December 2017 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of December, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Remember Everything Learn Nothing I Have A Bad Feeling About This Top 20 Types of Facebook Users Which One Are You?

Top 20 Types of Facebook Users

Dead Men Tell No Tales Life After Trust and Betrayal The Division Division
Merry Christmas Rant with Love Love’s Prayer for You Dealing With Haters
Life Expectancy Continues to Drop Gratitude for Your Partner Only a Fool Would Say That
Love or Crack Cocaine Addiction Just the Same Only Different Relationship Blinders
New Years Resolution How to Talk About Love and Money Did You Make Your Bed Today?
Feeling Old? Best Time to Get Started Barbarians in Love How’s This Year Gone for You?
Give the Free Gift of Love Are You a Being or a Bot? Successful Love Relationship
Kill Them All Be True to Yourself It’s Not What You Say It’s How You Say It
Shiny Happy People How to be one



Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Your memory, the things you hold inside you from your past, represents a crippling disease which stands between you and all the good things in life that are waiting for you just beyond your view. Warning: Remember Everything Learn Nothing.

That negative feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ache in your heart, any of these negative physiological manifestations of your incongruence when you think of something from your past blocks the abundance, peace, harmony, prosperity, and true love that awaits you.

Holding a grudge or discontent blocks you from love. The negative feeling associated with any memory from the past pulls you out of the flow of love, the vibration which encompasses abundance, peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Therefore, if you seek all the good things this life has in store from you with the least amount of effort, all you have to do is to attune yourself to loves vibration, take the inspired action, and all these things will come to you.

Everything you’ve ever wanted, or dreamed of, is just waiting for you. God would not have put those ideas in your head or those desires in your heart if He did not want to give it to you. All you have to do is to let go of anything that is preventing you from being in the vibration of having it, and you will find yourself enjoying it, first unmanifested (enjoying the expectant feeling of having it, while it has not been realized), then manifested. Here it is, in your life, in all its glory to be thoroughly enjoyed by you.

Now, you can also have all the things you want in life by making them happen all by yourself without regard of any vibration whatsoever, but this method is generally not associated with joy, at least not for very long.

Living in a higher vibration, attracting the things you desire and love into your life, is far more sustainable and prolongs the joy of the whole affair indefinitely.

To achieve the desires of your heart through the flesh only, by sheer determination, hard-work-and-dedication, or brute force, is effective for the accumulation of material things, wealth, or the appearance of wealth, but there is rarely any lasting joy, and the satisfaction of attainment is fleeting.

And the secret code to unlocking the sustainable love vibration is this:

Remember Everything Learn Nothing

Remembering everything (every detail of something that made you feel bad or caused you pain) leads to holding grudges and lowering your vibrational frequency, and also prevents you from extracting the precious learning which is lovingly provided to you by the experience. The more you remember and think about these things that make you feel bad, the further away you move from what you want.

Every experience you traverse through along your life’s journey has a treasure inside of it just for you. This treasure is usually represented as the gift of knowledge, something for you to learn which may not have been possible (or more effective a lesson to be learned) in any better way.

Every challenge or occasion for you to feel pain, bad, or as though an injustice has occurred, is an invitation for you to move closer to the life and everything that you want. Without the token gained from this experience, you will not be able to make it through the next gate.

Yet, God is holding all the desires of your heart in store for you and desperately wants to shower you with all you deserve, if you will only come to it. So, if you do not receive the token to allow access for you to pass through the next gate, a new opportunity will be presented to you.

As you may have noticed, some people get stuck between two gates for a prolonged period of time because they are unable to take hold of the gift to be learned which is necessary to move on. You may even have noticed yourself caught in this cycle of similar recurring challenges.

Now you know why. It is God giving you opportunities to move closer to everything you want. In this way, all pain is a gift. Pain is God’s way of saying, “Trust Me.”

Pain is a feeling. When you feel it, if it is God begging you to trust, you will find when you actually do trust Him and know in your heart that all things are in divine order, then you find yourself not feeling the pain of whatever it was that was upsetting you in the past.

You must be able to truly forgive, acknowledge the divinity of the conflict, bless all participants without judgment, and let go of the negative feeling. Wipe your memory of the negative associations you previously held in attachment to this event. Retain the lesson, the blessed learning, and move on.

When you are able to do this, you will find yourself hovering in unconditional love’s vibration, free from the negative strongholds (the feelings) of your past.

Now you are

Remembering the Blessings and Learning in Love

This is the fast-track to your heart’s desires.

I Have A Bad Feeling About This

You know that feeling that you get just before something bad happens? You might think, “I have a bad feeling about this,” in a precognitive manner seconds before something goes awry.

