Give the Free Gift of Love

This holiday season, how would you like to give a free gift to help make the world a better place? It won’t cost you anything but a few heart-felt moments of your time, while you take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Join us, this year, in sending love to the world.

For most of us, this time of year is a joyous celebration with family and friends. Our hearts are filled with love and optimism for the coming year. For others, it can be the worst time of year. We’re unable to see it because the hectic pace of increased activity this time of year keeps us distracted from those suffering, in pain all around us.

While we are concentrating our efforts to deal with all the issues of holiday preparations and celebrations, others are alone, feeling as though there is no love for them in the world, and are even taking their own lives. The holiday season is known for increased rates of suicide. Lonely, sad, people without love are killing themselves because they think the endless sleep is the only way to stop the emotional pain.

You can help. You can join us for a few moments periodically throughout the season this year, or at least during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and a few moments during the New Years celebration, to send love to the world. These days represent the highest suicide rates. When most of us are feeling our best, others are feeling their worst.

What does it take to send love to the world?

Simply spend a minimum of three minutes to send love to the world in any manner which resonates with you. You can pray, mindfully meditate, light a candle, or use any other method to focus your intention on sending love energy to those who desperately need a little love at this critical time of year. Not just those suffering, or potentially suicidal, but everyone who might need a little love, even your family and friends.

If you need a little help in sending love to the world, feel free to join us by using this

Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation

This is a free gift from you to the world, a world so in need of love in these troubling times, and as you freely give this precious gift of free love, you are blessed in return for your benevolence.

Rewards for Sending Love to the World

You receive the benefits of flowing love through you, sending love from your heart to others, and the world. Just a few minutes of sending love to the world increases the love energy throughout your entire body, affecting the molecules of your body. Your immune system is boosted for eight hours, and many people report physiological healing from the process, as well as a sense of peace and wellbeing for six hours.

This is an invigorating, energizing, love-filling exercise which can certainly take the edge off of any holiday frustration, or when your energy reserves are running low.

But what if I’m not really feeling the love, or don’t have much love to give?

This is the best time to send love to the world because as you flow love through you and to others and the world, you are filled with love, and you will experience feeling love’s increase for six hours.

So, if you’re not really feeling the love this holiday season, then by all means, sending love to the world is just what the doctor ordered. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and the world that doesn’t cost you a dime.

Love. It’s the most powerful energy in the world, and it’s a free gift to the world,thanks to you.

God bless you for sending love to the world this year.

Are You a Being or a Bot In the Video Game of Life?

If we’re all living in one big video game, as Elon Musk believes, might it be helpful to know which people we interact with are “real?” (Real meaning that they are authentic beings hooked up to a machine, not unlike a virtual reality video game.) And might it be to your advantage to be able to identify those which are just computer-generated models or bots, which appear to be real, but are really “fake?” (Fake meaning there is no actual live being living the experience on the other side.)

Are You a Being or a Bot In the Video Game of Life?

The best players in the video game of life contend there are clues to whether a being with whom we interact in this virtual world (which seems very real) are connected beings or computer game simulations.

Characteristics of Real Beings

The characteristics of real beings living in this virtual reality world are different from those generated by the “system” which runs this massive simulated life experience. The people, like you and me, who are off-grid somewhere hooked up to the machinery for the experience share the following qualities:

They look out for others, possess a high degree of compassion, care more about their fellow man, and other participants in the game, such as animals, and the environment which shapes the world we live in. They want to contribute to making the game even better for other players.

In terms of influence, the real beings are less compelled to impress or seek approval from others. They’re fairly confident about who they are in this game and don’t need to be supported by others to have a sense of value for their lives. If their mission in life leads them to the stage, they do so in humility, if not reluctantly, and have no intrinsic need to be the center of attention.

Real players find comfort in quiet time, solitary moments, and relaxation to restore and recharge themselves and are humble because they really have nothing to prove.

If you’re real, you’re often found being that way. For instance, if you have a problem with someone, you can talk to that person face-to-face, express your concerns to see if you can work anything out, or make sense of something you don’t understand.

Integrity is important to the real players in the video game of life. They have a high sense of honor which has them wanting to be true to themselves and others. They will expend extra effort to keep their promises and to do the right thing, regardless of how they feel, or unforeseen circumstances. They are dependable and keep their word.

