Personal Development Quantum and Spirit Science

There’s a certain type of individual who is attracted to personal development. That is to say, they are concerned about who they are, how they interface with the world, how to make the world a better place, and become the highest and best version of themselves while doing it.

They find themselves less concerned with the distractions of this world and more concerned with attempting to discover what is real. They are becoming increasingly aware that something is more real than the material world, which we previously interpreted as real.

While the material world is definitely experienced in 3D through our senses and cognitive interpretation, there are even more dimensions around us that we are unable to understand or experience with our rational mind. A small but growing part of our planet is reaching out to connect with these realms in various ways.

It starts when one realizes that there is more to this world combined with an elevated sense of self, as in feeling as though there is some purpose to being here, that we as individuals are summoned to this planet for a reason. As you begin to have a sense of personal mission and purpose, your self-confidence begins to expand, and you find yourself more acquainted with positive thinking and a reluctance to enjoy the lower vibration of negativity.

You might begin rationalizing the quandary between the conscious and subconscious minds while creating a safe space to focus on your personal development. As you try to make a safe space to conduct your research, you will find yourself less attracted to drama and unhealthy relationships as you focus more on your personal growth and self-development.

personal development quantum spirit science expansion of consciousness

Deciding to embark on this journey (which is highly personal and does not seek validation from mass consciousness) imbues you with a unique form of self-empowerment and responsibility as you create your own path to individual self-improvement.

Some investigate with the power of mind via scientific models led by quantum physicists exploring quantum mechanics and quantum theory (the Pandora’s Box of quantum science), while others are seeking to explore from within via a more heart-centered spiritual approach. These two separate camps are unraveling the secrets of the universe using different methods, yet their conclusions have striking similarities.

It requires a relative disconnection from mass popular thought to reposition one’s thought process in a way that is open to possibilities that may exist beyond the confines of science, technology, philosophy, religion, or beliefs for those engaged in this investigative journey to approach those ideas, concepts, and matters unrecognized in our everyday world.

While quantum physicists struggle with the traditional scientific method, spiritual researchers also can be found working against peers ready to “save them” from their spiritual pursuits as they engage in fringe parapsychology and likely dipping their toes in the water of the law of attraction. At the same time, they begin to question everything we know.

Both the advancing scientific and spiritual communities making the quantum leap are asking the question:

“What if everything we know is wrong?”

Blazing a trail that may not have existed before can be confusing. Thankfully, we are not on this journey alone. There are those who have gone before and have some previous work, which we can springboard to more heightened levels of experiential knowledge. Any time each one of us advances in our research and development, someone, somewhere, is also moving in the same direction.

It’s as if a global consciousness is being shared among the global community. While yet in its infancy, as our numbers may be minuscule, we are growing together. As this growth continues to expand, it is having a profound effect on the world at large.

Seekers of these leading-edge technologies and seekers of truths that supersede previously known or accepted thought lead to more of a spiritual awakening, as researchers are expanding in spiritual growth and scientists are redirecting their laboratories to incorporate spirit science and conducting experiments which can only take place from a position of spiritual enlightenment.

The world as we know it is changing.

Are you a part of the change?

Intuitive Intuition

Along the journey of my life and my desire to learn and grow while exercising my life’s calling of helping others achieve their highest and best I spend a lot of time introspectively examining what is inside me and ways that I can expand my skills and capabilities, not only for myself, but to maximize my offerings to others.

Early on, I recognized my lack of intuition. Having knowledge of this led me to conclude that this valuable skill was not only important but necessary. When assembling teams, I always sought someone to be a key player who was highly intuitive. Another thing that occurred to me was that either you were born to be intuitive, or not, and that it was a skill that you could acquaint yourself with. So, my personal growth regimen included education, tactics and skills related to bridging the gap between my not being born intuitive and desiring the benefits of having intuition.

My early attempts to attain a greater sense of intuition led me to advanced training in hypnosis and Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) along with other disciplines. That was then.

It time, and with advances in scientific knowledge and technology, it became common knowledge we are all born with intuition, but in most of us, our intuitive abilities are ignored or suppressed early in life.

