Live Love and Shine Your Light

Live, love and do good

In this life, there is little more meaningful and everlasting than living a love-filled life and leaving something good behind.


Ever wonder what you will be known for after you have completed this life’s journey? At the very least, I would like to think, if within the scope of my life I was able to help one person grasp the idea of living a better life and sharing that idea with others that even if in this small way, I have helped to make the world a better place.

Just one person who shares the idea with one other person, that’s all it takes. Of course, my intention is to affect more than one person but one person would be enough to justify give my life meaning and value.

Plus, that’s all we can really hope for, if not one person, then maybe one at a time, on the best of days possibly many people might be able to be influenced to embrace their gifts and become a light in a world so dimly lit.

Let your light shine brightly

Let the light of love and truth shine from within and send a powerful beacon of hope to others around you.

Do not be dissuaded by circumstance, feeling as though you are not worthy or due to any lack of support from others because you, your message, your gifts are the light you were given to shine on the world around you.

It is reasonable to think that you are only one person, feeling as though you are a small, singular or inconsequential light all alone. But you are not alone.

The world is filled with other lights, just like you. Even if you feel as though you are alone, you are not. Other lights, similar to yours have been strategically placed throughout the planet. While individually, each light may not be brilliant but when all the lights shine brightly in unison, the resulting light will appear to burn more brightly than the sun.

And in that moment the world transforms into a planet filled with peace and love, for in the light darkness has no power.

Do so without expectation or pride

It’s important to keep your heart and the light which emanates from it as possible. Even if times get rough and it appears as if no one can see your light, the important thing is to keep it lit. Sometimes you might feel as you are the only one who sees it, or might feel like it has gone out but it hasn’t.

While your heart yet beats, it emits a light frequency that permeates the environment which surrounds you. It is felt – though may not be acknowledged – by all life within your proximity. All life and matter responds to your heart’s light of life frequency.

The more you share your love and gifts with others in humility, the more brightly it shines if you expect nothing in return. Share your message, sing your song, exercise your special abilities and do so without expecting thanks, recognition, applause or remuneration and your efforts will be multiplied.

In the end your gifts will be acknowledged

This is the beauty of being able to embrace the idea, “if only in some small way…”

While you may feel as though all your efforts are not recognized or even in vain, keep in mind that you are not the only one. The shining of your light will have contributed to answering the call of a planet yearning for enlightenment’s evolution.

Sharing and shining represent your calling and are key components of your legacy.

If your intentions are pure, your light is combined with all the other lights in the world. While one candle may seem insignificant, while as part of a grouping of 1 million candles can have a profound effect, much like a lighthouse lamp.

You are the light
Shine and shine
Even if only in some small way
And make the world a better place


Are We All in One Big Video Game?

Are we all just game pieces in the virtual reality game called “Life on Planet Earth?”


How fascinating would it be, if you and I could get together, create a galaxy (or hundreds of them), cause a planet to be formed and place a fake moon in it’s orbit? What if we designed and manufacture the planet by experimentation and introducing different elements and components to generate an Eco-system capable of sustaining life?

How interesting would that be?

Next up we experiment by introducing different types of flora and fauna to see what can survive and thrive in the Eco-system which we have developed.

After a while we’ve developed a palette, a background and underlying system to sustain life. This is where the fun begins.

First we drop some animated beings on the planet and see how they fare. They seem to adapt fairly well, but they don’t have much going on. Now that we have a basic structure to work with, we can take them into the lab and create a hybrid that is far more interesting by mixing in a bit of our own DNA, maybe some other components of other types of life that we may have access to for flavor.

What do we come up with? Our own unique design of a person.

Wow! I never had so much fun!

You and I have been so clever in developing these beings, that we’ve built-in all kinds of features, like the ability for them to multiply on their own, and for us to be able to access the life of any of these beings in the first person to share their experiences.

How much fun is that?

And it gets even better…

As this system is both physical and virtual, our sense of time is very different from that of the big video game construct. For instance, a lifetime for them (which lasts approximately 100 years) takes only about 10 minutes in our time, but if we’re playing the game in the first person our sense of time matches theirs. In this way, we can play out 100 years in the game, but have only actually expended about five to ten minutes of real time.