Well, say, “Hello,” to your little inner guidance system, or intuition. The heart is the seat of intuition. It’s just not the fodder of artists and philosophers of old anymore, as science is finding this is true, and it’s just not Jedis from Star Wars who can sense these things enabling them to announce, “I have a bad feeling about this,” seconds before something unexpected takes place.

We all have it to varying degrees. Our cognitive central nervous system which is seated in the brain, if you are aware of it, can provide you a good three-second advance notice via a feeling (like Spiderman’s spidey-sense) to brace for something, which can be highly advantageous, especially in a potentially dangerous situation.

Three seconds of advanced notice and heightened awareness can make the difference between potential-loss and prolonged suffering, or even life and death.

What if you could increase your intuition awareness from 3 seconds to 7 seconds?

It would have a massive impact on the difference it would make the next time you utter those words,

“I have a bad feeling about this”

Due to the advanced scientific research being conducted on the human heart, we are now finding the heart’s possessing a central nervous system separate from the brain, and more high functioning than the brain with far more accuracy.

While the brain emits an energetic field which can be measured a few inches from a person’s head, the energy which is broadcast from the heart projects a peripheral information-rich energetic field which transmits electronically for feet in every direction, consciously immensely further.

When an unexpected event is about to take place, the heart is the first physical organ to respond, immediately sending impulses to the brain for interpretation. The heart signals an urgent need for heightened awareness to the brain a full 7 seconds, and it takes about four seconds for the brain to process and react to the heart’s communication.

The brain is so busy thinking and it has been trained to disregard the heart’s nervous system, and until now, the most educated humans disregarded the heart’s significance on the human contribution to the human body as simply a blood pump.

The question of whether you are,

Thinking with your head or your heart?

Has far more significance today than it did at any time in the past.

Heart and quantum science are discovering the heart as the new frontier in scientific advancement, and it appears the heart’s energetic connection to the source of all energies of life is not just the subject of fantasy or fiction anymore.

Things like psychic connections and communications, telekinesis, and the like, which have been regarded as either science fiction or secret government researched potential weaponizations are not as ridiculous an idea as we were previously led to believe, as much of science fiction is increasingly becoming science fact.

The issue of whether there was a grand conspiracy to cover up this knowledge is moot, the fact of the matter is that we the people are becoming more aware, and as more and more of us awaken to this knowledge, honoring and connecting more with our heart’s intuitive intuition and the vast energetic source and storehouse of infinite wisdom and possibilities, the world (and mankind as we know it) looks increasingly different as it evolves every second.

There is so much going on here that far exceeds a four-second advantage.

Where will you be focusing more of your energies?

In your head or on your heart?

How is that working for you?


Top 20 Types of Facebook Users Which One Are You?

Just like anything in life, we all do different things for different reasons. How does that apply to how you use Facebook? It depends on what kind of person you are and what you get in return from using Facebook. Here are the Top 20 Types of Facebook Users. Which one are you?

Top 20 Types of Facebook Users Which One Are You?
Top 20 Types of Facebook Users Which One Are You?

Top 20 Types of Facebook Users


Some Facebook users aren’t really users at all, they’ve simply dipped their toe in the water to see what it’s all about. They may have friend requested you, but are rarely online, or interact with anyone inside the Facebook community. May log-in to look around for a while, but not ready to jump in, yet. Their life is probably consumed with activity in the world which exists outside of Facebook.


The Facebook Newbie can range in age from four (with parent’s permission) to ninety-four and they want to interact using Facebook but break all the unwritten social networking rules. They innocently offend and interact inappropriately, but it’s all kind of entertaining to watch someone so naïve spreading their wings and learning to Facebook. We laugh, we cry, and we help them along as best we can, so as not to scare them off.


The Casual Facebooker is a step beyond the FB Toe Dipper in that they do log in periodically to interact with friends and relatives using Facebook. They don’t spend too much time logged in and do not take full advantage of the tools or resources of value to this powerful social media platform.


Some people have to announce everything that’s going on in their life, such as, “I just woke up,” followed by myriad details about what happens throughout their day complete with photo documentation, and commencing with, “Good night.”


Then, there are the lonely hearts, in various stages of amóre who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Either they’re blissfully in the throes of romantic love, or they are heartbroken beyond compare (and may vacillate frequently between these two extremes).


Our Facebook of great sorrows group is constantly airing the wounds of their depressive pain and discomfort about everything bad that is happening to them, or someone or something else. It’s as if they are determined to make everyone on Facebook feel as awful as they do.


Attention seekers will use any means to break through the white noise of Facebook’s drone. They will use pain and suffering or success and happiness (augmented by photos of babies and kitties) to get the attention (and likes) they so desperately seek.