You will find real live life game players uplifting and acknowledge others for a job well done, or an enthusiastic effort, even if someone has fallen short of their intended mark. We understand everyone’s just doing the best they can (including ourselves), and applaud those why try their best.

The motivation for real beings is grounded in the greater good, so they often can be found helping and supporting others in the game of life. They desire to see and help as many other players as possible have the most success, joy, love, and living out the best game for them in this life, even if they get nothing in return for their support.

Characteristics of Game-Generated Bots

The computer/game-generated bots with whom we share the video game of life are just as real as we are, though they do not have a person connected to them, like us. They can be identified by the following characteristics:

They see themselves as being better than others (especially players hooked to the machine, like us). They lack respect for the players but tend to align themselves with sources of power to influence their standing within the game. Therefore, if you are in an influential position within the game, while you wield this power, they will feign support, alignment, friendship, love, and acceptance, to draw upon (and possibly drain) your power to improve their position in the game.

Bots are always looking for acceptance of others, seeking to validate their existence. They can be found exerting a great deal of effort to be accepted by others, and have no qualms about lying or being dishonest in their attempts to create value in their lives, essentially by “fooling” others (and themselves) into believing they are real.

Bots are anxious, unsettled, and are constantly on the lookout for ways to advance their position in the game, desirous to be in the spotlight. They will seek entertainment, excitement, and finding new ways to have access to others to extract life force and gain points in the game. In a meeting, if they are not in front of the room, or on stage, they will seek to get as close as possible or exert their superiority or excellence in some way. They find it difficult to relax but will pretend to relax with someone else, if they think it will potentially increase their position in the game.

Contrasting the humility of real players, bots find it necessary to brag and boast about their experiences, performance, achievements, possessions, or position. They believe this will attract “followers” in order to increase their value or influence.

Bots have no inclination to keep it real (because it’s not) and they have no problem talking behind others’ backs and spreading unsubstantiated rumors. Plus, they think the putting down of others, gives themselves an even greater sense of superiority.

The bots in the game of life are likely to tell you whatever you want to hear and make promises they never intend to keep. It’s hard to trust a bot due to their track record of not following through while possessing a litany of likely (or unlikely) excuses for not keeping their end of the bargain.

Bots could care less about what you’re doing but may look at recognizing or rewarding your efforts for a job well done as a way to manipulate you or persuade you to follow him or her. They are also prone to criticism or putting someone down for not doing better, especially if it makes them look or feel superior.

When a bot does something good, he or she has to announce it to the world. Since they are only motivated to advancing their position in the game, they will only do something to help someone else in the game, if it will add power or influence to their overall strategy and accumulate points. Otherwise, you’re on your own.

Successful Love Relationship

While there is a high degree of focus on chemistry and compatibility in relationships these days, the work I do with couples seems to support the idea that the most unlikely matched couples can count their relationships among the most successful and long-standing, deepest loves by integrating basic characteristics into the existing relationship. This hugely supports the Love is a Choice concept.

First of all, if you’re going to have a successful relationship, you must be willing to set aside your “what’s in it for me” mentality. Your relationship needs to be based on mutual respect, support, compassion, and a sincere desire to grow and evolve yourself as you love your partner and augment your partner’s work to achieve his or her highest and best. If this level of love and support is reciprocal, your love will grow immensely in concert with one another, and you both will be able to share the best things this life has to offer together.

Your relationship moves from a me-based to a we-based foundation.

In a we-based relationship, you give more of what you desire to get what you want. It’s more about the giving, and the receiving is a natural result of your selfless benevolence and generosity.

When you first notice incongruency in your relationship, recognizing that something is making you feel bad about your partner, first look within yourself. Ask yourself, “What could this have to do with me?” If you can think objectively, searching deep within, you may discover what you are feeling is in reaction to something unresolved within you, or alternatively, you are more the source of your discontent than your partner by trying to impose unnecessary judgment of restrictions based on life experiences from your past.

