You Are Human Evolution in Action

As you become more aware and evolved your personal growth is embedding particular codes throughout your mind and body. Depending on your genealogy, you may have inherited genes that give you a predisposition to continuing your evolution as sui generis.

You are human evolution in action sui generis dna

If you were bestowed this evolving genetic material by either one or both of your parents (even though they might not have known they were a carrier, because social programming would dictate their denial of it at all in an attempt to blend in with society) it already exists in your DNA. If you weren’t born with it, and you are activating it, you will pass it on to your offspring.

If this were true, you could examine data available by observing the offspring of those who follow this path of enlightenment.

You might think, that’s a strange preamble of a father declaring his massive love and pride of his children – how they’ve grown into the most amazing adults – clearly carrying the gene.

In their youth, these kids were not taught to have particular belief patterns nor trained to follow in either parent’s footsteps; each one of them clearly a unique individual and independent making his or her own way through life.

I would be just as proud if any of them turned out to not possess this genetic predisposition and would not love that one any less, but how amazing it is that each one possesses this incredible material enabling them to blend in, while continuing to evolve.

One thing in common with all of us who are on this evolutionary path, is that people do tend to notice us, even though we may be making concerted efforts to blend in. They say things like,

How do you do it?
It’s not possible for you to do this
How come you’re not more like us?
You’re not normal

Along with a host of more complimentary – and derogatory – statements and queries, we all have in common.

This genetic pattern was first observed by – and presented to me – by my eldest son. He recognized being endowed with almost super-human abilities, as were his siblings. He identified me, based on the life that I had lived, as the carrier of the gene (long before I even understood the concept, myself). Now he is raising his own family and his children also have this evolutionary genetic information hard-wired in their DNA.

Nonetheless, the evolution continues to spread. Either the genes are awakened from scratch, or they are inherited and continue to evolve and will be increasingly apparent in future generations as it grows and spreads, which give me the most optimistic outlook for the future of our planet.

Call this science fiction, junk science, or the fanciful ramblings of a proud father who loves his children more than anything on this planet. No matter what you call it (because for most of you, this is – for the most mart – unbelievable) the fact remains, in a few more generations we will be faced with a world that will have regarded our current generation as barbarian.

Now, there are those who desire to suppress the evolution of our DNA, with propaganda, social moire and medical interventions, and I believe that the best efforts of these opposing forces hell-bent on preventing human evolution will be for not.

For when our race reaches critical mass, we will better be able to see and more fully experience a world very different that it has been, where anything is possible, as humans begin to think for themselves and embrace their innate super-powers.

And none of this would have been possible without you
How much better does it get?

Self-engineering Reprogramming Your Own DNA

After being in a 7-year-long DNA reprogramming trial, I became aware of the fact that much of your DNA may be reprogrammed by you and me. This is in stark contrast to the idea that we are victims of our DNA, that we are doomed to suffer the fate of our parents because they passed their DNA onto us, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Unfortunately for me, I learned about this technology long after passing on my DNA to my children, but I have hope that they can grasp this technology and consciously make an effort to change their DNA to pass along to our further generations to come.

In those seven years, I learned a great deal, that what we put in our bodies, and how we live, affects and changes our DNA, and we pass this onto our children.

So, Mary and I bundled up our DNA and this was our gift to our children. Knowing what I know now, we could have done better, but we didn’t have this knowledge when we were passing on our genes to our offspring. We, like the rest of us, we’re just doing the best we could with what we had at the time.

Increased Longevity by DNA Alteration

What I can do, is to take what I’ve learned and take action upon it. I can initiate psychological and physiological subroutines that will allow me to outlive my biological parents and the generations that lived before me. I can be healthier and live longer by tweaking my own DNA on my own.

And you can be your own self-engineering DNA re-programmer as well.

If you want to live a longer life, there are things you can do that are known to reprogram your DNA for healthy, vibrant longevity.

7 Year Cycle

It takes seven years to complete one cycle of DNA reprogramming. The next seven years, if your reprogramming is unaltered will help to solidify your programming efforts. So, you will need at least a fourteen-year span to see this through. Although any efforts you make towards reprogramming your DNA will enhance your life for the time you have focused on doing so, though they will begin to fade, and your DNA will begin to revert to its previous state.

1. Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins

The basic building blocks are necessary for building a healthy, reprogrammable DNA structure. At the very least, you will need to have the basic nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, the raw materials that are mandatory for taking charge of your own genetic restructuring.

The vitamins and minerals that our bodies require are unavailable in the food that is available to our population these days, so we must supplement. It is up to you to determine what your body needs as the minimal requirements of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. No one can tell you this.

Everything that I have discovered about what your doctor or the FDA might tell you about what nutrients your body needs does not seem adequate, nor does it sound like good advice to me, but you must investigate these things and decide for yourself, and source your vitamins, minerals, and proteins to the best of your ability.

2. Stress Response

Being exposed to stress, physiologically, and psychologically, helps to exercise the regeneration response of the body to strive to survive longer. It’s as if

What doesn’t kill you makes you live longer

This is the least glamorous thing you can do for life extension, because who wants to regularly subject themselves to stress to have a longer life?