Lifeless gamers are the folks who have so much free time on their hands they waste it on mindless games which abound on Facebook, and they annoy the non-gamers with relentless requests to join them in a game or to take an action or click on something, so they can get points or advance to the next level.


The selfies are all about themselves, frequently take and post pictures of themselves (selfies), often changing their profile picture, and letting us see them placing themselves in various environments to take and post yet another selfie. They usually see themselves as one of the beautiful people or don’t (and hope that all this selfie-ism will make them feel better about themselves).


The I-wanna-be-a-rock-stars are those Facebookers who hope to be recognized for their talent or rock musician bravado by posting pictures of themselves in makeup, attire, and various performance poses (with or without music gear) to be discovered and make the transformation from wannabe to a real rock star.


Then there are the obsessive taggers who tag hordes of disinterested and/or unassociated Facebook users to various photos and events in the hopes of getting the coveted like(s) thereby validating their efforts and/or life.


The don’t-you-wish-you-were-me-ers are constantly updating their Facebook timeline with photos of amazing activities, places, and events they are participating in, in real time. It’s not photoshop, there are just bragging on Facebook, while most followers are both impressed and jealous.


The creators actually create, add, and share valuable content with the Facebook community, everything from original artwork, poems, thoughtful stories, wisdom, and memes. They are not self-seeking, only using Facebook as a means to share their creative abilities (and some are quite amazing).


Facebook photojournalists are Facebook users who have purchased a nice digital camera and take pictures of everything from bugs and wildlife to still life and landscapes (and everything else imaginable). They assume you’re having access to their Facebook account to peruse their immense photo gallery (galleries) will impress you. If you are at an event they attended, they are likely to post a photo of the event and tag you in it, if they can.


False news reporters abound on Facebook. These folks are waiting for the next unbelievable and shocking news headline/story to flash upon their timeline, then proliferate the information by immediately sharing it with all their friends, insisting they do so in kind to save the world from such an injustice (or whatever the meat of the fake story might be).


The Facebook Intolerants are the users who are so immersed in a particular thought pattern or belief system, that they are completely incapable of seeing the other side of any issue and will argue via negative posting, slamming anyone who does not agree with them, to try to start an FB fight online. This is a form of abuse, but one that pays off, when two sides (opposing Facebook Intolerants) of any emotional issue get fired up.


Facebook marketers can be relentless, and Facebook encourages them to market their wares and services to other Facebook users. As annoying as the marketing may be, Zuckerberg is trying to make the advertising experience much less offensive than other types of advertising you might see on the Internet (and the revenue from these “sponsors” is what keeps FB free, and Zuckerberg rich). Other FB marketers are using other types of Facebook interactions to connect (and annoy) their potential customers.


Facebook Manipulators are the sneaky Facebook users who are well-versed in the use of all the Facebook features and filters. They generally have a devious side but are not malicious in nature. You might look at their profile while logged-in from your account and see one thing, and from someone else’s account, it could look very different, for whatever reason.


Not to forget the Facebook Stalker (AKA Internet Trolls using Facebook) who possesses and maintains several alternate identities on Facebook just for spying (and commenting on) profiles of Facebook users that might rather be unmonitored (for whatever reason) by the real person in question.


Facebook Predators are those who may or may not create fake Facebook profile accounts to defraud or otherwise take advantage of Facebook users who may not possess a decent BS-filter, leading to loss; loss of dignity, loss of mental health, loss of finances, time, or life itself. FB-user beware.

Did I miss anyone?

Add a type of Facebook user that may not have made it to the Top 20 Types of Facebook Users below

Dead Men Tell No Tales

An ancient idiom referring to those who hold secrets are unable to reveal them if they are no longer among the living. In effect, if any secret(s) was/were not revealed prior to his (or her) exit from the body one might say, “He took it with him to the grave.”

Indeed, many secrets and untold tales lie beneath the surface of any graveyard.

Today, despite the phrase being used as a title of Johnny Depp’s Pirates of the Caribbean installment, the idiom still rings true. While it may have been (and still may be) an effective way of silencing those who are in possession of hidden truths, there is still no doubt, you will not be left with the ability to say much following your passing.

Which reminds me of the first burial I attended. When I was young, my family never went to a funeral. I heard about people who “passed away” but never witnessed a ceremony. My parents just thought the whole idea was morbid and did not believe in celebrating death. After my parents separated, one of my mother’s boyfriends, (name removed), was called upon to bury his father.

This would the first death ceremony my three younger brothers and I would attend. The boyfriend sold his motorcycle to pay for the unmarked plot. We traveled to Astoria, Oregon to attend to the details. Even though the boyfriend had two other siblings, he (and we) were the only ones to stand alongside his father’s freshly laid grave. The son’s only words spoken over the humble, unofficiated service was, “I wish things could have ended differently.”