In this respect, in a real relationship, your partner is a mirror, reflecting yourself back to you, enabling you to see glimpses of the deep work that might be part of your personal growth and evolution waiting to be unveiled and dealt with. This should be your first thought when sensing discord because, in an enlightened relationship, your partner would never seek to make you feel bad. His or her desire is only to completely love and support you.

Growth necessitates change, so don’t be surprised when you look back at the beginnings of your relationship and think about how your partner is not the same person you started this journey with. One would hope not. The changes brought about by your continued growth and change within the relationship should be cause for celebration, with the hope or expectation that tomorrow and the days and years that follow will lead to even more growth and change increasing life energy and mutual expansion.

Without growth and change, a relationship goes stagnant and is unsustainable.

Living in the now is an important key component in the most successful relationships. As in all areas of life, there will be ups and downs, mistakes will be made, challenges will arise, and unexpected circumstances will visit the relationship. As quickly as possible, retaining the wisdom from the experience, abandoning the past, and living in the present moment, is a huge factor in the most successful relationships. And for God’s sake, do not hold a grudge against your partner. Repressed dissention and/or guilt will drain the energy from your love. Left to spread, like a cancer, will lead to love’s death.

Like love, happiness is also a choice. Make opportunities to include joyous time that you spend together as a couple. Don’t resign yourself to being so serious that you do not allow time for fun. Find ways to incorporate laughter and joy into your relationship to help raise your love vibration.

When facing opposition, remember there is no right or wrong, as, in all things in life, there is balance. Your partner is entitled to his or her opinion, and remember that nothing in this relationship is written in stone. Something that is said, felt, or believed today is always subject to new information, seeing something from a different perspective, and/or personal growth. So, let it be and agree to disagree for the moment. Don’t let the differences come between you, rather celebrate your differences in the now, and wait to see what is birthed from the process.

If whatever you focus your attention on grows (and it does) then look for the good things in your relationship and focus your attention on these things. How can you celebrate all your partner brings to the relationship? Look for opportunities to express your affection, appreciation, and gratitude to your partner and remember to make time to communicate these things intimately to your partner one-on-one.

Be open and honest with your partner and be courageous enough to express your needs and concerns along the way in a safe and sane way, while allowing your partner the same sacred space for healthy communication along the way. Every couple will encounter rough spots, and when you do, do not let them come between you. Use them for constructive, creative forms of expression, and don’t take it personally if your partner needs to blow off some steam. Be prepared for it, allow it to happen, then after things calm down, revisit it and see if together you both can make some sense of it.

Love represents the most powerful energy in the universe. It is always there, waiting for you to access it and apply it, first to yourself, your relationships, then the world.

You have a very exciting love-filled joyous life ahead.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Kill Them All

When a megalomaniac doesn’t like the idea of other groups of people possessing opposing views, he or she might insist the dissidents be silenced with little regard to innocent casualties. “Kill them all!” was a swift and effective command of the Catholic Church during the Crusades for cleansing a geographic area of heretics. Trying to ascertain who might be Catholic or not in a targeted area was simply too time consuming and inefficient, so when the Pope was questioned about whether fellow Catholics might be killed in the attacks, he added, some form of, “God knows who are his,” to the command to kill them all.

Later, the phrase and similar basic idea was adopted by United States military special forces as, “Kill them all and let God sort them out.”

Similarly, the royal charge to silence dissidence, “Off with his head,” represents the most effective way to silence someone who is resistant to compliance, especially if the dissident has anything to say about it. This phrase was adopted by popular culture and is demanded by the Queen of Hearts in Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland.

Ever since Cain and Abel, when the human ego feels as though it has been slighted, disrespected, or has suffered an injustice, a swift killing is the most effective method of making things right.

Instantaneous death is admittedly the most effective way to silence someone who doesn’t think or believe like you do.

Your ego (my ego, all of our egos) wants others to think, believe, and feel the way it does, and the unrestrained ego expects and demands compliance. In fact, the unrestricted ego believes sudden death is suitable punishment for anyone (or anything) that gets in its way.

How early in life does this appear in life? Hang out and listen to an active playfield in at any grade school in the USA and you will hear at least one child whose ego has been the victim of an assault utter, “I will kill you,” or alternatively, “I hope you die,” or wishing sudden death visits one or more of his/her classmate(s).