It is not just meeting stressors head-on that is the key to longer life, it is how you respond to it which holds the keys to vital longevity.

Note that unresolved trauma hides in the DNA and the physiological effects will be passed on to the next generation. So, resolving repressed trauma is the only way to prevent it from visiting your future family line.

If your general disposition is to exercise a fight or flight response, this will help you to avoid the immediate pitfalls of the stressful circumstance. In this scenario, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and there’s nothing wrong with that. This may be the key to making it another day.

If instead, you can respond to any stressors you might face with a calm knowing that the entire universe is in balance and that all things to which you might be exposed are all here to increase your life expectancy in perfect harmony… now you are on the path to immortality.

Every time you initiate this peaceful and serene response to stress, your DNA is reprogrammed for longer life.

3. Calorie Restriction

Reducing your calorie intake is not dissimilar to the stress response. It does send signals to the brain and the entire physiological system that something is not right, and so it calls on the other mechanisms to strive to survive.

This strengthens the immune response and reduces the deterioration of the physiological being by exercising it daily in response to the calorie restriction.

Again, it is up to you to determine what your caloric intake will look like on a daily basis. For me, I think cutting my normal intake in half feels tight to me.

4. Meditate

Meditative processes are a known way to extend life. It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes a day in the beginning and the end of the day are enough to start reprogramming your DNA.

There are so many ways to enter into a meditative state. You must find the one(s) that resonate with you best.

There you go.

This is my basic formula for living a long life, and being able to pass this work on to future generations, if you start it early enough.

Make Money Doing What You Love

Sounds crazy, right? Yet, you know there are thousands (more like, millions) of people doing what they love and getting paid for it. Some people are getting paid quite handsomely, while others are getting absolutely rich doing what they love.

Most of the people I work with either do what they love – and get paid for it – or they have other enterprises and are integrating what they love to get paid for it.

If they can do it, why not you?

Imagine for a moment that you could do what you love and get paid ten or a hundred times that you’re making now working a job for someone else… What does that look like? First, you have to decide what you love to do, more than anything.

Frances Hesselbein found a great sense of purpose and fulfillment as a volunteer leader in the Girl Scouts. She loved it so much, she rose through the ranks and became the CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA. So inspiring was her work with the Girls Scouts, she was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

What Do You Love to Do?

Most (but not all people) have an idea of what it is that they love to do; that thing that when you’re actively engaged in it, time just seems to fade away, as well as the everyday concerns of life, and nothing else seems to matter.

When I’m working one-on-one, this is serious business, determining what is the thing that you love to do the most? In a group setting, workshop or seminar, when I ask for ideas from the audience, invariably I get someone who offers up, “I love to sleep!” (so I’m assuming someone reading these words is having the same idea).

So, let’s go there… Can you think of anyone who gets paid to sleep?

Get Paid to Sleep

Not to be confused with getting paid while you sleep (like having a revenue stream that runs around the clock) these people get paid specifically for sleeping. There are sleep or other scientific study subjects, some employers are now paying their employees to take naps on the job, many jobs pay for blocks of time that include slumber, hospitality reviewers get paid not only to sleep but to sample all the creature comforts of hotels. Some domestic in-home care workers work the night-shift to sleep (although lightly, as they are paid also to respond to an emergency). Then, of course, there is the oldest profession, where some of the assignments actually do include being paid extra to sleep.

And that’s not including the many people who enjoy a great deal of success, including fortunes, as the rewards for their sleeping. Many of the most creative ideas are birthed while sleeping according to Albert Einstein, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Carl Jung, Edgar Allen Poe, Salvador Dali, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, just to name a few (of the people who are also famous for getting paid for doing what they love).

In other words, if you have verifiable evidence that you can get paid – receive fortunes or benefit humanity greatly – from sleeping (thank you, hecklers), is it too much a stretch of the imagination that you could turn that thing that you love to do into – not only a regular income stream, but possibly – a veritable gold mine?

Make money doing what you love i get money doing what i love

I don’t love money
I get money doing what I love

It happens every day and I am blessed to help assist some of the people in reorganizing their lives to do just that. Making a living doing what you love is one thing, especially if your sights are set very low, as is the case of starving artists. They are able to eek out a living as best they can, possibly by subsidizing their income by doing add jobs, or as wait staff.

On the other hand, many other artists thrive, but they approach their art differently, more like a business. I mean, if you’re going to work for someone, why shouldn’t it be you? Although, if you want to be a success in this arrangement, that puts more responsibility on you to be a successful business person and employer. This ambition, though potentially extremely profitable, is not for the faint of heart.

Really, there is no reason that anyone should not be doing what they love and get paid for it. In fact, this is the natural order of things, though it has been corrupted by a corporate societal structure imposing a different set of ideals we all have succumbed to.

We all know people who are doing what they love and enjoying remuneration for their craft, it wouldn’t take much – just a few tweaks, here and there – to put those individuals in an increased income bracket. More effort to supercharge your brand and marketing, could rocket-launch your success even more.