After a moment of silence, it was off to the recently passed father’s apartment for a bit of treasure hunting. We opened the door to the apartment and were overcome by the rank odor of formerly thick, stale cigarette smoke which lacquered the walls, revealing an extremely small studio, just a desk, a bed, and a small room housing a toilet and a sink. The sliding window was painted shut. In the closet was an ironing board (the iron was in the desk, along with two pairs of tidy whiteys [not so tidy, nor white] and two pairs of socks), two ironed pairs of slacks, two dingy shirts, and a sports coat.

The only other belongings were some toiletries, an empty bottle of orange juice (the kind delivered by the milkman in a glass bottle) in the wastebasket (along with empty cigarette packs and a Baby Ruth candy wrapper) and the entire area was littered with empty bottles which once held a wide variety of booze.

I thought we might collect the bottles to clean up to fill with colored water to sit in the window sill, which I remember being in fashion in those days, but the son insisted on us gathering them to discard in the trash.

This was a defining moment in my younger years and unanswered questions remained with me ever since. Who was this man? What tales could he have told? What secrets or wisdom could he have passed on? Why were there no unsmoked cigarettes, was a Baby Ruth candy bar his last meal, and why was his bed made? Those among many other questions, I or others, will never know the answers to because he took them to the grave with him.

In a previous post, I mention a friend and mentor who I helped to tell his story, only he died a few days before we were able to publish it. I still have his unpublished work.

I’m pretty much an open book, not prone to keeping secrets of my own, maybe because I hold so many secrets that I keep on the behalf of others. In my many years in the ministry, counseling, coaching, and consulting, I have heard a great many tales to which I have a sacred oath to uphold in the guarding of these secrets.

But I have lived a marvelous life, which has been an incredible journey with many tales yet to be told.

And you have, as well.

Your journey has been so amazing. You have lived a life no one else could even imagine. That is, unless you tell your story.

Have you ever wondered, “Should I write the story of my life?”

Oh, YES, you should… and you needn’t stop there. There are a great many stories you could tell. Tell them all (at least the ones that won’t get you killed). Write your book, share your wisdom, speak your truth, and tell your story.

It’s never been easier to write a book than it is right now. So, now is the time to take action, write your story, not because you are going to die one day, but because

your story is dying to be told.

Let it out.

See: How to Write a Book about My Life

Life After Trust and Betrayal

Yes, there is life after trust and betrayal. Because you don’t live in a vacuum, you want to trust someone enough to establish a close relationship wherein you may share the intimate portions of your life. While relationships of all kinds are readily available, most of them are superficial at best. Yet you long to have a deeper connection with a person, someone you can be honest and open with, someone you can depend on, someone you can trust.

Trust doesn’t come easily, especially for you, if you’ve trusted before and have suffered the consequences of trusting someone who was untrustworthy or demonstrated betrayal of trust. If you trusted someone, then found out later trusting them was not in your best interest, then there is the likelihood you have been wounded by the experience.

The betrayal leaves wounds and scars which cannot be seen by outward appearance, though the emotional suffering which results from a misplaced trust can be much more painful than being bludgeoned by a gang of bloodthirsty thugs, and last much longer.

Is it any wonder you might think twice before entering that dark alley of trust again? How can you know if you can trust someone or, not?

You have a natural inclination to trust others, or not, based on the conditions under which you were raised. We learn either to trust or not trust others with the sensitive details of our life when we are young, and progress through adulthood.

Trust is a give-and-take endeavor, if you feel as though you cannot trust others, you will not likely be as open and honest as you could be, and you will live a heavily-guarded emotional life, feeling mostly disconnected and alone, but also have a sense of safety by not exposing yourself to potential betrayal.

You’re no fool. You are a keen observer of others and can decide whether someone is trustworthy in ten seconds. Every now and then, you find someone. Someone who appears to be trustworthy, someone you resonate with, someone you call friend, and you believe you can trust him or her, so after prolonged observation and data collection, you open up.

You put yourself out there, even if it is infrequently or a rare occasion because you desire this deep connection with another person, one that can only be achieved by trusting someone outside yourself who reciprocates with an equal degree of trust. This is the basis of true intimacy.

Then, before you know it, the trust is broken and you’ve been betrayed by your friend. Though, if you could consider the possibility, even if only for a moment, there is a forty percent chance the breach of trust was the result of your self-fulfilling prophecy.

You allowed yourself to question the idea of trusting anyone, therefore if you actually do trust someone, you expect to be betrayed, so the betrayal manifests itself, even if no betrayal actually took place. Not the best approach in dealing with betrayal.