Now I realize my attempts to address the subject of intuitive intuition by relying on my power of mind were in vain. Certainly I learned a lot about myself and others, yet my level of intuition was not affected much with all my attempts to take a rational approach exercising mind control and brain power.

intuitive intuition heart 7 seconds mind 3 seconds precognitive intuition

Current scientific knowledge reveals that the seat of intuition does not reside in the brain or the mind, but in the heart. The heart has an independent mind of its own, and intuition is initiated from electrical impulses from the heart that are delivered to the brain (4 seconds later) for the mind to discern (taking an additional 3 seconds). So, it’s a one-two punch, where I had ignored the first – and most important – part of the process. (To tell the truth, to think about “thinking” with the heart sounded weak or at least ill-advised to me back in the day.)

Are you like me?

Do You Want Intuitive Intuition?

Finally, we have enough information to ascertain better methods of turning up the volume on our intuitive skills and abilities.

I am now in search of a more heart-centered approach to strengthen my intuitive muscle, now that I know where to focus my attention: Away from my head and toward my heart, where intuition is first alerted.

The normal process for someone who has a naturally high functioning intuition takes 7 second from the first impulse initiated by the heart to cognitive recognition. The heart knows something is going to happen, even before there is any indication that something’s amiss, it reacts a full 4 seconds prior to the brain.

You may say it’s impossible to know the future, but intuitive people know something’s going to happen before it happens more often than not. If you don’t believe me just ask someone who was born with high functioning intuition. Chances are you already know someone, if you’re not one.

So, here I go, off on another tangent in my self-improvement regimen to develop my psychic powers…


Digital Relationship Questions

In this day and age, getting into a romantic relationship with someone has a whole new set of quandaries thanks to our affair with the digital age. In some ways our relationship with digital media supersedes our relationship with other human beings.

Let’s face it, especially if we’re dating, there is an ebb and flow, leading to more on than off or off altogether. While your perspective mate may have left… your digital device and social media will remain.

digital romance social media and relationships romantic relationship technology boundaries


So, it’s prudent to consider how your digital relationship will interface with your other human relationships, and it may be important to know what your digital boundaries are prior to engaging in a relationship with someone else and clearly communicating them early on.

Digital Boundaries in Relationships

To establish your digital boundaries, you need to find out where you are when it comes to where you feel comfortable – or uncomfortable – with what you share digitally.

Questions regarding your digital romance to consider in respect to your current romantic interest might be

Social Media

Do I want him to monitor my social media?
Am I okay with him posting on my wall?
How do I feel about him tagging me?
Is it okay for him to befriend my social media friends?
Should we post details about our relationship online?
Am I ready to change my relationship status?

Cell Phone

What is appropriate text frequency?
How soon do I expect a response when I text?
Is it appropriate to send (or expect) risqué photos of each other (sexting)?
What are the appropriate times for talking or facing via cell phone?
And what is a comfortable length of time for digital communication?


Do we share each other’s cell phones, computers or other digital devices?
Do we exchange passwords to personal devices, email, social media, etc…?

Knowing the answers to these and other questions is the starting point for you setting your digital relationship boundaries.

Discuss and Come to an Agreement

As you establish your relationship (or as soon as possible, if your relationship is already progressing) have a conversation about your digital expectations in your relationship to establish healthy boundaries. Make certain that each of you understand each other’s expectations and agree to honor them before going forward.

Defend Your Boundaries

Just like any other social boundaries, they are your personal space and you must insist on having your space (even if it’s virtual) respected. Your digital space may be more important than your physical space, for if you were victim to physical abuse the bruises wounds and scars would heal over time, while what happens in cyberspace stays in cyberspace. That is to say – even the best efforts to erase something online are often fruitless, as – nearly anything that has found its way online may be retrieved.

Allow Change

The way that you feel about your partner’s digital interface can change over time. Nothing is set in stone, here. Stay open and honest about how you’re feeling and be open about how you feel about your digital concerns. Revisit your digital agreement and modify it as necessary at any time.

