintain the love vibration will attract more love to you like a magnet. You will have more opportunities to love and bless others with your high love frequency. Plus, as a love magnet, you will have the benefit of being closer to even higher frequencies putting joy, peace and enlightenment more readily within reach.

If you imagined your vibration as a spectrum on a number line from 1 to 1,000, Love would populate the center point with a value of 500, to the right would be Joy, Peace and Enlightenment, to the left in descending order would be Logic, Forgiveness, Optimism, Trust, Courage, Pride, Anger, Want, Fear, Grief, Hopelessness, Guilt and Misery.

emotional vibration spectrum as a number line

The spectrum of emotional vibrations on this chart includes the following emotional markers for vibrational states from low level vibration to higher levels of vibratory states: Misery – Guilt – Hopelessness – Grief – Fear – Want – Anger – Pride – Courage – Trust – Optimism – Forgiveness – Logic – Love – Joy – Peace – Enlightenment

Each vibratory state will have a tendency to move to a neighboring state, either higher or lower, creating a standard range. The interruption or distraction disrupting your current state could either plummet or ramp up your vibrational state instantly, depending on the situation, circumstance and/or your emotional response to the disruption.

Most of us, when learning about the death of a loved one would instantly sink to the depths of low-level vibrations, while winning the lottery would rapidly send us higher up the vibrational chart.

Each of us maintains a standard range of emotional vibration, though this range may change periodically throughout your life, depending on the stage of your life in time and space and your relationship with the world.

The prudent life traveler on his/her journey seeks to manage his or her vibratory emotional state, with the intent on raising their standard range of vibration up the chart. My standard range varies between 200 and 500, but I am working on living a better life with a tighter range of 400 to 600 or more. It is a process and just like any other skill in this life, learning to manage one’s emotional state and vibration can be learned, though it is highly individual. So, what works for one traveler may not work the same way for someone else on a different journey.

Whether there exists a worldwide conspiracy to cause regular disruptions to your vibrational state is debatable. The fact remains for those who are focussing on raising their vibration, it appears as though any number of circumstances or influences can break a higher vibration, this could include interaction with other people or exposure to negative media reports among an endless supply of negativity surrounding the general populous.

Starting a Business Ideas

Let’s say (just as a simple exercise, not that this has anything to do with you, so no need to take it personal) you suddenly had lost your job in a down economy and after weeks or months looking for work, you were unable to secure gainful employment… What would you do?

You might consider a few ways to make money, when it looks as though there is none to be had, in an effort to survive. You could ponder the idea of engaging in a life of crime, like selling illegal drugs, car jacking, robbing a bank, or other endeavors, like selling your own blood, panhandling or standing on a street corner with a “Will Work for Food” sign, etc…

Some people, like you and me, we pull up our bootstraps and find a way to allow others who have some of this allusive money to feel compelled to bless us with some of theirs in exchange for some product or service. Call it what you want, we’re starting a business.

Oh, that’s easy for you to say, you wrote the book, Business Ideas for Home Based Business. Regardless, it’s not that hard to figure out how to create opportunities for others to give you money (without holding them at gunpoint).

starting a business ideas open for business craigslist

Think about it, you could figure it out when you were young (or you know other youngsters who did). If a kid wants something that costs money, he/she can figure out ways to make it happen (by other methods besides theft), like having a lemonade stand, babysitting, mowing lawns, washing cars or walking dogs.

A stroll by any community bulletin board will give you some ideas. As I stop for gas, a quick review of the bulletin board at the gas station has postings for housekeeping, fire wood for sale, handyman services, landscaping, and other postings with more of a business-like approach, such as auto repair, beauty supplies/services, massage therapy, pet grooming, aromatherapy, tarot card readings and a variety of business opportunities.

Of course, nowadays instead of a bulletin board, you’re more likely to find free postings on Craig’s List. Some of the postings I’ve seen recently include painting services, guitar lessons, yoga classes, educational tutors, web site design, computer virus removal, pet sitting, dog training, wedding photography, catering, pressure washing, laundry services and other odd jobs.

You can see there is little excuse for someone, even with the most remedial skills, can offer assistance to someone else in the community possessing the wherewithal to exchange cash for services.