It’s true, in many cases, a perceived breach of trust was actually a tragic miscommunication between people, which appeared to one or more of the participants as a breach of trust because that’s what he or she was looking for. When the red flag of mistrust was first perceived (even though it may not have actually been waived) the person who expected betrayal, points a finger and shouts, “I knew it!” Further supporting the position that no one can be trusted.

Casual relationships needn’t rely on a high level of trust and are therefore easier to maintain. Given a certain amount of time, a superficial relationship can morph into a more intimate relationship unbeknownst to the person who would otherwise be unlikely to trust. Nonetheless, trust slips in under the radar, and before you know it, someone else has trashed your trust in them, yet again. Though, in this case, there was never any expectation of trust communicated.

It is best, when communicating any sensitive information to someone, to at the very least, let them know that you are trusting him or her, as if to place a delicate crystal bauble in his or her hands with the expectation that he or she will care for it respectfully, protecting it from harm, so as not to damage it while in their possession, and have them acknowledge their commitment to you to keep it safe. It is clearly understood that you do not expect, and it would be devastating to you if he or she threw it onto the ground and crashed it into a million pieces.

Not setting the ground rules of the expectation of trusting someone with something is just not fair, for how is the person supposed to know, as we all regard different things as “sensitive information.” What might be highly sensitive to one person might only be interesting or humorous to someone else, without the proper supporting framework. After all, we can’t possibly know what’s going on inside someone else’s head.

And if you’re carrying around emotional wounds from past betrayals of trust, consider the idea of letting the anchors to those painful wounds go.

If you can allow your mind to conceive of the idea, you might be able to imagine the point of view of your transgressor. What if he or she was doing what they were doing (which encompassed the breaking of your trust) from an entirely different perspective than your vantage point, when the betrayal occurred?

If it is true, that

we’re all doing the best we can with what we have

Then, there was no malicious intent of the person who conducted the breach of trust. In fact, that person had no idea (or maybe they did) that trust would be broken. What was going on in the mind and life of that person in that period of time in space left him or her with no other option but to make the decision to take the action which hurt you.

Has there ever been a time when you were falsely accused due to a misinterpretation when someone was unable to see something from your point of view?

If you were that person, had lived his or her life up until that point, and if you were under the exact same circumstances as he or she was in, in that moment… You would have done the same thing.

You could recoil in self-righteousness and say, “No, I wouldn’t.” But that is not true because had you been that person, you would have done the same thing, likely not for the reasons or with the intent which you have associated with the other person’s actions though.

Through empathetic understanding, try to imagine what was going on inside the emotional body and mind of the person you felt betrayed by. Why might they have felt like there was no other option? Be brave enough to try to compassionately imagine what it might have been like to been him or her in that moment in time. How hard might it have been?

Then, if you dare, forgive them, one by one.

You don’t have to tell them or confront them, you only have to forgive them in your own heart, and if you have the ability and the courage, to not carry a grudge and let it go.

There is hope for you, even if you believe that people cannot be trusted, that you can live to love and trust someone in a deeply connected relationship.

You have much love to give.

For more information, see: Trust Betrayal dot com.

The Division Division

Straight from the Department of Redundancy Department comes the Division Division of the Society Engineering Society. The Division Division’s sole purpose is to flood society with as many opposing points of view as possible to keep us as divided as possible.

Some of the ideas which are suggested are absurd and strange. In any case, these ideas are embraced by a few, who gather a few more, creating yet another group of thought, or believers. The more society is fractionated, the easier it is to manage.

The Division Division is a covert operation which operates hidden beneath the cloak of invisibility, yet it employs thought generators who are constantly seeding society with a wide variety of thought patterns which are designed to interrupt our rational thought processes and distract us from any intention of seeing ourselves as a single global community.

Not unlike managing a prison

Encouraging separation factions in the prison environment allows the simple care and management of many prisoners at once. Allowing the general prison population to create and maintain separate factions makes managing them easier. The more separate groups, the better. Gangs are the perfect separators.

These separation factions help keep the attention of the particular groups on their opposing group, their enemy. This sleight of hand gesture of the Division Division has successfully taken the focus off of what would normally be thought of as the enemy (the prison guards and the establishment which put them there) and focused their angst against groups inside the prison, one against the other, in opposition, for the sake of survival.

In this manner, the prison is able to manage a larger prison population at less expense with far fewer staff members. For if the prisoners were left to themselves to join together in one accord, they could not be retrained or contained.

This does happen occasionally, when the prison population agrees among themselves, on an inalienable topic, where they join together regardless of their separate factions, resulting in a riot.

This is why the prison’s Society Engineering Society tries to maintain a certain degree of acceptable comfort and status quo, so as not to allow lack or abuse (above that which has become “acceptable” over time) overpower the hatred of other factions within the prison population.

