What Have I Done Today?

The most important question you could ask yourself is, “What Have I Done Today?”

Think about it; if every day you could just make one small step toward your goal, you could be so much closer to your goal. The movement between here and there may not look like much, but if you could just make consecutive small movements in the direction of your goal, how much closer would you get if you made small incremental steps every day, rather than not making movement at all.

So many times, we second guess ourselves, stall or procrastinate only to find that yet another day has passed and we have made no progress toward the prosperity that we long for.

What have you done today to accumulate financial success

We can adequately see the difference between where we are and where we want to be and the chasm seems so far from here to there… yet, if we just made some progress every day, in a week we would be seven (albeit small) steps closer if we make some movement in the right direction every day.

How much closer would you be in a month? In a quarter? In a year?

The only thing that stands between where you are today and where you want to be is you.

How many times have you started on a path toward a goal, and made some progress, only to feel a little less motivated the next day? On that day, you may have not made any progress toward what you desired so much the day before. What happens on the next day?

Is it easier to keep your commitment to yourself to make progress daily?

Or is it easier to relax into what you know?

Is there safety in mediocrity?

If you do not try, then you have nothing to fear… you cannot fail, if you do not do.

It’s so easy just to rest back on your laurels always wishing that things could be different, but this one thing is for certain: If you do not move, you will remain where you are.

Is it uncomfortable to move, or change? Is it hard? Could there be a possibility of failure?

Yes, yes and yes – but if you truly desire to see your life different, you must make – not just an effort – but a commitment to take action – every day and you will see the change.

If there was one thing that was clearly the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person it is simply in the doingness. Doers do.

Sometimes the only difference between doing and not doing is just the simple gentlest nudge into taking that step.

Maybe we felt more motivated yesterday, but today we’re feeling less confident for whatever reason, and it’s easier to just relax. Maybe yesterday it was easier to believe in the possibilities of success, but today, you look around to see yourself surrounded by the status quo. The status quo does not want you to stand out in the crowd embracing all your gifts, qualities and speaking the truth of your calling.

… and today, it’s easier just to blend back in… and so, you blend…

There’s still time. Daily ask yourself, “What Have I Done Today?” This is your litmus test for your traveling toward the greater good.

Celebrate Good Times Come On

Every now and then good stuff happens… and it’s easier to document now, more than ever. Most everyone has a cellphone with a camera built in. I’m still getting adjusted to all this communication technology, where we’re all more connected digitally, thanks to the high-tech gadgets and apps that keep coming out regularly.

Even though my kids live out-of-town, we can keep in contact in real-time and I absolutely love sharing in all the little celebrations, no matter what they are or where they are.

I share in their wins, celebrating with them, and share the celebrations with my friends, like, “there’s a party going on right here…”

celebrate celebration celebrity celebrations celebrate good times

It is so important to celebrate all the things that happen in your life – even if they are small wins – you should celebrate them in a big way.


Because celebrating your wins enthusiastically acts like a happiness magnet. The more you celebrate the good stuff, the more good stuff comes to you.


Thanks to Kool and the Gang for the celebration soundtrack

Celebration Hack

Here’s a hot tip to supercharge your happiness, goodness and life moments worth celebrating:

Celebrate Enormously

If your celebration attracts more celebratory events, it stands to reason (and it’s true) the more enthusiastically you celebrate, the better the events to celebrate that are attracted for you to celebrate.

The benefits of exaggerated celebrating include the increased biochemical release of hormones like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins. It’s the perfect cocktail for a natural high, with the added benefit of attracting even more of the same. Based on your enthusiasm, you can expect even more in both frequency and volume.

I Don’t Feel Like Celebrating

It’s understandable that when you’re feeling blue or under the weather, you may not feel like celebrating much. This is when it’s most important to muster up as much celebratory ambition as possible, because of the whole attraction-thing.

When something good happens worth celebrating, even if it’s not about you (it might be something good that’s happened to someone else, like your friend, child, grandchild, relative or even a celebrity) just the act of sharing someone else’s good fortune helps to release the celebration hormone cocktail. So, brace yourself…

We’re gonna have a good time tonight
Let’s celebrate, it’s all right

Even if you cannot manage to be feeling very happy at the outset, sharing it with someone who has more capacity to embrace someone else’s celebration, helps release more celebration hormones within you, like a happiness virus, it doesn’t take long and you’re feeling much better.