You have skills – we all have skills – that would offer advantages to others who will pay you for a little help here and there. The more creative and industrious you are, the more you can charge.

I am impressed by the number of entrepreneurs who have started profitable businesses that started on a shoe-string as the result of being hit with hard times. In this manner, a financial shortfall with a little ingenuity could turn into a booming business and set you on a new path of self-sufficiency, business success and eventual prosperity.

Start small and you could build your business into a virtual fortune.

People are waiting for you now, and enthusiastically looking for your posting… So what are you waiting for?







People ask me why I don’t teach hypnosis or promote hypnotherapy very often these days?


The answer is that my life and practice has moved away from brain tricks, like hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to more heart-centered therapeutic modalities. While the mind/brain focus of my ministry has served me and others so well in the past, as my practice continues to evolve, I am realizing the heart is more powerful than the brain.

This has brought the scope of my practice full circle. When I began my work with people, helping them achieve their highest and best, my focus was primarily of a spiritual nature. In my attempt to better assist people in creating demonstrable and dramatic change I branched out into the science of the mind to augment my skill set. Tony Robbins introduced me to NLP and following master-level training, I continued my studies in hypnosis.

These tools were important in creating lasting results in the lives of my clients.

Led by curiosity and thirst for knowledge I continued to expand the tools used in helping my clients, and I began a never-ending journey of accumulating alternate modalities and certifications in therapeutic sciences.

Then, one day, it occurred to me (okay, brace yourself for this one) that everything – all treatment modalities of all kinds – were the same. They all had substance and were effective, while at the same time, they had no substance and were not effective.

It was then, that I concluded that love – not knowledge – was the answer and that the only real power was not the power of the mind (as I had been persuaded to demonstrate effectively and believe) but the heart which is the seat of all life.

This was when I decided to stop struggling for knowledge, and began a personal journey of allowing my own expansion and evolution by being open, peaceful and loving, while allowing anyone else to make their own way in any way that suits them at the time.

A great deal of my practice revolves around business consulting and increasing professional potential in my clients. Imagine the shift in the way I conduct my business affairs now (it’s a hoot, in comparison to days gone by).

I am more effective, now, but my approach is much different, I completely meet my clients where they are and find a vibration where we both can resonate to effectively make the most of our time together.

I find myself attracting a wide variety of individuals all at different places in their life’s journey, all making their own ways using different methods and doing the best they can with what they have. Just like me, only completely dissimilar, and I love it.

What does the future hold? Who knows?

I can’t wait to see what’s coming next!

How about You?

My hope for you, is that you find something that you love to do so much, that you would experience great joy, happiness and fulfillment doing it all the time, and even more: to be paid to do it. (How much better does it get?)

I have the best job in the world (which is really like no job at all) because I would do the work that I do with others without remuneration. That’s right. If I had all the money in the world and never had to work another day in my life, I would still be committed to and loving my supportive family, while helping people achieve their highest and best. I could only hope to be enthusiastically enjoying doing this work with my outstanding family, friends and the community at large, as I draw my last breath.

To me, this is my life’s mission. It is who I am. While through the course of my life this mission has taken a variety of forms, it has always been the same and I suspect will always remain (though I remain open)…

And ever-growing and expanding…

Vive la Evolution

Oh, yeah, about hypnosis: It’s life as we know it. Everything is hypnosis.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

You have a unique superpower, a gift or ability of value and importance to benefit the community or the world. It is an innate ability, gift or talent you were born with – so from your own perspective – it may not seem as though it is any ability at all, because it is simply part of the person you are and you accept it as a personality trait or flaw. That is, if you recognize it at all, due to suppression of your special powers early on, in your youth.

For those of us in the ministry of empowering people and helping them to recognize and embrace their unique abilities, it is not that dissimilar to the work of Xavier (Professor X) founder of the X-Men, as he seeks out mutants who possess unnatural abilities. For those who possess the abilities, in most cases they are perceived as a disability, they believe they are unworthy or are too timid and/or shy to be of any value to others. With Xavier’s coaching they discover what they had thought was a personal curse, was actually a super-power, if embraced and mastered. The comic book premise is not far from the truth.