Sure, we had fun when we first started the game, but it was a little boring when it was just you and I playing in the game, but as they multiplied and word got out, we attracted all kinds of folks from all over the place who wanted to play the game.

Of course, we let them log-in and play.

While it has become wildly fun, it has become somewhat problematic, too. Some of the other players are not happy with just playing the game, they want to control it, manipulate it, even cheat, while others (who were not invited or had previously been banned) proceed to hack into the game.

Now what started off as one big video game, that could have been the best video game of all time, has become quite complex and it’s taking a great deal of attention and effort just to try to keep it under control.

All the while, there is an evolutionary process taking place from within the game; the game pieces are becoming more aware.

Certainly, we cannot allow them to see us – or themselves – as we really are, so we must keep them distracted by any means not to consider such a scenario.

There is no doubt, this is becoming the most exciting game ever created.

What happens next?

Elon Musk claims to be one of the awakened, aware game pieces, and he’s not embarrassed about shouting his truth from the rooftops about us all being players in one big video game for the amusement of some other superior race.

Are you an awakening game piece?

Talk to Yourself

Okay, at first blush you’re probably thinking, “Talk to yourself? If I start talking to myself, next thing you know, they’re coming to take me away, ho ho hee hee ha haaa.”

Nothing could be more untrue, notice I said talk to yourself, not with yourself. You need to talk to yourself to reprogram data routines that undermine getting the things that you want in this life. In the coaching business, we refer to this as reciting affirmations, in the religious business, we call this positive prayer.


The key is in properly constructing the affirmation or positive prayer. Certainly, it must be positive. When you tell yourself (or pray about) something negative you are indicating to both your mind and your higher power that you have more lessons to learn. So, you attract more negative circumstances in answer to your words, in an effort to give you enough negative circumstance to realize that negative begets negative and positive begets positive.

If you want your life to move in a more positive direction, you must fuel the engine of your life with all the positive energy you can, and your higher power rewards your positive effort with even more momentum, the more positive you are.

When you’re structuring an affirmation, it should be positive, even if it is rooted in negativity.

For example, let’s say I think life sucks, am annoyed experiencing a low income level and am unable to make ends meet. I might be feeling helpless and hopeless and if I’m of a religious persuasion, I might pray a prayer, like

“Dear God, Why would you let me suffer like this? I’m broke, I’m tired, nothing ever seems to work out for me; it’s like everyone’s out to get me. I don’t see any hope of recovery and I feel so awful because I let down my family and people who believed in me and depended on me. I’m feeling worthless and alone, so very desperate, please save me.”

That is a prayer placing an order with God for an intense degree of frustration and difficulty ahead, which I’m sure you would rather avoid. Plus, the more you pray a negatively-charged prayer, like that, the worse it gets.

When in contrast, if you were to reframe your prayer to be more positive, it might look something, like this

“Dear God. Thank you for all the wonderful things in life that you have given me and the best things that are coming to me now. I am a successful and financially secure person with an unlimited supply of energy and resources thanks to you. Everything always works out for my highest and best and everyone and everything supports me in all that I do. I am wealthy in all things including finances as well as the love and support of family and friends. I am so blessed to have these people in my life. I am worthy leader, powerful and mighty. I have the ability and wherewithal to do whatever is necessary to allow even more prosperity in my life, and give you the glory. Thank you, I love you.”

Don’t just pray that positive prayer once and forget it. If you’re serious about it and serious about seeing the results, do it at least three times a day out loud.

If you’re uncomfortable with the religious references in the aforementioned example, no problem, there is still hope for you. All you have to do is to re-shape your life by using the same process without the religious jargon. So if you’re thinking

“Why do I have to suffer like this? I’m broke, I’m tired, nothing ever seems to work out for me; it’s like everyone’s out to get me. I don’t see any hope of recovery and I feel so awful because I let down my family and people who believed in me and depended on me. I’m feeling worthless and alone, so very desperate.”

Then your reprogramming positive affirmation would look like this

“The best things are coming to me now. I am a successful and financially secure person with an unlimited supply of energy and resources. Everything always works out for my highest and best and everyone and everything supports me in all that I do. I am wealthy in all things including finances as well as the love and support of family and friends. I love having these people in my life. I am worthy leader, powerful and mighty. I have the ability and wherewithal to do whatever is necessary to allow even more prosperity in my life.”