Want even more?

No problem, find someone else to share the same information with, next thing you know you’re a full-on celebration machine!

And as you ramp up all that celebratory enthusiasm, you know what happens next:


Here comes even more stuff to celebrate

Comin’ down the pike

Say, “Goodbye,” to your funk and, “Hello,” to your best life of enthusiastic celebration.

So bring your good times and your laughter too

We gonna celebrate and party with you

See also: Happiness How to be Happy

One Day at a Time

Aren’t we all just trying to get through this life a little better than the day before?

You don’t have to be the most charismatic, influential, famous or rich person on planet earth but just being a little better, doing something – anything – to bring you closer to what you want or make the world a better place… that’s a day worth living in a life well-lived.

one day at a time one breath on step antonio guillem

“One day at a time” is not just a recurring mantra of Alcoholics Anonymous or the (trademarked) television show starring Bonnie Franklin. Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli… No, it is the baseline of each of us traversing our own individual journeys along our own life path.

How you make it through each day is not to be compared to anyone else’s day. Your life is for you, and you alone; this is not a competition.

I will admit, sometimes it’s hard to make it through a day at all. And as I look around surveying my people, the people I’ve known, been fond of or have loved… I can’t help but notice they have all but given up (and some of them have “thrown in the towel” even taken their own lives).

I have been blessed with the most amazing life. I wake up each day wondering

What will happen today?

Mostly, it’s with the anticipation of a child waking up to Christmas morning… though sometimes there are the darkest of mornings when I ask, “What will happen today?” feeling as though my heart cannot beat one more time or it’s too hard to take one more breath… but I do. And one breath leads to the next and the next comes a little easier and I find myself amidst yet another day.

Finding yourself amidst a day contains a challenge. A challenge not just to make it one more day, but to make this day a little better than the day before.

I am so grateful that making a day better than the day before isn’t always about me. Certainly, I am the key player in my life, but making someone else’s day a little better might just be the bright spot in my day. When I feel as though I have nothing left for me, I find blessing in the ability to encourage someone else’s day.

A simple smile, compliment or friendly wave might be all someone needs to encourage them to take one more step, making it closer to achieving one more day.

If I can encourage one person to keep striving to live a better life and to help others reach out to someone else in the same manner… This kind of viral love and compassion – even in the smallest doses – can help to ultimately make the world a better place.

And all it took was to take another breath, take another step and to show a little kindness.

In a world that’s off-the-hook with crazy insanity that can be so overwhelming that who of us has not considered that we might be better off somewhere (anywhere) else?

Yet, in this crazy world

You are the light

If even the smallest light, together we bring even more light to others… and the world.

Not only can you make a difference in this world

You are the difference

“Vive la difference!”

You make life worth living.

Dealing with Betrayal

You’ve put your trust in someone because you’re an honest, open person. The trust that you felt for this person was at such a high level that you let your guard down, possibly were more transparent than you’ve ever been… and now, you’ve been betrayed. Right now, you can even recall a time when you’ve felt so bad like you’ve been punched in the stomach, had your throat slit, been beaten and thrown into a ditch and left for dead.



Betrayal comes in many shapes and sizes, so it’s difficult to discern what to do next, but be aware, when you’ve been stabbed in the back (so to speak) by someone you’ve trusted and you have been betrayed, it is important to get your wits about you, make healthy choices and take appropriate action in an effort to not make things any worse than they are right now.

Friend Betrayal

I was betrayed and I was hurt Im better now stronger than ive ever beenWhen you’ve been betrayed by a friend it cuts deep, especially it was a best friend betrayal, because the closer you are to a person (as in the case of a best friend) the more vulnerable you have been. It’s likely that you’ve shared sensitive information that you entrusted to your best friend and now you’re regretting having opened up so transparently. When your best friend betrays you it’s reasonable to feel a range of emotions including sad, hurt, fear and anger.

When a friend betrays you (any kind of friend) the degree of vulnerability normally adjusts to the relationship’s level of trust accordingly. Your friend could be a co-worker who has regular access to other co-workers and friends complicating things further.

“I can’t believe my friend betrayed me.”