Whether you thank Voltaire or Spider-man’s Uncle Ben for the phrase

with great power comes great responsibility spider man super powers abilities voltaire quote

With great power comes great responsibility

the fact remains that those who possess a particular superpower and wield it with power and authority, have an obligation to use their abilities for good and not evil. At the very least acknowledging and accepting the Hippocratic Oath’s tenet, “to do no harm,” is an honorable forbearance. Enough to give one pause before deploying your power in a way that may have a negative effect later or on someone else. Though, this cannot always be guaranteed that no one will ever be harmed, for that is a matter of perspective, but at least to be vigilantly respectful and cognoscente prior to executing your ability would be virtuous.

This caveat (and/or cause for pause) should preempt any use of power or force, from parenting to social interactions and from education to law enforcement, especially in acts of violence and war.

Sometimes, a well-pondered playing out of possible outcomes using your power of imagination, can help you come to a logical conclusion as to whether this is the right time, place and circumstance to use your special power in full force. You might conclude using only a small sample of your ability sufficient in the moment, or not using it may be your best contribution for the greater good.

The idea of considering what is in the best interest of the greater good is of paramount importance when exercising one’s innate powers and abilities. It’s as if you as the fully empowered superhero must act from a place of humility and possess a servant’s heart for maximum effectiveness and maintenance of potential damage control, always weighing the effects of your actions on others and the world at large.

It’s easy to understand why superheroes have the need to use an alter ego or alternative personality to blend in while navigating the world of everyday life, then don a costume when exercising their abilities in full force.

In fact, many of us tend to suit-up so-to-speak to exercise our superpowers in public, though many of us can conduct our contributions for the most part in private or secrecy.

Do you exercise your superpowers responsibly?

Burning Bridges

Sometimes, in relationships (business, personal or otherwise) it is necessary to burn the bridge that connects one person with another, so that there is little or no possibility of crossing over it again. Such is the case of those engaged in an abusive relationship or in the event that you are entangled with a psychopath.

burning bridges mending fences relationships bridge burning

In my work with individuals making their way through this life it is not uncommon for me to work with someone harboring deep regrets about a bridge-burning episode in life that was fueled by a temporary emotional state. Though the emotional state was temporary (and appeared more significant, even emergent, at the time) the resulting bridge destruction was permanent.

Many people in their last moments tell stories about their regrets about bridges burned beyond repair in their lives, the result of their own incendiary devices, that if ever given the opportunity of a do-over, they would have done it differently.

Working with people who are on their individual path of personal or spiritual growth, occasionally the subject of severed relationships – relationships dissolved with a life sentence and no possibility of parole – surface in the form of regret.

In doing the work of achieving one’s highest and best, you never know who can be an asset to your growth or potential, the idea is to retain as many options in your life as possible. Think about the options in your life being represented as a deck of cards; shuffle the deck and you have 52 options. Now, shuffle the deck again, only this time pick a card – any card – and burn it. No problem, now you have 51 options. Repeat the process another 50 times and now you’re down to your last card.

You no longer have the ability to shuffle or burn a card and you are left alone with no options.

People are the conduit connecting the events and opportunities traversing throughout our life. Making a habit of irrevocably severing connections with other people is counter-productive to say the least, because it limits your opportunities exponentially. When you burn a bridge between you and another person, it is likely to be noticed or affect someone else.

Do you think successful people with integrity are in the habit of burning bridges? Only if it is absolutely necessary and no other way can be found to circumvent the severance. Even so, care is taken to minimize the damages or potential extenuating ramifications. They painstakingly attempt to preserve and retain all the cards they have.

Yet, not all of us can conjure up the necessary fortitude to conduct all of our relationships with this level of social prowess, especially when emotions have the better of us. In the immediacy of the moment – feeling as though there is no other option but to fight or flee – burning the bridge seems like the best option at the time, in an effort to preserve one’s self. It’s as if, in that moment, you felt as though your life depended on the permanent separation.

With a few cards burned from your deck, you can still likely survive, but if you continue to burn cards the community at large sees this and begins to further reduce the number of opportunities otherwise available to you. The universe also matches your opportunities based on how you manage your cards.

If you’re in the habit of saying (or thinking), “I’d rather be alone than…” Don’t be surprised if you are rewarded with more alone time, or less quality time with others.