This positive re-framing, is a clear indication that you are nearing the end of this chapter in your life and as it prepares for positive resolution, you are ready to embark on a new journey, moving onto the next level of your life, as you leave these issues behind you.

I’ve seen religious folks have an easier time with embracing the idea of the power of positive prayer because these people are used to hearing stories of how prayers, like this, achieve miraculous results. Yet, non-religious individuals achieve the same results, without the benefit of acknowledging, recognizing or worshiping a deity at all.

It’s as if this concept is universal and available to all who engage in it.

To review the process would be to write down your concerns in their negative format on one piece of paper. On the other piece of paper, write out your positive script.

When posi-scripting keep everything in the first person. Let everything reflect your situation as you desire to be as if it were already so (in the present tense).

Read or recite your positive prayer or affirmation aloud at least three times a day. The more excited and animated your spoken delivery with a happy expression and enthusiasm, the more powerful it becomes. Start looking for things to change in our favor, and they will begin to appear.

Keep refining your affirmations or positive prayers and make way for a new style of living a better life, your best life.

Music and Your Health

You know the effects music has on your emotional state. A particular song can immediately take you back in time, back to a time when life was easier, or worse, depending on the song. Music is a powerful mood enhancer. It has the power to make you happy, sad, moody, depressed, all in a moment.

So the question is,
What kind of music do you listen to?


Did you know the music you listen to not only affects your mental status but also your physical status?

Music is a powerful medium sending waves of energy that not only tantalizes the ears and brain but permeates every cell of the human body. In this regard, music can be used as a potent therapeutic modality, as effective as any drug.

As we know, drugs can soothe, potentially heal or breakdown individual physiological systems. They can enhance ones biological state or cause the end of life altogether.

If you are experiencing a sense of not being well, depressed, lethargic, experiencing physiological pain or bio mechanical deterioration, you might consider looking at the kind of music you are in the habit of listening to.

Be aware that changing the type or style of music you are listening to may not be easy as your body may have a connection to the music which maintains its level of deterioration so much that your physiology is actually dependent on it for survival. It is not unlike being addicted to any other type of powerful drug.

Don’t be surprised to find that you are addicted to particular songs or music, and if you’re contemplating a change, it can be as uncomfortable (or even painful) to embrace a new, more healthy, supportive and healing style of music that can actually create improved and sustained health, wellness and happiness.

Changing the music that you listen to temporarily can have a healing effect on both the mind and body, but just as in other treatment models, once you return to our old habits, eating, lack of exercise, improper nourishment or revert to use of certain drugs, the mind and body begin to their previous state of deterioration.

It’s the old GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) conundrum. You, all your systems including your body, your mind and that part of you which is outside of your comprehension, often referred to as spirit or soul, everything combined can only reflect that which you put into it for nourishment.

If you are feeding yourself with continual helpings of depressing media, it is no surprise that depression begins to permeate your mind sending signals of degeneration throughout the cells of your body, causing inner physiological structures to breakdown or fail.

The same can be said for other states of mind that are experienced by heavy doses of particular types and styles of music.

And this phenomenon is not only limited to music, as it applies to the other media we expose ourselves to, also. The books and periodicals we read, the television programming and movies that we watch, etc…

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not passing judgment or expecting to say that anything is better for you than any other thing. This is entirely up to you, it is an individual consideration. I am not condemning any type or style of media, only suggesting that you might consider pondering the idea that the media to which you expose yourself to may be reflected by your psychological and physiological state of being, particularly if you are not feeling well.

There is an awakening taking place among people who are starting to understand how our bodies reflect what we put in them. We are taking note of the types of foods that we eat, becoming more particular about ingredients and developing a preference for non-GMO-type food substances. We are developing a knowingness that certain foods are not good for us and other more natural nutrients and supplements are good for us and enhance our state of being.

hot-dog-manI would not berate someone for eating a hot dog. In fact, I would defend your right to eat a hot dog, or live on nothing more than hot dogs, if you like.