Beyond the Walls (more walls)

Likewise, the USA (and the world on a larger scale) operates a similar prison-style approach to managing the population. As long as they can keep us separated by as many schools of thought as possible, and emotionally-charged about what we “believe” then they have succeeded.

If we are satisfied with being able to maintain an acceptable lifestyle, not too bad (what we’ve been programmed to deem acceptable over time), such as get a job, work hard, have a place to live, drive a car, have a phone, TV, internet, maybe someone to spend our time with (maybe split expenses with), then it’s all good.

Because, if things get too bad, we will riot, too. In this case, we call it a revolution, but even on this scale, our revolt promotes more separation (damn, they win again).

Not too much time to think about raising the bar, living a better life (possibly your best life) and making the world a better place because “your world” is not that bad. Sure, there are worse things going on in the world, there’s no shortage of those, and even these atrocities are food for separation and division amongst your fellow man, are they not?

Ah, the engineers are hard at work, giving us plenty of reasons to be divided. There is no level to how far they will stoop to distract us from what’s really going on and they’re using education, pharmaceuticals, and technology among other tools at their disposal to their full advantage to separate us even more.

Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, the Division Division of the Society Engineering Society has a device implanted in your brain that has a direct line to their master computer, and it’s manipulating you for their benefit; it’s called your ego. While some of your ego does belong to you, a good portion of it is controlled by them (that is, unless you do something about it, to cut the cord).

As long as there are people that you cannot be friends with, they have succeeded in accomplishing their goal.

What’s really going on?

Merry Christmas Rant with Love

It’s Christmas and I celebrate it. My friends and family celebrates, each one a little differently than the other. Yet, everyone gets the idea.

I find it interesting that people find the most interesting ways to divide themselves from other people when it would make more sense to allow us all just “to be” and bless those who don’t see things the way you do.

Granted, some people don’t believe in, celebrate, or condone the idea of Christmas… and who cares? I celebrate your right to believe anything you want.

Second, only to New Years, Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. And thankfully, this “religious” holiday has become so watered down that anyone can celebrate it. Even though it was originally a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus, now it represents the advancement of love and peace among all peoples. An idea of which Jesus could be proud of having been promoted by His birthday.

While the majority of us find it easy to wrap our heads around this idea of Jesus’ birthday being a joyous, love-filled celebration of life and the bright future which awaits us all as we unite in harmony for a better world, some hardcore Christians have a problem with non-cardholding-members joining in their holiday celebration.

Now, here’s where it gets a little dicey. Even among Christians (because there’s so many division amongst them), they can’t agree on a way to celebrate Christmas as a whole. Many Christian factions are divided on their celebration of the Christmas holiday, and some refuse to participate at all due to it’s commercialism, or basis in paganism.

Christmas, the whole idea of it represents an evolutionary approach to advancing harmony among all peoples, spreading love and peace. December 25th was originally a Roman holiday to celebrate the birth of the sun, later the Catholic Church (Pope Julius I) adopted this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, “The Son of God.”

As Christianity expanded across the globe and spread to all nations, unique characteristics were gathered along the way and included into the celebration of Christmas. Christmas evolved to invite anyone and everyone to be honored and to celebrate the December 25th holiday in their own way.

Yes, dragging a tree into the house to mark winter’s halfway point was a pagan tradition, and this idea evolved into the decorated Christmas tree which sets some staunch Christians ablaze with anti-paganism fury. Nonetheless, there is nothing new under the sun, and we all adopt ideas from the past and repurpose them into modern ideologies.

Now, you can fight for the idea of pure thought, uninfluenced by any preconceived thought (which is an exciting thought in itself, I’ll admit) and stand strong, like a marker carved in stone, unmovable, unchanging, in honor of ancient ideals or philosophies, dedicated to preserve the past and defend it, even if it means disrespecting, debating with, or killing anyone who dares to not align themselves with your belief(s).

If that’s you, don’t go reaching for your sniper rifle or loading your vehicle with bombs and think about tracking me down just yet, please hear me out…

Let’s say you believe the way you do, and I believe the way I do and let’s assume there are some differences, no matter what thought systems we’re talking about, religious or otherwise.

And let’s think about how you might like to have people think like you do. Heck, I might even like people to think the way I do. Now, we could kill all the people who don’t believe the way we do, then we win. But I think that we can agree that we’ve seen this approach in the past (or even recently) and can rationalize that this is not really a sustainable model.

On the other hand, we can lovingly turn our efforts into including as many people as possible to play in our game in their own way to make the world a better place, where we all can live in harmony, promoting love and peace.

On one hand, we have “separation” which promotes fear and death and is not sustainable. On the other hand, inclusion, which promotes love which is the energy which gives life, new life, expanding life.