While this may appear to be barbarian and you might like to think that we are too civilized these days to adopt such philosophies, assuming we are far more likely to suggest something more civil, like, “Lock him up and throw away the key,” because that is a far more enlightened response than suggesting someone lop his head off.

Yet, all the assertions of, “I am right,” and, “You are wrong,” and holding onto the expectation that anyone could truly align with someone else’s way of thinking is simply too far from logic to be conceived of. To kill, imprison, brainwash, or otherwise punish someone into compliance is not sustainable.

For instance, we, as a society, are imprisoning Americans at an increasing rate every year. In fact, if things don’t change and we keep incarcerating people at current increasing rates, in the next forty years, you will either be in prison or working for a prison. Unsustainable.

The courts maintain (much like the Pope during the Crusades) spending too much time, money, and effort to sort out the details is far more ineffective than making more rules and erring on the side of punishing innocents. In effect, “Jailing them all,” and let God figure it out.

This more civilized method of keeping our streets clean, and removing the free-thinking, non-compliant, poor, mentally-challenged, or undesirables from society seems to be a solution we all can live with. Or can we?

As the current human evolution continues, the more evolved or enlightened individuals realize that punishing people for not thinking the way we do is not the answer.

What is the answer?

Be True to Yourself

When you’re getting an idea of who you are, not the you you’ve been programmed to accept but the you that came to this planet with a clear purpose, message, passion, and mission, you are in the process of defining your unique and individual self and you want to be true to yourself, the you that you are becoming.

You are knowing your truth (which may change periodically as you continue to grow and expand in your own personal evolution), have a desire to achieve your highest and best, want to live a better life, your best life, make the world a better place, and have a strong compulsion to be true to yourself.

“To thine own self be true”
~ Wm Shakespeare

While being true to yourself seems simple enough on the surface, beneath and deep within yourself this sense of congruence can look like so many things depending on where you are on your personal journey.

You know you’re being true to yourself when you’re feeling good about who you are. You really like the you that you are becoming and are starting to love yourself for who you are.

That voice inside your head which badgered you with different forms of negative self-talk is fading away into the dark void as your self-confidence rises to match the acceptance of your divine mission.

Understanding that communication is the key to delivering your own unique message, you are finding new and better ways to express yourself and speak your truth without offending the people you are trying to effectively communicate with.

You’re not having to maintain different personalities for different work, social, friend and family situations. You can represent your self as yourself without having to compromise, impress anyone, or care about what anyone else thinks, and you’re feeling good about it.

You are living a more centered and congruent life and are able to manage life’s situations, circumstances, and unforeseen obstacles which may arise, without the panic or sense of helplessness that you may have once felt in the past.

There is a simple ease for finding places of peace and joy in all things, decision-making comes without confusion or conflict, and you are more able to exercise your daily feats with accuracy, a high level of precision and performance.

All this is true for you when you are being true to yourself.

To be true to yourself you can give up the activities which no longer serve your new, more expanded self.

You no longer feel the need to kowtow to others, so you don’t need to play games anymore. You don’t need to manipulate, fear someone might be trying to manipulate you, or even feel like having to laugh falsely regarding an off-color joke or remark which conflicts with your alignment.

Remember when you felt a sense of guilt or compulsory obligation to agree with someone, or compliment someone who really didn’t deserve it out of fear of not being liked, loved, or regarded as a nice person? You don’t do that anymore.

Misrepresenting or compromising your authentic self is no longer an option, and now, the idea of it seems not only incongruent, but feels like hypocrisy, or lying. In fact, you’re realizing, you can be totally honest, never needing to lie again, not even to spare someone’s feelings, because now you are finding ways to agree to disagree without lying or compromising, without dishonoring someone else’s right to maintain their own opinion, even if it contrasts your own.

Your openness and honesty empower you to be who you are, in all your strength and in your weakness, without having to make apologies if you’re experiencing a moment when you’re not on your game 100 percent. You’re allowed to have a bad day, or a less than peak moment, without having to apologize to yourself or anyone else.

Militaristically forcing yourself to do the things that you need to do to get to where you want to be in a devil-may-care, take no prisoners-type attitude no longer serves you. You are finding new, more positive, ways to find the motivation to do the things that serve you on the way to achieving your highest and best.