Yes, I was in line behind the hot-dog-man at the supermarket with a basket full of 56 packs of hot dogs that were on sale. When the cashier asked if he was having a big barbeque party, he went on to discuss how it’s all that he eats for breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks. While it did not seem appealing to me, he was exercising his choice. Bravo (Ugh).

I believe it will not be long, and we – as a global community – will begin to develop a particular taste for a new genre of music that will enhance our state of being, promoting a state of wellbeing, happiness, good health and longevity.

Or not.
What are your thoughts?

Give What You Want

If you really desire something to be ever present in our life, then give it away.


There are many ways to get stuff, as in most areas in life, obtaining physical possession or emotional states includes a wide spectrum of possibilities but basically are obtained either by hoarding or giving.

Hoarding is fear-based promoting lack, and giving is gracious benevolence that promotes abundance.

Which sounds more appealing to you?

Fear or Gratitude


In a fear-based state of mind, the person who is acquiring any given thing, circumstance, state of mind or feeling is doing so from an energetic position of survival, and in a more aggressive campaign for any given thing, survival of the fittest. The extreme is likened to an act of war, where the goal is to conquer the enemy to obtain that which is sought.

In the battlefield of acquisition morality may be compromised in an effort to get what you want. Not unlike war-time. We raise our children not to kill. Later in life, they may find themselves in occupations where they are taught that killing is not only acceptable in certain circumstances, but if they are in a war-time occupation it becomes their job, to kill for their country.

The same is true for fear-based accumulation. To varying degrees (based on the individual) all bets are off. They are likely to do or say anything in an effort to obtain that which they seek. The more desperately they want it, the more desperate the measures they will take to get it.

You might think that this fear-based acquisition might represent only low income individuals. If so, be prepared to wrap your head around the idea that this style of acquisition permeates all income levels from the lowest to the wealthiest people on our planet.

In the fear-based system, the acquisition of that which is sought is not satisfying to the person who obtained it in this manner. While some satisfaction is obtained by getting what they wanted, it doesn’t last long, and they long for something else to get.

I am not offering any judgment on how someone acquires the stuff they want. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, it just is what it is.


Then there are the people who are thankful for anything they receive and give freely with no expectations and they get everything they want in an abundant fashion, while the rest of us look on in utter amazement wondering, “How do they do it?”

They don’t work hard for anything, do not obsess over its absence, just believe they will have it and whatever it is they’re wanting finds its way to them.

They tend to be extremely generous, helping others, giving of themselves in a variety of ways to offer energetic assistance, contribute to the evolution of peace and/or a better world in some way.

Whether they are aware of it or not, they are participating in what we currently refer to as the Law of Attraction. Some people just do it naturally and the rest of us can learn how to live a life like this, although it will take some effort on our part if we are to move from fear-based acquisition to gracious abundance.

Reduced to its simplest form, I see the fear-based acquisition and gracious abundance not as good and bad, but more like the hard way or the easy way. To me it is easier to freely give, love and promote peace, kindness and a better world and enjoying all the things that come my way, than to fuss and fret about not having what I want, scrimping, saving or manipulating people or circumstances (including finances and financing) to get what I want.

If you are in the fear-based mindset, the scrimping, saving, financing sounds much more practical and easier than letting go enough to find joy in allowing what you want to come to you at the perfect time. To you, the concept of giving-and-allowing sounds impractical or ridiculous at first blush.

Think about it

This applies to all things, material things as well as emotional states.

In this respect it is true: you cannot buy love or happiness. Oh, you can achieve that state for a while via any means possible, but it does not satisfy as much as when that which you seek is obtained by giving of it freely, and receiving it in return.

What do you think?

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Ever wonder why do bad things happen to good people?


It seems like the people who would otherwise deserve to have only the best things in life, because if anyone was deserving of it, these people would be, they’re courteous, kind, loving, giving, even self-sacrificing, always more concerned about the greater good.

Yet, sure enough, when the cards of life are dealt, they appear to suffer injustices in spades. Why does it appear like that?

A common response is, “God only gives us what we can handle,” with an underlying supposition, something to the effect of, “So, God must think I am,” (or some other good person is), “stronger than Superman!” As if the hardest of times visits the most powerful and superior candidates.

In the search for truth, one might ask, “Do bad things happen to good people?”