When friends betray you, you can feel as though you need to defend yourself, strike back, flee or withdraw from society altogether. Yet, you should refrain from doing these things, if you can, when you’ve been betrayed by friends.

Family Betrayal

There is no doubt that family betrayal will rock anyone’s world. I mean, if you can’t trust your family who can you trust? Your level of exposure to family members is exponential when compared to friends. Your family knows just about everything about you and could use this information against you.

When family betrays you, hopefully, you have a friend you can trust, or seeking out a coach or counselor to help you keep your head screwed on straight as your family makes you feel as though it’s just you against the world. You need someone in your corner, who can help you empathetically when your family betrays you.

Love and Betrayal

The one person that you have been the most exposed to is your love interest. Your boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, husband or wife knows you more intimately than anyone and when you’ve been betrayed by a lover, if you’ve been truly in love with this person, all your emotions will be maximized.

Little hurts worse than being betrayed by someone you’ve opened up to completely and have shared intimacy with. Your heart feels as though it’s been stabbed and left bleeding out as you ponder, “Why?”

How to Deal with Betrayal

When you’re immersed in the pain of betrayal, it’s difficult to think straight. Here’s a simple exercise that you can perform that will release the pain of being betrayed that will help you to approach the betrayal from a logical perspective:

Penny for Your Thoughts

Once you’ve been able to remove the pain, you will find yourself thinking more clearly.

You can find some peace by not thinking of yourself as a victim and realize that the person who has betrayed your trust and faith is not an evil person. In most cases the one who has betrayed you is a victim of life circumstances which has made him or her strike out at others in this way.

Betrayal leaves wounds and scars that made me strongerYou will find that it is not so much about you, as it is the pent up pain and frustration of an individual suffering from low self-esteem, self-loathing and a life of pain which causes them to act out in this manner.

Get Trust Betrayal on Amazon
Get Trust Betrayal on Amazon

If you’re an empathetic person, as you begin to realize this, you may be inclined to reach out to the person who has betrayed you in an effort to help him or her. This would be ill-advised, as it is not your job to try to fix this person, and it could be very well that this person is not salvageable. Even if he/she were, your attempts are likely to cause you more undeserved pain and loss.

You’re better off avoiding the excess drama and find ways to move on.

You can find more ways to deal with betrayal in my book: Trust Betrayal.

Innocent Prisoner Released After 18 Years

innocent prisoner released after 18 years

149 innocent prisoners who had served an average of 15 years behind prison walls were released last year

Unfortunately, this happens too often to believe it’s an anomaly; innocent men or women are convicted of crimes they did not commit, their lives are ruined as they are plucked from their families and society and imprisoned to rot away… Why? Because someone thought they were an undesirable, someone needed a scapegoat and the accused innocent did not have enough money to adequately defend themselves in court.

Thankfully it doesn’t happen every day, but it happens enough to make you wonder

How many innocent people are serving time in prison?

There is a lot of motivation to convict someone of a crime. Local law enforcement wants the community to feel safe and feel like they are effectively keeping their promise to serve and protect us. The more convictions the prosecution gets, the safer the community, and the more likely a prosecutor can promote.

We are part of the problem, too. If a crime has been committed that leaves us crying out for justice to be done, this adds pressure on law enforcement to find someone to offer up as the perpetrator of the crime. If not, how can any of us feel safe, knowing there is someone “out there” who could perpetrate a similar crime against us?

So, they ‘round up the usual suspects and seek out someone who meets certain criteria that will result in a likely conviction. The candidate usually has limited financial resources (will have to rely on a public defender), could have limited intelligence and/or social skills, has had some legal issues in the past (even if minor), and might be considered by peers (perspective jury) as an undesirable. Making for a perfect conviction cocktail.

Even if wrongly accused, we are satisfied and feel safer knowing that someone is behind bars who “committed” this crime, as we light our torches and shout out, “kill the monster,” as if we were characters in the climax of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Then there are the other types of crimes that are committed, even harder to prove, because the details are vague, evidence is lacking, there are few witnesses, but still the crime is grisly enough that we want to see someone incarcerated for the crime; even if the crime did not actually take place.