You don’t have to compromise your integrity anymore, not when you can be true to yourself.

It’s Not What You Say It’s How You Say It

Ever try to talk to someone, expressing an opinion that the person you’re talking to is not getting it? Not only is this person not getting it, they may have a completely opposite point of view. Once you’ve determined the person is not receptive to what you have to say, you might consider to assert yourself risking a full on debate which could lead to war, or clam up and walk away in an effort to avoid any potential conflict.

It’s Not What You Say,
It’s How You Say It

On the other hand, you can assert your ideas, concepts, and beliefs in such as way so as not to alienate the person (or people) you are trying to express your ideals to. I think finding a way to speak your truth is important. You need to say what you need to say but say it in a way that it won’t turn someone away.

You need to possess the self-confidence to assert yourself in certain circumstances. For sensitive or introverted personality types this can be a challenge. For those who are more sensitive, you need to get a grip on who you are. You are an amazing person who has been blessed with the opportunity to be here. You have accepted the life challenge which has brought you to this place and time to say what you want to say. It’s up to you to accept the challenge and speak your piece.

You are a unique individual who has come to this planet a purpose, message, passion, and mission to share and fulfill. You came here with special skills and abilities, everything you could possibly need to achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. Step into who you know you are and boldly go forth into the world, ready and willing to speak up when it is necessary or prudent.

It takes courage, and you can prepare for this higher level of sharing by practicing your sharing skills in private. Yes, just you and your mirror, or record your own audio and/or video. Review your delivery, and tweak accordingly. This can be a huge confidence-builder in terms of strengthening your assertion skills. Practice is good.

Defending your position, when you’re faced with someone with an opposing view is tricky business. This is where most people fall apart, isolate their audience, potentially bully, and prevent any hope of meaningful conversation. If you assert yourself too forcefully, the person you’re talking to is either going to post up for a debate or shut down. Anything you say after that is falling on dead ears and is not only a waste of your time; it is counterproductive because your defense tactic is too offensive. You’ve potentially hurt their feelings, bullied them, repelled your audience and sent them (metaphorically) running in the opposite direction that you intended.

Be mindful of the delivery of your message. Don’t raise your voice when you’re approached with opposing views, or use words or phrases that will alienate or put the person you’re trying to talk to on the defensive, such as tossing shoulds at your audience. “You should,” causes the person to position for battle. No one likes to be told what they “should” do, and just as importantly avoid using should-related terms, like shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, need to, has to, only if, or only when.

Awfulizing statements (a phrase coined by Albert Ellis) refers to words and phrases associated with the word “awful” which causes your audience to put on their armor and prepare for battle. Awfulizing uses the word “awful,” as wells as other words and phrases like terrible, horrible, it bothers me, I can’t stand it when, or I hate it, etc…

Don’t punish your listener by framing your message with punishment, even if it’s directed to others outside of the conversation. This is a sensitive topic of conversation which causes the listener to reach for weapons to ready themselves for battle, so avoid saying someone deserves to be punished, should be “taught a lesson,” or needs to know what it feels like. Including the damnation of others, or yourself.

Also avoid using constrictive or limiting words that are 100% exclusive, allowing no other possibilities, such as always or never.

Be open and honest without being offensive. You don’t have to be rude or resort to name-calling. Just say what you mean without compromising but do it in a kind and gentle manner. Assert yourself while remaining calm and centered as you share your message as you are being courteous, compassionate, and use a tender tone of voice, without having to be aggressive or disrespectful to your audience.

Try to speak the language of the person that you’re trying to talk to. Try to see your message from their point of view. Imagine what if might like to be this person, having lived the life they lived, dealing with circumstances and situation, which you may have no reference to. Consider having walked a mile in this person’s shoes. Then think about what presentation might be the best approach for trying to compassionately communicate with someone like this.

Listen to your audience’s opposing view with compassion, essentially seeing it with their eyes, from their point of view. Seek to understand first, then ask yourself, “If I were this person, what would I need to hear?” How would you need to hear it in order to be the most receptive?