The answer is, “Yes. Bad things happen to good people.” Therefore, it is true, bad things do happen to good people, but as much as this is true, other antithetical truths also prevail. Just as “What goes up must come down,” and, “The quickest route between two point is a straight line,” are both truth, other truths exist that are contrary to those truths also.

That being said, here are some alternative truths to consider in regards to bad things happening to good people:

  • Bad things happen to all people
  • Random things happen, at random times, involving random people
  • Some people attract circumstances unconsciously on purpose
  • Some (bad) things must occur to further a grander purpose, or lead to evolution
  • Bad things are not bad

Bad things happen to all people

Negative circumstances are not respecters of persons. It doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, if you were on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, you dealt with the same circumstance as everyone else on that trip, whether you were a good person or a bad person. This includes random accidents, acts of violence and natural disasters.

Random things happen, at random times, involving random people

The common colloquialism is simply, “Shit Happens.” And indeed it does. Random things happen, that may well be part of some kind of domino or butterfly effect. Nonetheless, where such things intersect with a particular human being, could be a coincidence.

Some people attract circumstances unconsciously on purpose

According to the Law of Attraction, that which you focus on increases. That means, if you intensely focus on being wronged, you are likely to attract more being wronged. In this scenario, good people could (unbeknownst to themselves) attract more bad circumstances by focusing on their being the victim of an injustice.

Some (bad) things must occur to further a grander purpose, or lead to evolution

Sometimes in life, bad things happen to good people who can use their unfortunate experience to have empathy and offer support to others who have suffered a similar wrongness, change a paradigm (either from within themselves or even the community at large), leading to transformation or evolution and making the world a better place.

Bad things are not bad

Then there is the less popular truism, “There are no bad things.” This is the idea that all things – even if their intention was bad or to cause harm – was actually just the opposite. This is where I like to hang my hat because based on my experience all of the things I have experienced that were less than my best, wrong, full of bad intentions or meant for evil (even with the highst degree of malice and forethought) have all actually been the best things in my life.

These were the moments that forced me to change direction radically, which was painful at the time, but has always led me in another direction or furthered my personal revelation or enlightenment.

So, let me ask you
Why do bad things happen to good people?

You Are a Blessing to Me

This life has been so magnificent and I have met so many people along the way. Most all of them have brought something valuable to the table and many of them have taught me the most invaluable lessons.


I must say, while I adore each and every one of you, my favorites have got to be the friends who have been there and have never left me.

I mean, I have had very deep and meaningful relationships which I anticipated lasting forever, yet it lasted for only a limited amount of time. While those individuals have gone on to pursue other lives and lifestyles, I often think of them, wonder how they are doing and send them light and love.

No one knows better than me, that when you are embroiled in a hectic lifestyle in tune with your mission and purpose, there is less time to entertain the people whom I have had the benefit of crossing paths with along the way.

We meet where our paths intersect, exchange niceties, interact, offer each other love or abrasion, kindness or dissension, or the invaluable passing of knowledge and/or enlightenment. Oh, what a life…

It’s weird. I never really stop caring for friends whom I’ve bonded with in the past. Maybe because I have issues deep within – possibly abandonment issues – that spill over into other areas of my life.

For whatever reason, I form these longstanding attachments, even if the other people have moved on.

As I continue to grow, I understand the necessity of others to clear the way and not to be distracted by others, especially those who are on a different path… and my path feels so unique, that I am thoroughly excited and pleased to encounter another human being with similar resonance along the way. Though it is not long when our paths begin to veer off into different directions. And this is how it should be.

There are no accidents in this life. Every person I meet comes into my life with an explicit purpose, and it is up to me to uncover what the purpose each person will play in the overall ongoing performance of my life, which (if I could tell you all the stories, you would agree) has been the most intense experience.

The finely tuned and orchestrated symphony of people moving in and out of our lives along the way helps us to grow, mature and appreciate each and every one of the precious moments, each bearing its own unique gifts.

i-am-so-grateful-to-have-met-so-many-people-here-with-whom-i-resonate-you-have-truly-blessed-me-i-love-youYou might ask, “What if a relationship ends badly?”