Integrity Intuition Imagination

Key components that Holistic Entrepreneurs share (among other attributes) are integrity, intuition and imagination. Emerging amidst this evolution in the business world are entrepreneurs and business professionals who see their professions as so much more than just cash flow, or as a source of revenue.

integrity intuition imagination heart centered business holistic entrepreneurs


First off, these businesspeople have integrity – a sense of doing the right thing even if no one’s watching, keeping their word and seeking to do no harm – while engaged in either their private or business practices. They always seek to arrive at win/win solutions and are more likely to negotiate and compromise for the greater good.

Their professional interested stem from the base resonance of their heart, giving them a sense of fulfilling their life’s purpose while contributing to the community at large in an effort to make the world a better place for this and future generations.

They feel as though their business activities are a result of accepting their life’s mission, embracing their “calling” and finding ways to deliver their personal “message” (also a part of their life’s mission). This congruency of vibration among the areas of living their intended purpose (or reason for coming to our planet) while striving to find ways to stay on-track with their mission while delivering their unique “message,” offers them a great deal of satisfaction.

Staying on the high road of an integrous lifestyle increases efficiency tremendously, while increasing energy, joy and a better life (‘ere it is unlikely you will find an authentic, integrous Holistic Entrepreneur suffering from depression or burnout from their professional endeavors).


Intuition is the Holy Grail of the Holistic Entrepreneur, as they operate from a more heart-centered position (as opposed to purely logical focused on the analytical/money hungry position). Instead of making professional or business decisions placed purely on statistics or science, the Holistic Entrepreneur might be inclined to turn his or her attention inward, checking with his/her heart, while asking themselves

How does this make me feel?

Feelings are their inner guidance system, assisting their navigation, helping them chart the course of their life’s mission, while attempting to avoid distractions or being thrown off-course. For some, intuition coherence comes naturally, for others it must be birthed and exercised for their ability to intuitively discern or identify and communicate with their inner guidance system.

The downside is that unless you’ve surrounded yourself with like-minded Holistic Entrepreneurs who appreciate such things, “Intuition” may be perceived by support staff as being unfounded, unrealistic falderal, dismissing it as nonsensical.


A high-functioning imagination is the Holistic Entrepreneur’s secret superpower, enabling them to see outside the box, have an increased ability to problem-solve or see most anything from other perspectives.

Imagination circumvents years of research and development, great costs and loss of valuable time in our fast-paced get-it-now world.

Visualizing a particular outcome fueled by the power of an empowered imagination increases the potential of a positive outcome exponentially.

Many see imagination as a child-like tool, wielded by immature fools who fantasize for no good reason; for how could you trust someone who lives in a fantasy world? They persist in this perspective of complete denial, even though many of our greatest advancements on this planet are the result of exercising the skillful use of one’s imagination (which is discounted as “luck,” because “even a broken clock is right twice a day,” or some other common dismissal).

Haters Gonna Hate

Whenever you reach out to do good in the world, expect a backlash from ignorant people who just don’t get it. Not only do they not get it, but they have declared war against you and everything that you stand for, and they will stop at nothing (while hiding behind the Internet) to try to embarrass, defame and humiliate you via the World Wide Web.

haters gonna hate cyber bullying sadistic internet trolls

The first thing to remember is that these people are not innately evil in any way. For the most part, they are lonely and pathetic people with little to live for, who have likely been abused or otherwise victimized in their pasts. Lashing out to authentic, heart-centered people promoting a better life are easy prey, and belittling them, in some way makes them feel a little better (or a little less bad).

So, try not to take the cyberbullying personal, when you’ve shared something intimately from your heart, then get viciously attacked by an Internet troll (hater) who does his best to hurt your feelings and break your spirit.

How to Deal with Haters

So, what to do when you’re attacked via social media?

The best course of action is nothing. That’s right, just ignoring it is the best course of action when dealing with haters. Do not respond or try to defend yourself because that just adds fuel to the fire. Just accept it for what it is. A victimized person, who is hurting inside, who can think of nothing better to cope with their pain than to victimize someone else, and using a somewhat anonymous vehicle, like the Internet, is a perfect way for them to strike out, without much risk.

Then there are the people who care about you and know that your inattentions were pure and resonate with your point of view. Your supporters might rally against the cyberbullying, in an attempt to vindicate your good name.