It’s so important to say what you need to say, because if you don’t you give away your power and deny your divinity, So, say what you need to say but say it in way that you can continue to achieve your highest and best, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Shiny Happy People How to be one

There are some people who live the most amazing lives. shiny happy people get up every morning to a bright, new day, full of magical opportunities as if every day is a perfectly wrapped gift with a bow just waiting to be opened and enjoyed. Many of the happiest successful people start their days, like this, and they don’t let up, keeping that sense of childlike awe and wonder as they progress through the day.

If life’s not turning out as you thought it might, and you’re feeling down, lonely, betrayed, victimized, unworthy, and/or worthless, not to fear. You can have a more optimistic and fulfilling life and journey ahead, all it takes is a little hacking to reprogram your life and get onto a track that will take you where you want to go.

Some purposeful redirection of your thoughts and energy, looking for the things that you desire from life and expecting them to appear, unfolding in their natural way (not necessarily like you thought they might), the way that it best for you and your journey, and suddenly your starting to climb back into the driver’s seat of your life.

Just thinking about the good things in life releases endorphins which make you feel better and can help pull you out of a slump. See? You’re already making progress.

Shiny Happy People: How to be one

Scientists who study the characteristics of shiny happy people and learning about how to be one are understanding that it doesn’t take much effort to shift your vibration enough to significantly and demonstrably change your mind and your life by hacking the computer which runs your life, your brain.

By studying shiny happy people, they way they look at life and integrate with it, we can learn the steps necessary to achieve the dramatic shift and actually start to enjoy life, living among the shiny happy people as one of them, and it starts with changing the way you look at life, them how you feel about it.

Looking for good things, and avoid ruminating on bad things, is a key activity of shiny happy people. There is a synergy which kicks in which brings to your life more of that which you focus on. Therefore, if you are focused on things that are not going well with the world, you will attract more of those types of things in your life. If you focus on the good things in life, and the world, you attract even more of these things, like a magnet.

Shiny happy people are optimistic promoters of good and have a desire to see an even better world tomorrow and for the generations to come.

The most successful and happiest people in the world aren’t just thinking about it, they’re doing something. The something they do doesn’t have to be enormous, in fact, it can be minute, but it all has a cumulative effect on the world as the efforts of all shiny happy people create a wave which changes the world energetically. This positive energy infiltrates all areas of life on this planet and makes the world a better place, leading the human race through a positively expanding form of evolution for an even better world.

Challenges and obstacles will often interrupt the lives of the shiny happy people. Just because they are more optimistic than their peers doesn’t mean their lives are free from problems or trouble. The difference is, what they do about it.

They apply their optimistic outlook to anything which presents itself as a challenge. If something goes wrong, if they’ve made a mistake, or something didn’t turn out like they planned, of course, they are disappointed, but as quickly as possible, they try to look for the good, extract knowledge, learning from the experience, and taking that experience and learning into the future with them.

So, if you know what you want, what makes you feel good, and you spend time focusing on that, the happier you will be, and you will start to shine.

It’s all about how you look at things, how you see and think about everything frames your life. You wrap it up beautifully and tie it up with a pretty bow, and admire its beauty and magnificence.

Although it might sound like living in fantasy land, shiny happy people are very practical, down to earth people, who are clever, practical, and purposefully control their minds, their thoughts, and their feelings.

They are more motivated than their peer to take action, and they don’t depend on exterior circumstances to make them feel motivated to do something. They look within themselves for motivation, make plans and execute them to the best of their ability.

They do not isolate themselves. They interact with others, are congenial, and find opportunities and ways to network with others (even if it is contrary to their individual personality type). They also create their own support networks, building strong relationships with a core group of often like-minded individuals, who they can share reciprocal common bond and trust.

Shiny happy people are confident in their ability to find provision for all their needs from within, and they are strong and wise enough to reach out and ask for help if they need it. Their high self-esteem and personal confidence are what adds the sheen to their shine.

Their positive outlook also encourages them to look after themselves, as they are more apt to find ways to get the proper nourishment, exercise, and rest necessary to maintain a healthy body and outlook on life, staving off fatigue and depression which might be rooted in physiological decline, or lack of maintenance.

Choose to be a shiny happy person

Happiness is a choice. By choosing to adopt the lifestyle of shiny happy people, you, too, become a shiny happy person, affecting both you and the world for a brighter future.