It may take a great deal of courage and forgiveness to be able to do the work of seeing the value and love in an otherwise negative experience, but it is so worth it.

I have been guilty of holding a grudge in the past, only later to be able to see the blessings that I was unable to see in the moment, possibly distracted or overcome with a sense of betrayal or loss.


I am so grateful to have met so many people here with whom I resonate. You have truly blessed me. I love you.

Writer’s Block

The bane of every writer is that moment. The moment when you’re looking at a blank computer screen (or other device), the virtual (or physical) blank piece of paper with pen (or other writing instrument) in hand…

And nothing comes.

No flash of light. No bright idea, nothing. It’s as if time stands still, only you clearly hear the clock ticking in the background, otherwise silence. Well, not really silence, because you hear the refrigerator cycling, the rustling of trees in the wind outside and your stomach growling; still nothing.

You quickly type random characters and look for a keyword to launch an idea; nothing. Randomly scribble or doodle on the paper looking for an inspiring mark, again, only the void.


Next anxiety builds. You have made a commitment. You have accepted this responsibility, even if only self-imposed. It’s never as easy as it appears to others and now – in this moment – it is beyond our imagination.

Still nothing and self deprecation begins. Why did I take on this project in the first place? I’m not a writer. A real writer would write and I can’t even seem to do that. Who do I think I am? I’m not worthy. My life is a sham. (A writer who doesn’t write. Really?) Give me a break!

I need a break. That’ll do it. Get up, abandon ship temporarily. Get a coffee. Stop by the bathroom, look in the mirror, recite a litany of cuss words, and maybe even bellow out a frantic scream. Carefully place your oversized cup of coffee on the desk, then throw yourself face-down on the floor and act out a toddler-like tantrum. Get up. Shake it off. Sit down, and, here it comes…



I think about some of the authors I know. We’re cordial, congenial, compassionate and copacetic… and we read each other’s stuff… What stuff? I’m writing a big fat bunch of nothing! Zip! Nada!

Dear God! (oh, yeah, pray…) Why did you let me get into this mess? (oops, I meant, “pray”) Give me an idea, a glimmer of hope, a sign…

(tap, tap, tap…)

I’m waiting…

I knew it! There is no God!

Take that!

If You were there, and You wanted me to believe in You, then for Your sake, gimme a figgin’ break here!

This is all Your fault! You plopped us all down here and let us do all this reading and writing crap, now look where that’s gotten us. Well, me – in particular – right here and now. And you started all this!

It’s You and You’re all (in my best whiny sarcastic voice), “Oh, I’ll just let them loose on this friggin’ planet and let them think and fend for themselves, and sit back and laugh when they can’t think of anything to write.”


Oh, sure laugh it up, All Mighty. I bet this is a hoot. You’re up there texting whoever-it-is You text up there, with all Your: LMFAOs all over the wherever You are.

This whole thing is just one big joke.

Have I lost my mind?

Did I ever have one in the first place?

How’d I get myself into this one?

Somebody give me a friggin’ break!

Okay, you want something? Here you go, take this:


How’d you like it?

What was it?

It was a huge serving of NOTHING.

See how YOU like it.


How do you like it?


(You have got to be kidding me)

Nothing. Really?

Fa crine out loud.

(Raskum saskum low dowl mulhaskum)

Not one friggin’ thing.

That’s it. I’m done.

No, really.

Done. (Somebody, stick a fork in me.)

I don’t even care.

So there, chicken hair.


How to See Things Differently

And Make Them Real

The first step in seeing things differently is to see things differently, to actually purposefully see something differently. You can immediately see something different if you can imagine it being different.

Viewing the three dimensional view from your prospective analyzing the data a rendering a conclusion are all thought processes of the conscious mind, alternatively accessing the imagination harnesses the power of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind which performs logical functions and routines.

It’s like the difference between singing, whistling or humming the melody of your favorite song. You are limited to the capabilities of the physiological capacity of your upper body, which as magnificent as this composite of biological components and characteristics is, is nonetheless limited in comparison to the power of your unconscious mind which can imagine to hear the entire song, all the background instruments, melody, harmonies, all combined, just as though you were actually listening to the recording.


Make It Real

The ability to imagine – or visualize – anything, causes whatever you focus your attention on to become more real.