It Could Be Worse

I know, I thought the same thing. A few years ago, when I was viciously attacked via social media online by a psychopath rallying sadistic Internet trolls to join in slinging hate and discord about me, some other social media users were influenced to join in on attacking me, because I had been targeted as an evil person.

Immediately, my friends began to defend me and respond to the insensitive posting of the haters. Even though my energy was greatly depleted (the attacks ensued due to the loss of my son in Afghanistan) I tried to quickly respond (privately if I could) to beg them not to respond, because just as I had expected the controversy began to turn into a full-on battle.

As people stopped defending me, the Internet trolls and cyberbullies went away looking for other prey to post inflammatory comments about, for there is no satisfaction for them in attacking someone who will not result in someone expressing their being hurt, upset or becoming argumentative. This left the psychopath to remain alone as the only person left standing who continued to try to defame me.

Apologies and support started to come my way, after a while, from people who had been misled by the psychopath and his temporary herd of minions, after they had discovered the truth of the matter and realizing that they had been duped.

Follow Your Heart

Speak your peace, share your heart and let nothing dissuade you from sharing your innermost desires for goodness, love, and hope for a better, brighter world.

Do not defend, or strike back, just let it go, let it be and it will fade away or find somewhere else to go. No need to judge, criticize or poke fun at the haters, because their situation is probably worse than you can imagine.

Just be aware that there are people out there who are hurting, and while it’s true that “Haters are gonna hate,” realize they, too, are doing the best they can with what they have.

Your true friends and followers will respect your integrity by seeing you continue to smile and wave through the positive responses and the bad.

Let it go, don’t let it get to you… Keep singing your song.

Remembering Aaron on the 4th of July

It was on Independence Day, seven years ago, when we received that fatal knock on the door. On the 4th of July, there stood a Sergeant and Chaplain in full dress uniforms on our front porch, with sad news about our 20-year-old son’s being killed in an attack, early that morning in Paktika, Afghanistan.

PFC Aaron Eli Fairbairn 20 Aberdeen Washington Died July 4 2009 Paktika Afghanistan

Though our family could not survive the loss of young Aaron, the memory of his heroism lives on, as having served our country honorably, while surrendering his all by answering the call.

Jeff EJ Jaycie Tabitha saying goodbye to Aaron Eli Fairbairn RIP

The 4th of July used to be the most joyful celebration for our family, and now it has turned into that pivotal day honoring Aaron’s sacrifice (as well as all the sacrifices, great and small) of all who participated in ensuring we can celebrate this weekend.

PFC Aaron E Fairbairn carried to his final resting place flag casket

Enthusiastically enjoy this weekend’s events, and if you care to, take a moment to give a nod to all who have made this possible.

I honor all who have helped make our American Independence Day what it is today.

See also: Aaron Fairbairn


Walk Away Let It Go

When involved in any kind of relationship with another person, whether in a friendship, romantic, familial, work or business relationship, you may find yourself wondering if it’s time for

Letting go of someone you love

let it go walk away tough love letting go of someone you love stupid things know when to walk away

You may find yourself unequally yoked with someone who is not a positive influence on your life. Their lives may be filled with drama and they may be somewhat self-destructive. Because you love and care for this person, you may find yourself expending a great deal of your personal resources redirected to this person more often than not.

Once you realize that someone is draining you, as you have a decreasing volume of inner strength and/or other resources (or even nothing left, if it’s already gone on far too long) for yourself, you begin to wonder if it’s time to walk away from this person, enough for you to garner some strength of your own without accusation, judgment or ridicule – because you know everyone is doing the best they can with what they have – in an effort to just let it go.

Care Too Much

The more emotionally tethered you are to this individual; the harder it may be to sever the cords that bind you so rigidly. Why? Because you care. It’s why you’re in this situation, now, and while it’s good to care, it may be self-destructive of you to care too much. What is caring too much? When

You care about the other person more than they care about themselves

We All Do Stupid Things

Understanding we all are emotional beings, we all realize that we all occasionally find ourselves saying something stupid (inappropriate or at the wrong time and/or place) or doing stupid things when we’re not fully our most conscious. This allows us to engage our empathy when we see someone else struggling and feel sorry for them or want to help them get back on their feet. At what cost?