Local Police Catch and Release

Catch and release is a policy demonstrated by local police departments whereby they respond to a call or question a pedestrian and can be compelled to find a  reason to detain the individual, especially if the person appears to have a low income or mental health status. The individual is booked and released as soon as an audience with a judge has been arranged. The individual's just happy to be out and not convicted of something they didn't do.

But they are now in the system, just in case their character comes into question when associated with some other crime in the future.

Poor Man’s Revenge

This is how the dregs of society use (or abuse) the system to execute revenge on someone else within arm’s reach of their position in society at no cost. Simply accuse the person of some wrongdoing of a criminal act, have a compelling story to tell that will enrage the community, be capable and willing to lie on the stand under oath and you could get your free revenge served up by our legal system with a smile.

We’re likely to convict someone we don’t particularly care for. If nothing else, our communities look better with those who make little contribution to society behind bars. We feel safer and it bolsters our faith in the system charged with our safety and security. Plus, who doesn’t like a good story, where someone is wronged and the perpetrator pays the price the evil deed (whether they did it, or not)? And we don’t mind expending tax dollars in this manner. Besides, “I always knew there was something not right about that guy,” or gal.

We’re likely to think our community is better off without this individual on our streets anyway. And speaking of a jury of peers… Really? In most cases, where the wrongly accused is of a low economic (and/or mental health) stature, the members of the jury are likely not. (Although adequately selecting authentic peers would make for an entertaining reality TV show.)

In recent years, organizations have sprung up to help those wrongly accused and committed, but their resources are minimal, the demand is high and they hand-pick their cases that usually involve life sentences. There aren’t many resources available for imprisoned innocents serving less than a sentence of life in prison.

Is our system broken? Yes.

Can we fix it? Not likely any day soon.

Too much of our economy relies on our clunky legal system. While those who run the system attempt to make it look as good as possible, continue to enjoy their lucrative incomes, regular promotions and benefits.

That’s all well and good, unless it’s you who has been wrongly accused, stood trial, were found guilty and sent to prison for something you didn’t do.

‘ere but for the grace of God go I


In 2015 Many Naturopathic Doctors Died of “Natural Causes”

The year was 2015, and many naturopathic doctors and leading alternative healers died of natural causes. This was a challenging year for many Americans seeking alternatives to modern medical recommendations and pharmaceutical prescriptions. The best efforts of the pharmaceutical companies have made natural remedies for treating ailments all but illegal with the full support of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. In the meantime, the year “2015” marks the beginning of the extinction of the natural alternative healthcare provider, which is not going unnoticed by those who actively work in and support this healthcare category.

Those who are still practicing in this alternative healthcare industry are already prepared for the onslaught of accusations from nay-sayers and haters. They are used to being called charlatans, witch doctors, snake oil salesmen, and con artists, all the while taking full responsibility for helping free-thinking Americans heal themselves with natural, non-pharmaceutical methods.

The bar for natural alternative specialists is far higher than those licensed to practice medicine as prescribed by pharmaceutical companies and supported by the American Medical Association. They (the natural alternative specialists) have no legal support and are subjected to ridicule by those who were professionally trained in the service of pharmaceutical prescriptions.

The success of these natural alternative healers is based more on performance, as in the days of old. In the old West, anyone could hang a sign over their door that said “Doctor.” If that self-proclaimed doctor healed people, his practice was a huge success. The method mattered not; the results did. If the doctor’s healing practices did not cure their patients, and God forbid, resulted in the deaths of patients, this doctor’s practice did not thrive. He or she was often run out of town or quietly vanished in the middle of the night.

Today, though, if pharmaceutically approved schools have professionally trained a doctor, then he or she is protected, even though the result of his or her treatment methodologies is the third largest cause of death in the United States of America.

I work alongside many of these natural alternative specialists. I know them well, and many are taking their practices underground, trying to stay out of the limelight but continuing to act responsibly according to their calling. For them, it is not about having a good job or making a lot of money to enjoy the extravagant lifestyles of doctors and surgeons. They humbly go about their work, hoping not to die of “natural causes,” like their peers did this last year.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but one could hardly not take notice of the unusual sudden death rate of this category of practitioner this last year, and those practicing in this ministry are taking note as well. Some have decided to retire from practice so as not to be a threat to their family and loved ones, while others continue to practice but much more cautiously.