Blessings await all who join the ranks of the shiny happy people. All the best things in life are already there, waiting for you to join them on your new happy shining journey.

Start today with a smile. Get out in public and smile, even if you don’t feel like it, and see how the world smiles back at you. How shiny you are…

You are headed in the right direction, keep going.

The more you do it, the happier you will feel, and your world will change with you.

November 2017 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of November, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Nothing Seems to Go Right How to Turn it On When the Thrill is Gone To Love Is A Choice
Unacceptable Behavior Loss of Love Infidelity Life After the Affair You Are More Space
Thanksgiving Leftovers Thankful and Sending Love to the World It Takes All Kinds
Mood Enhancing Quick Fixes Entertained Angels Believe It Or NotEntertained Angels Believe It Or Not Bless Those Who Have Hurt You
Let’s Do This Motivation Avoid False Love Your Highest and Best
Friend Betrayal Holy Sex Acts Money Types in Love
Waiting for True Love Sending Love to the World 2017 Rekindle the Flame of Love
The New Human Evolution Why Would Someone Kick You When You’re Down? What Other People Think or Say
Love is All There is Help I Can’t Take One More Your Highest and Best Relationship


Lost All Hope Nothing Seems to Go Right

Ever face your worst moment ever and lost all hope when nothing seems to go right?

That time when your whole world crashed down around you and you looked up at the sky and cried, “Why?”

In that moment, your worst moment ever, you were certain there was no God, and if there was, how could a loving God allow you to be in this situation? You thought there would be no way in hell that you could ever survive such a horrible event.

But you did; right?

You might find that hard to remember if you’re in the middle of one of those worst moments, when everything seems to go wrong, right now.

Your mind goes to that, “Why me?” and, “What did I ever do to deserve this?” place, as you fall into the role of victim, which is totally understandable.

We all have those moments. We all do; it’s part of the evolutionary process of personal growth. Even me; and if I’ve learned anything from those moments, it’s that they don’t last forever, and that they always (ALWAYS) lead to something better. But when you’re in the throes of pain, despair and/or madness, it’s so hard to get a grasp of the idea that it could ever get better.

I’m a pretty logical person and have a bit of a scientific streak. I like to analyze data, discover patterns, test for repeatable results, and draw logical conclusions, but it’s a process. As new information becomes available, I factor in the new data, which may confirm my previous conclusion or lead me in a totally new direction.

Applying scientific method to the worst times in my life, I discovered that all things bad, even the worst imaginable moments of my life, were transitional pivot points demarking the end of something which may not have been in my best interest (but I was unable to see it at the time) and without the intensity of that moment, I may have continued down the same path of mediocrity or to a more destructive result.

The blast of the explosive event sent me reeling in such a completely different direction than I would have ever thought of going which led to my experiencing a completely new level of exploring all the best things this life has to offer.

Think about your favorite movie… Where the hero or heroine of the film faces their worst moment, and comes out safely on the other side. Just like the star of that film, you are the star of your own film.

Think about this concept as a reframe of the circumstance when you find yourself amidst the worst moment(s). Think of this part of your life being a movie script, and that you haven’t had the privilege to read ahead. Some directors will do this with their actors, to keep them submerged in their roles because they don’t what’s coming next. They just trust the director.

Likewise, you have to trust your life in the same way. God is the director, and there is a hugely positive outcome in the remainder of the script even if it doesn’t look like it right now.

On the other hand, you don’t have to trust. You can exert all the energy and go through all the pain that you want to. We all are doing the best we can with what we have.

… and you know what?

Everything will work out for the best, no matter what you do or say, or how the story unfolds.

So make the best of it.

How to Turn it On When the Thrill is Gone

Seems like it wasn’t that long ago and your relationship was full of vibrant energy, with heightened passion and intimacy. It is common for these to fade over time. Here are some invaluable tools to apply to your relationship if the thrill is gone.

You and your partner have been together for a while and one thing is for certain in any long-term relationship: the natural sheen tends to dull after a while. It doesn’t have to. You can breathe the breath of new life into any relationship at any time (better if done before it tends to turn stale).