You can help someone, but you cannot help someone who does not respect your assistance, and will not pick up the ball, accept responsibility for their own life, and live their life in a better way on their own. You cannot be expected to be someone else’s everything. You must love them enough to let them find their own way, even if it means letting them stumble, fall, self-destruct and hit rock bottom, if that’s what it takes.

Know when to walk away

Take a personal power inventory. Rate yourself from 1-to-10 on your personal balance of these:

Happiness, Joy, Contentment, Personal satisfaction, Exercising good judgment, Enjoying activities and/or hobbies, Spending time with others whose company makes you feel good or better, Feeling good about yourself and Enjoying good health.

If your relationship with this person is responsible for depleting your personal accounts in these areas, you know it’s time to walk away.

It’s time to distance yourself from this person if you have more emotional pain resulting from

Depression, fear, despair, rage, guilt, worrying, bitterness, lack of energy, helplessness, unhappiness and frustrations with feeling responsibility for covering up for this person’s actions and life choices.

Other signs you might be better off without this particular person would include their propensity to engage in dishonesty, lack of integrity, making promises they never keep, never compromising, self-sabotage, not following through on commitments, inconsiderate of others (especially you), attract drama and continue to deplete your resources (emotional and/or financial).

It’s time to take the time to let it go and focus on your own emotional well-being.

Tough Love

It’s not that you love them any less. In fact, it takes a much greater love to allow someone to find their own way, even if it means walking through the valley of the shadow of death. It’s not easy to watch someone you care about experience the trauma and repercussions of their own decision-making and having to suffer the consequences without being compelled to help relieve some of their discomfort.

Tough love means I love you enough to care, even share in your emotional pain, and enough to let you go through this on your own. I love you. I believe in you and that you have everything you need to have everything you want, to make all your dreams come true, if you choose to embrace your dreams and to whatever is necessary for you to get to where you want to be.

And they call it tough love because it not easy to do. It may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it’s the best thing you could ever do for you and that person for whom you care so dearly. And the people whom you’ve empowered to take responsibility for their own lives, they won’t like it either. They have become dependent on you, but now it’s their time to shine and make their own way. It will be difficult but it will be worth it.

God bless you in all that you do

See also: Toxic Relationships

June Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of June, here’s a quick screen shot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

perception purpose prosperity empower attraction lightning strikes awakeningPerception + Purpose = Prosperity polarization enitlement victim mentality you don t know me tolerance intolerancePolarization and Entitlement confused subliminal messages mind control subliminal advertising subconscious mindConfused? Subliminal Mind Control
My own worst enemy self sabotage vs positive thinkingMy Own Worst Enemy why do people commit suicide depression suicide suicidal thoughts commit suicide why do people kill themselvesWhy Do People Commit Suicide? spiritual awakening god holy spirit spiritual gifts spirit science enlightenmentSpiritual Awakening
The Secret law of attraction rhonda byrne positive psychology self improvementLaw of Attraction Positive Psychology dangers of social mediaDangers of Social Media dysfunctional family children and family marriage divorce social services abusive relationshipDysfunctional Family
anxiety depression agoraphobia ptsd ocd panic attackAnxiety Depression Fear enter the counter leader growing underground enlightenment love peaceEnter the Counter Leader You are human evolution in action sui generis dnaReprogramming Your Own DNA
Make money doing what you love i get money doing what i loveMake Money Doing What You Love life sucks or not your choiceLife Sucks serving target market customer avatar laser focus advertisingWho Do You Serve?
unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became realUnbelievable Truths What is love if true love dies romantic love signs your marriage is overWhat is Love If True Love Dies? We interrupt this program emergency broadcast system distraction law of attractionWe Interrupt This Program
I say yes to my highest and best inclusive law of attraction exclusive decision makingSaying Yes to your highest and best disappointment stop the drama find the treasure look for something betterDealing with Disappointment my life meaning of life purpose driven life how to change your lifeMeaning of Life
dating over 40 how to find a good man you attract what you areDating Over 40 soul mate relationship truth soulmate broken heart lonely awakenings the truthRelationship Truth and the Soulmate List It might be late but the best is yet to comeBroken 50 Years Old and Alone
Unworthy Self Doubt BreakthroughUnworthy Self Doubt Breakthrough actual non photoshopped picture of levitating man on public streetThings Aren’t Always What They Seem let it be mindset no need to engage in negativityLet It Be
deer crossingDeer Crossing The right kind of life coach counselor therapist consultant for youThe Right Coach for You Awakening there is more to this life than this purpose message mission meaningAwakening There is More to This Life