Mending Fences

On the bright side, bridges are rarely FUBAR (beyond repair). A little fence-mending can go a long way as you continue your life’s journey. Though waiting for the other party to initiate the reconstruction is ill-advised. Remember, the universe is watching you and rewards you with what you give.

If you are more likely to reach out in forgiveness and not alienate others (unless it’s absolutely necessary) then you can expect to receive more of the same.

Your future will be brighter, satisfying and you will enjoy more happiness, without the remorse that comes with extricating others.

Build a bridge

It can be as easy as saying, “How’s it going?” This may be enough to bridge the gap. It needn’t be a full on apology, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking,” or, “I was just overwhelmed at the moment,” and, “not thinking straight,” or any combination thereof. But you might offer up such a response if challenged with, “I thought you hated me.”

But in most cases, people are pretty much open and forgiving to others but we tend to make things more complicated in our mind’s eye than is so in reality.

A little humility goes a long way, plus it puts you back in the driver’s seat as you increase your opportunities and take back the power of your own heroism.

Power of Complaining

Ever know someone who appears to be constantly complaining about everything, the state of the world, being surrounded by evil or stupid people, and of course their constantly being victimized?

A pessimistic chronic complainer, like that, might be off-putting, especially to the optimist. The optimist might see the individual fueled by constant whining and complaining as an ever present drain on their own personal energy reserves. It can be frustrating maintaining an effective level of communication between individuals on opposite ends of the spectrum.

power of complaining pessimistic whining complaint take action

When team-building, I always like to have a chronic complainer on-board, someone who sees problems everywhere they look, even in the best of circumstances, they will offer up a “what if” that could lead to an outcome of apocalyptic proportions. Some might consider this pessimistic influence a non-constructive waste of time, but I think to assume there is little value in looking at anything from a different perspective as folly.

Those who fail to see the value of the complainer may also fail to see the value in the complaint. For is it not true that

Every technological and sociological advancement is the result of complaining

Of course it is not simply enough to complain, for complaining – and continuing to complain – about something exemplifies powerlessness, but to complain, then as quickly as possible find ways to counteract the issue at hand with a definitive action, this person has evolved as the pessimist activist.

The pessimist activist complains about the state of a thing or circumstance and goes about taking action fueled by their angst in the hopes of having some impact on the situation.

Unlike the optimist who focuses on the happy, joyful outcome of a particular situation or circumstance from an, “if only” perspective, the pessimist approaches the same conundrum from the, “what if,” perspective and the pessimist activist takes action based on their desire to prevent a worst case scenario.

And both of them are right

There is not one that is more right than the other, it is what it is, and the teaming of these individuals in a yin/yang approach to tackling any obstacle, problem-solving or visionary project is priceless.

As for the complainer who refuses to take action, they tend to find themselves depleting their own energy reserves and often find themselves battling depression and persistent health concerns. But it doesn’t take much to counteract the effects of complaining by (as quickly as possible) integrating some level of activity to augment the otherwise negative outlook.

For instance, if one asserts, “There is no happiness in my life,” taking the action of creating a little happiness based on the complaint and – voila – you’re on your way to empowering your power of complaining. An example might be to go to a comedy show, call or visit a young relative who looks up to you, take your dog for a walk, buy a new outfit (or shoes), take a hike or walk on the beach… or whatever makes you feel happy. To not do so, only creates a sense of helplessness.

If you’re particularly focused on some other person’s lack of intelligence or propensity for causing dangerous circumstances, taking action on your complaint is better than not doing anything. You could offer a productivity tool as a gift, file a formal complaint or study to teach a class or write a report/book that might be helpful for others dealing with similar people.

If you feel an urge to constantly complain about the state of the world, then exchange your, “what if,” which normally leads to a worst case conclusion, to “what if I could do something about it?” And the something you could do need not be of worldwide significance to have an impact. You could simply post your observation(s) on social media, call into a talk radio program or write a letter to the editor. Your action (though minute in comparison to your concern) may be helpful in making others aware of the potential disaster and may help the idea reach critical mass, which always has – and always will – lead to change.

I extend my sincere gratitude for all the empowered complainers who help to make the world a better place.

Keep complaining

(and do something about it)