I lost a friend who was a genius shamanic medical intuitive last year, and he was strong as an ox. He suddenly became weak, and I visited him briefly, intending to return to visit again, but I never got the chance. He died suddenly of “natural causes.” That is the official story, just like so many others.

After our friend passed, the number of natural alternative doctors and practitioners that died after him throughout 2015 varies according to who is doing the reporting. Still, no matter what the number is, it is highly understated because many of the practitioners would not be included due to not being able to be identified as a holistic “doctor,” like our friend. Therefore, the number is much higher than the media might report. Nonetheless, the numbers are too astounding not to cause one to wonder what is really happening.


Do You Want to Make the World a Better Place?

There are so many ways to segment peoples of the world; by race, by income level, education, political view, genetics, and sociological traditions, whatever… For me, it comes down to core motivation by answering the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?”

Do you want to make the world a better place

It’s not the end-all be-all qualification, but it’s an important part of establishing a person’s character.

Some of you might think this is a simple yes or no question, right? Well, it turns out its terribly complicated. I’ve always held to this tenet like the Holy Grail, because the idea is a driving force throughout my whole life. I often ask myself, “What can I do today – or in this moment – to make the world a better place?” even if only in some small way.

Having this particular mindset has me on the lookout for others who are motivated in the same way, because couldn’t we all impact the world in a massive way for raising love, understanding, consciousness or global peace if we could join together?

So, I routinely ask the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” A glowing 90 percent of people answer, “Yes.” Wa-hoo! I’ve found a soul-brother or soul-sister!

Then, to qualify we are sharing common ground, I ask, “What does that mean to you?”

This is where it all starts to fall apart. My joyous enthusiasm starts to wane, as they scrunch their nose, squint, tuck their chin and ask, “What?”

If they can provide me with an intellectually sound reply, I challenge them with, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?”

I am surprised how complicated such a simple question could be. The problem appears to be that we – all of us – have our own interpretation of the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” And if we are at all concerned about making the world a better place, each of us has a different idea about what that might look like.

Kind’a like my, “What would you do with 20 million dollars?” question.

It appears the question is misinterpreted or lost in translation, because when I ask someone, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” the question they answer is:

“Do you want everyone in the world to think, act, believe and be like you?”

Which (I’m disappointed to say) is not the question.

And I’m as guilty of it as anyone. When I ask the question, it is from my individual point of view. To me the question infers random acts of kindness, sharing love and compassion, personal, emotional and spiritual growth, tolerance for all peoples, responsible care and tending of our planet, and more along this trend of thought.

Even though from my perspective my inference was full of intention and clarity, the person to whom I had proposed the question possesses an entirely different perspective and agenda.

Even you; if you would like to see the world a better place, you might have a completely different idea, like:

(List of other ideas deleted prior to publishing, due to my own ignorance)

I am humbled and humiliated by this rant, now.

I found myself listing the myriad of ideas that others had answered the question with that were not congruent with my own and found myself in judgment. Ranting… (Where’s the tolerance in that?) participating in the problem myself.

I am the hypocrite, the problem. I am what’s wrong with the world.

Regrettably, those things I despise still reside within me… It is an ongoing process…

Forgive me.

How to Make a Million Dollars

If you’ve ever pondered how to make a million dollars, chances are you don’t already have a million dollars and probably have never possessed 1 million dollars.

how to make a million dollars make money one million dollars 1 million dollars how to make money million dollar

You’ve heard all the stories about how other people have awakened one morning to suddenly have a million dollars in their bank account and you’re thinking you want some of that too.

Are these stories true?

For the most part, they are, though many important details are often left out.

Could it happen to you?

Yes, it could. Anything could happen. Will it happen? Well, that’s another question entirely. Whether it happens to you, or not, depends on you and what you do.

Which of these two?

First, you have to ask yourself how bad you want it?

Based on your desire to attain your one million dollars, do you want it

The Easy Way? or The Hard Way?

The easy way, means you’ll be at the very least buying lottery tickets regularly. Buy lottery tickets regularly while you daydream about winning the lottery, getting one dollar from every person, or coming up with your ingenious idea that will shower you with millions of dollars with little or no effort on your part. Unless you have a wealthy relative with whom you share good favor and he/she has named you as the recipient of 1 million dollars in their will, you will probably win the lottery before you make a million dollars the easy way.