Every relationship should have started with a unique chemistry. If the chemistry were not there, you probably wouldn’t have gotten together in the first place (unless you are in an arranged marriage). So, if the base chemistry is there, it can be re-engaged at any time, with very little effort on your part.

Passion and romance are begging for release, all they need is a gentle nudge to get them going in all their glory.

If you think back to when your relationship was fresh and new, you can think of activities you engaged in when you were in the throes of young love. Everything was new and exciting, life was more interesting and fun. You found yourselves in a more playful state of mind.

Since then you probably have settled into life as it is, and there has been a trend of just getting though life the best you can with as little conflict as possible.

Simply recreating or recapturing the look and feel of those early romantic times will reignite the smoldering embers, and you might be surprised at how little effort it will take.

Make time for each other. When we get bogged down with everyday life, it’s easy just to come home and give up. Instead, give yourself 20 or 30 minutes to unwind, then get up and find ways to put some zest back in your relationship.

If you are dealing with a chronic lack of energy, deal with this first. You can’t really energetically engage with your partner if your cup is empty. Find ways to destress and build your own energy reserves and share from the overflow.

What should you do? There’s a pretty good chance you know your partner well enough to have a good idea about what turns him or her on, what piques his or her interest and gets him of her excited (not just in a sexual way). There are certain subjects and ideas that will break the trance of everyday life, if you engage that passionate side of their brain by simply talking about something they like or are passionate about.

Your tendency might be to talk about the things which are important to you, but talking about what’s important to your partner will engage his or her passion, and it won’t take long and they will find opportunities to find other ways to express their passion.

Invite your inner child (inner children) to participate in your relationship. You will fine them excited and looking for ways to express themselves playfully, always eager to have a good time and have fun.

Do something fun.

Avoid the things that will drain the energy from an otherwise healthy relationship, like boredom, or falling into a rut of the same ol’ same ol’. Negative postures, such as criticism, or facing something which appears as though it might be too complicated.

If either you, or your partner, are feeling misunderstood, not appreciated, or valued, the energy for passion quickly dissipates.

Withheld long-standing resentments can build a tremendous amount of pressure over time. It is always a best practice to deal with little things that come up now and then, and deal with them early on, rather than letting them grow into something more negative.

If you have something important to say or share, follow John Gottman’s advice and start off with five positive statements about your partner first, before getting into the other stuff.

Always seek to first understand and then to arrive at a win/win solution. It may take a little more effort, but it is far worth it, with the benefit of increased intimacy and passion as the pay-off.

Certain odiferous scents can have a negative effect on an otherwise romantic air. Make sure you and your environment have an inviting and pleasant, even romantic, air about it.

The smallest, genuine gesture can reignite the flame of romance in a heartbeat, don’t be shy about doing something small, cute, and/or endearing.

Reignition can happen in a moment, saying something positive, a little text, the smallest uplifting thing can light the flame.

Learning to effectively listen, communicate, and understand each other is the key to continued unbridled passion.

Rebuild relational good will by seeking to be supportive, seek to understand and also to be understood. Find ways and seize opportunities to touch each other, not just sexually, but by touching or holding hands, and/or cuddling, and hugging. This increases the connection by raising the oxytocin (bonding hormone) level (men need three-times the physical contact to maintain the bonding effect).

Appreciation adds miles to your relationship high road, we all hope to please our partners and hearing or being shown that we are appreciated for what we bring to the table is extremely endearing and ramps up the love and excitement.

You can set your romance fire ablaze by introducing newness, doing things differently and trying new things, role-play, or go on a romantic scavenger hunt.

Create your own individual language, both spoken and unspoken, like the most successful couples do, so that when you’re out in public you can say a word or cast a facial expression that is only understood by you and your partner.

Al little fantasy, mystery or surprise will kick your ecstasy into overdrive, as well as talking about exciting intimate details about intimately private details (they don’t even have to be recent). All little sexy nostalgia goes a long way.

Find ways to boost your energy levels together by exercising, dancing, stump-busting, racing, skydiving (could be indoors), taking in a concert, or attending a comedy club. Any such activities will translate into romantic energy which can translate into increased sexual tension looking for ways to express themselves.

Every couple is different and what works for one couple may not work for the next. So, find your own unique romance-fire-starters. Find out what works for you, and when you know it does, do more of that.