June 2016 perception purpose prosperity polarization entitlement subliminal mind control spiritual awakening


Perception + Purpose = Prosperity

A simple equation: Perception + Purpose = Prosperity.

At the risk of being over-simplified (though I like to reduce everything to its simplest form) the idea of taking a complicated, broad concept, like the law of attraction and to reduce it down to a basic three-step formula, was an idea that piqued my interest.

In my work as a consultant and coach, I often find myself dealing with these three components: perception, purpose and prosperity and an quite impressed as I realize how connected they always appear to be, so reducing them to this simple formula, seemed a natural.

perception purpose prosperity empower attraction lightning strikes awakening


This is where one must start. This is what separates my clients from the clients of other coaches or consultants. The people that I work with already have had a major shift in their perception (how one sees the world or one’s self in the world) already, or they have reached a point in their life’s journey where they are beginning the process of changing their perception of life and their pursuit of happiness and fulfillment on planet earth.

As your perceptions begins to shift you will be able to see things as they really are in the world and beyond, realizing that everything is energy… and that you – the real empowered you – can access all energies as your outdated programming begins to dissolve and fade away, you see the things you previously believed about your world, yourself and your limitations were not true.

Self perception

Changing how you see yourself and how you are related to and interact with the rest of the world is an important step in the process. When it occurs to you (and this occurrence of consciousness is on a rapid incline) that you are not just a worker bee, but a divine being who is beginning to lack congruency with the way society and the media would like you to perceive yourself, your awakening has sparked.

As your awareness grows and permeates your being and thought processes, you realize that there is more to this life and you know that you were meant for something more… and so much more than you could have previously even imagined is waiting for you on the other side of this equation.

There is no guidebook and there are no rules in changing your perception, as everyone’s perspective in individually unique. What is important is that you start to question social mores and blaze your own trail with one caveat: Be discrete about your shift in perception. Not everyone will be comfortable with the change that is taking place within you, so try to keep it to yourself. This is a private affair.

Maybe seek a coach, or therapist versed in this target area to encourage your personal growth and path to enlightenment, otherwise do not encourage others to jump on board, because where you are going – though it is the next step in our evolution – is not encouraged by the powers that be, nor the society they control.


The next step (or this could have been the first step, there are no hard and fast rules, here) is to find your sense of purpose. I believe every person that comes to this planet has a specific purpose and/or mission – a reason for being – that left squelched leaves one having a sense of dissatisfaction, or a feeling of emptiness. My clients either already have a strong sense of what their purpose in life is, or they are just coming to realize that it’s time to match their life, including not only what they do but how they live, is precisely aligned with their purpose.

Again, even though we all come here with a purpose, the knowledge of it is suppressed by elitists and outside forces in an effort to keep us from evolving (for our own good?).

Once the spark of perception lights the fire of purpose, the resulting blaze (you determine the quantity and pace to stoke the fire – there is no right way [or wrong way] to do this. You go at the pace that is just right for you – fuels barn-burning prosperity.

Brace yourself…


Call it prosperity, abundance, dream catching, being rich and able to bless others and the world with the fruits of your faithfulness, whatever you call it, it has always been here for you, waiting for you.

Once you change your perspective, you can live your life on purpose and enjoy all this life has to offer you – not only from a financial perspective, but also – in love, happiness, good health, quality of life and increased longevity.

Be aware that the P+P=P process is ongoing, constant and never ending. Once you’ve engaged in the process, you will never have a desire to live a life that does not empower you to live out your highest and best. There is virtually no limit to the rewards of allowing yourself to evolve and continue to grow.