Imagination is a powerful tool that must be used with care to avoid creating a state of being, circumstances or materialization of that which you do not want.

For instance, if you use your imagination to visualize a positive scenario or circumstance, the positive energy created by your mind, body and inner force field will begin to attract other positive fields in an effort to enable you to see that which you desire in the real world.

On the other hand, if you use the power of your imagination to visualize a negative scenario, the negative energy created from a low level vibration, like fear, will attract and visit you with exactly the outcome you would rather have avoided, or absolutely did not want as a result.

The greatest minds of our time have used their imagination to visualize futuristic – otherwise unimaginable and impossible – systems, processes, products and devices, while we, the buying public enjoy the advancements that all are the result of someone’s vibrant unconscious thought which was first imagined, then was brought to life in the real world for all to behold.

There are several components of successful visualization and manifestation (the realization of that which is imagined in our 3D world). Those who are masterful at both visualization and manifestation combine the number of times that they take time to visualize what they want, with increased supporting data, feeling and exquisite details. And as their imaginary visualization tarries on, they increase its detail, size and see it coming true with all the effects on the person doing the imagining as well as everyone else this visualization could possibly affect when brought to fruition, while increasing the focused time spent visualizing.

This process certainly brings about nearly every major breakthrough, though admittedly, many breakthroughs also occur by accident (this refers to a completely different process), it is the purposeful methodology that we focus on at this time, because you can use it to bring to pass

Your Wildest Dreams and Fantasies


Your Greatest Fears and Disasters

It all depends on how you use this powerful mechanism in your life.

So, if you want to see anything differently, simply do so by visualizing it differently using your imagination. If you really want to make something different do it more often, add more detail and feeling, increase its intensity and do it more often.

Suggestion: If you’re going to utilize this power, keep your focused energies positive.

Everything Has Led to This Moment

What if everything… Everything that has happened in your life, every moment, every accident, and every misstep, wrong turn or mistake… Was precisely and perfectly coordinated and executed in your life at just the time… to bring you to this time and place, right now?

The you that you are, everything. Every lesson you’ve learned, every heartache you’ve felt, every injustice you’ve suffered, every time you felt you were unworthy, self-conscious or doubted you were the person you were called to be, even when you felt like everything was going wrong. All of it, each and every minutest detail orchestrated to create in you all the skill, excellence, sensitive heart filled with compassion, courage, and strength… All alive, fully activated and ready to empower you to emerge triumphant.

This Is You Right Now

There is no doubt about it.

You have lived the most amazing life, have faced and battled your own inner demons, successfully traversed your personal obstacle course, you have looked adversity straight in the eye and not only survived but are so much better for having experienced the process.

You are discovering and exercising your unique skills and abilities, your otherwise hidden superpowers and are perfectly positioned to extract the sweet juices in every moment of this life as you help to make the world a better place.

Although you are recognizable on the outside and people think you’re the same person they have always known, you know you have been completely transformed and are barely resemble the you of yesterday (and this metamorphosis may have occurred to you more than once to get you to where you are today).

You may look like the same person but you are not… awakening, you realize your transformation now and are understanding how everything is connected and perfect.

You are ready to embark on the most important part of your life’s journey to date.


Of course, fear and doubt will begin to overtake you. As those old thought patterns start to emerge, you must push them away, brush them aside as you thank them for trying to protect you but you must remain true to your cause.

Thoughts of inadequacy; yes, you acknowledge your strengths and abilities but feel as though you may not be skilled enough yet… “Maybe I should wait and study or practice more before I engage.”


Do you think you have come all this way not to take action?
Stop second-guessing yourself.


One look over your life, the life you have lived up to this moment in time, and the whole universe concurs,

Your Time is Now

This is the time, this is the place

It all comes to this

You Are the Hero

There are people who are waiting for that heroic part of you to emerge. They are not in need of saving, but they do need to hear your perspective and your story. They are feeling all alone and as if no one could understand what they are going through, and you know better than anyone because you’ve been there. You know there is life on the other side, they need to hear your song in your voice to give them the hope they need to make it one more day.

You are the hero of your story

The world needs you now more than ever

Do something – anything – to move you closer
to engaging full-on.
Take action today.