All that to say, “I love Jesus,” and am proud to call myself a Christian but I would never impose my belief upon another person. I love the idea that the world is made of different people all with different ideas and contributions to make and gift to the world. Far be it from me to even entertain the thought for a moment, that I might not be able to learn something from someone else, anyone else.

Jesus is my greatest hero, and I have other heroes besides, and none of us has the right to dictate to another person whom we regard as our heroes. Regardless, even if I was not a Christian, I think I would celebrate Christmas because of the idea of Christmas, as it is celebrated among society en masse, is a microcosm of evolving and expanding life on planet earth.

I get excited about the very thought of Christmas, how it makes people who embrace the holiday feel special, full of love, and desire to do good things for family, friends, other people, and the world at large. A fantasy? Maybe, but what a thing to aspire to; peace on earth and goodwill to all men. That is a dream, that I believe, can one day come true.

You can join me in celebration of that on December 25th, and/or every day, for that matter.

And if you’re among those who are finding the holidays a struggle, when it seems so very hard, and it appears that there is no love for you; there is.

There is great love for you, now, and even more on the way.

Unfortunately, this is the time of year when many people are feeling lost, lonely, at their very worst, and my thoughts and heart are with you. In fact, my friends and I are sending love to you, right now. You might even consider helping us in sending love to the world while getting a little more for yourself in the process, with no strings attached.

If you search inside yourself, you can find the love within you, we are sending you more. We know you can make it, and you have great things to do ahead.

A better life awaits you, your best life, and we need you to help make the world a better place.

There are amazing things in store for you in the coming year.

Merry Christmas to you.

I love you.

I believe in you.

Love’s Prayer for You

You are the most amazing person I’ve never met. You have an incredible story of life and love that has me and others sitting on the edge of our seats, just waiting to see what’s going to happen next. If your life were a book, it would be an encompassing page-turner. If a film, we are in awe of the life you’ve lived until this moment, and we are watching, waiting, and cheering you on from the aisles, knowing that you are going to let your heroic virtues envelop you, enabling you to rise and step into the fullness of your power and purpose.

You and your story are so encouraging and enlightening. You are an inspiration to all, and we know that as you embrace all that you are, it gives us all hope that we can do the same, no matter what challenges or obstacles we might face in life. You are our hero. But,

What if you’re not feeling it?

What if you’re at one of those uncomfortable (possibly most difficult) chapters in your life? You know you’ve come to this planet with a divine purpose, message, passion, and mission. You know you are called to live a better life, your best life, and to make the world a better place, but right now, from this scene of your life, you just cannot see it. It just seems like it’s just not possible from here.

Do not fear, for love is with you; do not be dismayed, for you are love.

Know You Are Loved

You are a product of the creator of all life on this planet. Everything that is tangible in this life is held together in perfect balance by the energy of pure love. Just the fact that you are here, reading these words if proof that you are loved and that your life has tremendous value.

Feel the Loving Embrace

If you would close your eyes and see from your heart, you could see the love all around you, swirling in perfect harmony in and through all things. If you are not feeling it from within, you can just reach out and call it to you, and wrap yourself in a thick blanket of pure love energy.

You can feel its warmth and you feel safe and secure wrapped in love’s loving embrace.

No Matter What’s Happening

You can be surrounded by chaos and not feeling emotionally stable. You might be frightened, unworthy, sad, lonely, even helpless, yet you are loved. You are love. And when you’re just not feeling it, all you have to do is to close your eyes and reach out and grab it.

Buried deep within your physical heart is a love generator which emits a powerful forcefield. As long as you heart beats, you can reach out and tune in to the love all around you. You can attune your built-in love generator with the love energy which surrounds and permeates all things and recharge your love energy from the unlimited source.

You Are Love

When you turn on your love generator and connect to the vast love energy, you have the unlimited supply of flowing through your body. You become love; a powerful love machine empowered to send this love to anyone or anything which comes to mind, just by the power of your thought.

Send Love to the World

Holding a visual image of someone or something in your mind and sending love to them delivers an instantaneous surge of love to that person, place, or thing. You can do this because you are love. Try a little sending love to the world.

Love’s Prayer for You

I pray you know you are loved.

You feel the love holding you in loving embrace.

No matter what is happening in life at this moment, know you are loved.

You are love.

Share a little love with the world if only from your heart in thought.

I love you.


God bless you and yours this holiday season.

~David M Masters

Dealing With Haters

Pretty much no matter what you do there are going to be haters waiting in the wings ready to pounce on you for any misstep you might make, and in lieu of having a mistake to focus upon, they’ll pick words and phrases, spin them out of context and try to attack you from a factious battle base. It can’t help but leave you wondering what to do about dealing with haters?