If you want it bad enough to be willing to do it the hard way, you are willing to take 100 percent responsibility to the work necessary to make your vision of having a million dollars a reality.

What do you have to do?

We can learn from millionaires who have amassed fortunes and started from scratch. These individuals set out to purposely create wealth and many started with little or no resources at the out-set of their financial journey.

What did they have?

1 Passion and Vision

They have a clear vision of the ultimate destination and the drive to make it happen that is so strong that it enables them to power-through the tough times (and there will be times when it gets rough).

2 Self Awareness

Successful entrepreneurs spend time assessing themselves of their skills and abilities, so that they are aware of their own individual strengths and weaknesses, realizing they will probably not be able to do it themselves, or having a team (made up of those who have the entrepreneur’s weaknesses as their strengths) to accomplish the mission.

3 Education

(Not the traditional get-a-degree type of education.) They teach themselves or learn everything there is to equip them to do whatever it takes to make their dream come true. Even if they are not doing the work themselves (outsourcing) they have a basic understanding of what needs to be done so they can hold others accountable.

4 Plans

They make plans and are willing to change them on-the-fly based on emerging data, as circumstances, the landscape and marketplace changes and they adapt.

5 Create Momentum

Without momentum, you’re really going nowhere. The people who really make their dreams come true are in the business of doing something every day (or regularly) that moves them closer toward where they want to be. Regular movement forward creates momentum and it is accumulative, resulting in a wave that can propel itself forward, while haphazard effort will mean much more work over time.

6 Accept the Process

Successful entrepreneurs who started on a shoes string accepted the idea that achieving their financial goals may take on many different faces and progress through different phases on the journey from here to there. It may take starting a small business, selling it and parlaying the profits into the next venture. A process that may need to be repeated until the goal is attained.

7 Fail Forward

Be willing to fail at any point along the way, but not to give up when faced with failure. Actually, to the burgeoning entrepreneur, there is no such thing as failure, as it is only a learning tool. It’s like being thrown off a horse. They don’t give up riding altogether. They dust themselves off, evaluate what happened, and get back on a little wiser than they were the last go ‘round.

Isn’t now the best time to start making a million dollars for you?

Self Healing and Health Care

I have the privilege to work with people who are both patients and practitioners of alternative treatment therapies. It never ceases to amaze me that people can heal themselves of all types of ailment, from sleeplessness to cancer without drugs or surgery.

People with ailments are looking for alternative methods to deal with the emotional and physical issues that rear their ugly head when you least expect it.

The health management industry is bilking the unsuspecting public while promoting continued dependence on the system for health management. For instance, if you have pain in a particular area of the body, you can go the doctor and get a prescription medication to reduce or eliminate the pain. The prescription medication is scientifically designed to target the specific ailment, but also possesses a host of side-effects.

No problem, as the doctor has prescription medications to treat the ailment(s) arising from the use of the original prescription, each with its own set of side effects with prescription solutions for these new ailments also.

self healing non medical treatment medical alternatives self help therapy naturopath homeopathy

Is it just me? Or does anyone else see a problem with this form of health management system?

It occurred to me long ago, when making deathbed visits to people in the last moments of their lives, the mass of little brown bottles on the nightstand made me think something might be wrong with the system. I’m not saying it is entirely broken, as many lives are saved and life enhanced by medical intervention, treatments and surgeries. But there appears to be a dark side to medicine is disconcerting, to say the least.

Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything youve got You cannot chastise punish or poison yourself to health
Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything you’ve got. You cannot chastise, punish, or poison yourself to health.

People are waking up to the reality that something is amiss and they are seeking alternatives. There are thousands of non-medical treatment alternatives for just about anything that ails you, all within a few keystrokes of Google.

I actually know people – real, live people – who have healed themselves from chronic diagnosis indicating a short-term death sentence (given six months to live). Rather than take the prescribed treatment approach to dealing with their life-threatening circumstance, they reach out and embrace alternative treatment modalities varying across the board.

All the people who have decided to take an alternative approach to healing themselves using natural, spiritual or other types of alternative non-medical treatment, have had to deal with the negative side effects of being attacked by friends, relatives and licensed medical professionals, most being asked, “Are you crazy?”