First off, you must realize that haters gonna hate. It’s a fact of life, for whatever reason, there are a lot of people who get off on putting others down, and the more violently they exert their hate, or make someone feel bad, angry, breakdown, or cry, the better it makes them feel about themselves. Just being aware that everything you do is being watched and someone is waiting to insult you or smack you down if you try to do something good, or attempt to make the world a better place.

People who are miserable and can see little good in this life, will do anything to prevent it from getting better. They’ve resigned themselves to live in a world of hate and find safety and security in keeping it that way because they’ve acclimatized themselves to this kind of life. To start doing crazy things, like being honest, open, vulnerable, trusting, and loving, and to have the nerve to propagate such things threaten the existence of the world they’ve come to know. So, they will attack you and try to thwart your efforts, or slow your roll when you’re trying to live a better life, love and share love, or make the world a better place in order to strengthen the world they call “home.”

Oh, and as you might have noticed, they’re so eager to hate, they’re ready to spring into flurries of hate anytime you try to do anything, Just try to change laundry detergent, change your wardrobe, move to a different town, paint your living room, look for a new career, apply to be accepted by a college, get pregnant, consider not eating meat, losing weight, or donating money to charity, etc… No matter what you do, the haters are watching and waiting.

Now that you know they are there as an inevitable part of life (at the moment),

Don’t Let Haters Stop You

I’ve worked with people who wanted to do something good but were afraid to take action for fear of being attacked by haters. They may have known, seen, heard, or read about someone whose life was destroyed by haters, and they are afraid of “putting themselves out there” to be attacked by the haters (as the haters are laughing in the sidelines).

Fear is a powerful weapon, and it is used in every level of society to control us. Especially, in the case of imaginary fear. You haven’t even been attacked, yet, and you’re letting the fear of something that might happen in the future rob you from the blessing of standing your ground and sharing your heart and truth.

If that wasn’t enough, each of you carries insecurities which fuel an inner hater, which can taunt you and make you feel like you’re unworthy, too inexperienced, or a greater target for haters than you might actually be. You inner hater does this to protect you, in the same manner, that other haters try to protect the worlds they live in.

Of course, the next level includes actually being attacked by haters. The hate can seem unfair, be unpleasant, and if you let it get to you, it might make you feel like picking up your toys, calling it a day, and going home. You could let the haters have the upper hand, and you could quit fulfilling your mission, singing your song, or speaking your message. Don’t let haters stop you.

Be Courageous

It takes a certain amount of courage and commitment to be willing to step out in faith, knowing that people may not like what you have to say, especially if it is contrary to the status quo.

You have an obligation to yourself, and possibly to your higher power, to do your thing or fulfill your destiny. This is more about doing what is true to you than it is about what other people think or say about what you do.

Pick yourself up by your bootstraps, get together a team of supporters, or go it alone, but build up enough courage to go forth and put your best foot forward. The world needs you desperately and is waiting to hear your voice.

And know this: If you’re attracting haters, this is a sure indication that you’re doing a good job. You’re on the right track, running the risk of achieving your highest and best, and making the world a better place. Whatever you’re doing… do more of that.

Don’t Be a Hater

Oh, yeah, and if you don’t want people to hate on you, don’t hate on anyone else. I know on one hand this sounds silly, but on the other, it’s tragically serious.

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone complain about haters hating them, then responding (whether in private behind the scenes or publicly) by spewing hate about the hatemongers. They’re so caught up in the moment and riled up emotionally, that they can’t even see how hypocritical it might be to do such a thing.

The rule is simple: If you don’t want to attract haters, don’t be a hater.

Practice tolerance and be a loving up-lifter. Edify those who have the courage to put themselves out there and risk everything for what they believe, even if it’s contrary to what you believe. Why? Because don’t you expect the same respect? That’s why. You gotta give what you want to receive.

Dealing With Haters

If you’ve been the recipient of a public attack by a violent hater, the standard protocol is to not take it seriously (I know that can be a tall order, sometimes), especially if the attack was personal, and you feel like your integrity or reputation might be at stake.

You are under no obligation to respond to an irrational hater (no matter how rational they may present themselves on the surface). Ignoring their accusations or remarks is completely acceptable, and while doing so,

Take the high road, understanding that the individual who is attacking you is not that different from you, and if you were living in that person’s shoes, you might feel compelled to strike out in a similar way.

Don’t get pompous over it, be compassionate and realize we are all just doing the best we can with what we have, and,

Bless them.

Yes, I said it. I know it harkens back to Romans 12:14’s, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse,” and Proverbs 15:1’s “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger,” but these are responses are solid, tested and true answers for haters. Haters are nothing new, they just get a lot more press these days.

If you do take the approach of replying with love and kindness (without being condescending) you might be surprised to find that your compassion, love, and kindness was enough to turn a hater into a supporter.

It’s been known to happen.