Most of them proceed in secrecy, so as to avoid the negative feedback from others who disagree with their decision to seek out alternative treatment models. In fact, they report that maintaining a positive environment is a critical component to their treatment alternative.

I embrace personal health care and take responsibility for my own wellness without using prescription medications and feel as though my efforts are very effective, though it takes continual research and experimentation because what works for one person might not work for someone else.

Fortunately, there are health care professionals who also embrace these alternative treatment modalities. In this way, I can focus on my own self help therapy with holistic support and reaching out to a naturopath in search of an intervention offered by homeopathy as an alternative to seeking a traditional doctor who is likely to rely solely on prescription medications.

A naturopathic doctor will offer holistic medicine alternatives, like homeopathic remedies which are natural remedies and other alternatives, and a holistic doctor will refer you to a medical doctor, if necessary, to augment a complete integrative medicine approach.

I honor professionals and their work on both ends of the healthcare treatment spectrum.

What is your favorite alternative health treatment?

Intention Activities Friends

You are a physiological representation of your vibrational energy. The important contributions to maintaining your personal frequency of vibration are:


intention activities friends energy vibration communication

We are energetic composites of what is our own ideas about how we see ourselves or would like others to see us (intention), how we spend our time (the activities in which we engage) and the people with whom we associate with (who you hang with).

When we interface with other people, our energetic interaction will either influence the person with whom we are communicating positively or negatively. When you speak to someone do your words express life or death? When we communicate with others our words are charged with our own vibrational energy the result will either have a healing effect on the recipient or a harmful effect.

Realizing this puts an incredible amount of pressure on those of us who are on a constant and never-ending path of increased performance and personal growth. It means accepting responsibility for how our own energy, words, and method of communication affects those around us.


Everything begins with intention. I could only assume that your intention is to have a healthy, healing and positive impact on the lives of anyone with whom you are interacting.

Our intention affects the delivery of our message greatly. It influences our body language, voice inflection, choice of words and the general “feeling” that is felt by the recipient. Even if our words are carefully and cognizantly selected, if they are not consistent with our energetic field, the person you’re trying to communicate will not be able to receive your intended message, for they will sense the incongruency and they will be more confused than receptive.

Taking a breath and a moment to set your intention and connecting with your heart before engaging in a conversation (or performance) can help to set the stage for a more effective experience.


How you spend your time sets the frequency for your personal energetic vibration. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, either. You know how to evaluate what frequency you are tuned into by how you feel about a particular activity.
Some of the activities that you engage in do not make you feel good, they send you reeling down the energetic vibration scale. How you feel is a clear indication of where you are on the scale.

How do you feel when you watch the news? How do you feel when you listen to a debate? How do you feel when you play a video game?

How do you feel when you hear (or participate in) gossip? Gossip, or talking behind someone’s back disrespectfully, is an interesting energetic phenomenon. When you engage in gossip you engage in a negative energetic vibration that seeks out the subject of your conversation and sends harmful energy to him or her. Is that really something you want to do? Even if the recipient doesn’t know you, they still feel your negative energy. (This is a scientific fact.)

On the other hand, how do you feel when you volunteer to feed the homeless? How do you feel when you hold a baby in your arms? Snuggle with your cat (or dog, etc…)? How do you feel when singing in the shower, taking a walk along the water, or watching a beautiful sunset?

In terms of your energetic vibration, you are what you do. That is to say, the activities that you participate in sets the tone (vibration) that permeates your life, fueling and determining the energy field surrounding you that affects everything else you do.


It is said that you will be the average of your best five friends, the five friends that you spend the most of your time with (which may not be your “best” friends, for you might have friends that you are closer to, but spend less time with).

So, who are the friends (or people) that you spend the most time with? What are they like? Are they the type of people that you aspire to be? What is their average energetic vibration?

Their energetic vibration will influence yours, and yours will tend to find a resonant vibration similar to their energetic average. So, if you aspire to maintain a higher vibration, it is advisable to spend more time with folks who maintain vibrations higher than yours. This will help raise your vibration.

The knowledge of all this and your ability to take responsibility for your vibration empowers you to keep on track in terms of achieving your highest and best.