It might be time for you to

Do what you love


Earn Money

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Life Sucks

You’ve heard people say things, like

I feel bad
I’m depressed
Nobody loves me
I have the worst luck
Nothing good happens to me
There’s no happiness in my life

Ever notice how true these statements appear to be for the people who say them? And the fact that it seems they get more of what they don’t want the more they complain about it appears to be statistically verifiable.

It’s true. The people who say, “I feel bad,” feel even worse. Depressed people who confess how depressed they are become even more depressed (I am not discounting any therapeutic modalities dealing with depression, just stating “what is”). People who say, “Nobody loves me,” find it more difficult to have a love connection. People saying, “I have the worst luck,” do. Nothing good comes to those who say it never does and happiness eludes those who speak those words, or post negatively on social media.

On the other hand, there are those who live a

Charmed Life

They have that Midas touch, everything they touch turns to gold. They are always in a good mood, feeling unusually good, everyone seems to be attracted to them, good fortune visits them often and they are so happy, you just want to do something to disrupt their groove (slap them, trip them, somehow put them in their place, because this is just ridiculous. Nobody should be allowed to live this kind of life. If I were jealous or vindictive, I might secretly proclaim, “One day, they will get what’s coming to them.”).

Nonetheless, there they are… squeezing all the best juices out of this life and savoring every drop, while the rest of us wallow in the reality of everyday life.

life sucks or not your choice

Life Sucks

While these folks living a “charmed life” live life like it revolves around them, the rest of us with our feet firmly on the ground know the reality is that life sucks. And for those who say, “Life sucks,” it does.

So there we are confident, without a doubt, that this life has nothing much to offer us – except to succumb to the hustle and bustle of being a member of this earthly rat race we call life – while we carve out our meager existence.

Yet, something within us yearns for something more…

Something inside us wants what some of those crazy people pretending-to-live-in-a-fairy-tale have.

What would you give for some good somethin’ somethin’?

The Best is Yet to Come

Want a little peace and happiness in your life? Think you’re ready for something good?

Isn’t it time you stuck your toe in the water, just to see what could happen… if you really could change your life?

The only difference between these two types of people is their attitude. Their attitude determines their vibrational frequency. This frequency acts like a TV or radio tuner, adjusting the programming that you get to experience.

Therefore, if you can change your attitude, you can change your life. The more positive your thoughts are as you develop a more positive mental attitude, the more good things will be attracted to your life’s experience, like these people whose lives should have turned out bad, but they decided to tune-in to the positive. It’s a fact.

Create Some Good Life

If you’re ready for a little of the good life, start by proclaiming it. Try switching out the words that you speak (of the thoughts that you think) for the antithesis. For instance

Instead of Exchange for
I feel bad I feel good
I’m depressed I am getting more optimistic
Nobody loves me Love is coming my way
I have the worst luck I am attracting good fortune
Nothing good happens to me I’m ready for the best things
There’s no happiness in my life I find happiness when I look for it

Baby Steps

Talk to Yourself

These positive statements are referred to as positive affirmations, and the more you use them (and you can make up your own and crank them up… you get the idea) the more powerful they become. It may seem ridiculous, or silly, at first but just try it on, and see what happens.

What have you got to lose?

Who Do You Serve?

Ever wonder why it’s so difficult to find what it is that you’re looking for in your life?

The principle of focusing with laser accuracy on what you want, help you to attract what it is that you’re seeking. This approach works in all areas of life. Specifically, we will look at applying this approach to business target markets. In order for a business to achieve profitability, it is important to specifically define one’s target market.

Your target market includes a specific group of people that want your product or service. The more specific you are about defining your target market, the more effective your marketing efforts can be.

serving target market customer avatar laser focus advertising

Customer Avatar

The best way to define your market is to reduce the attributes of your target market to one particular person who represents your clients or customers. Be as specific as possible, give him/her a name and maybe even create a drawing or get a photo to represent your perfect client.

An example might be:

Name: Cory More
Age: 35 years old
Geographic Location: Greater New York Area
Education: High school
Profession: Hourly employee, data entry
Diet: Mostly vegetarian, somewhat interested in eating healthier, regularly integrates meat-eating (usually chicken and fish, beef rarely). Wife purchases food staples from local market.
Home: Rents (not a homeowner)
Auto: Owns an older vehicle (paid for), while wife drives newer auto (payments)
Family: Married with two children. Basically happy, but finds financial strain a constant irritant,
Regular spending activities: Cab fare 3x per week, eats restaurant lunch work days, buys commercial cup of coffee 2x per work day.
Spare time activities: Watches a lot of TV, plays video games, meets friends at bar twice a week after work, watches a movie at a theater once a month, smokes marijuana occasionally
Mental health: Moderately undiagnosed depression, feels unworthy – as if he could have done better – if he’d not rushed into marriage and family.
Satisfaction: Likes time commiserating with friends at the bar, twice a week. Faithful husband, basically enjoys intimacy at home (though flirts occasionally with saleswomen).
Secret wish: Would like a higher paying job or ultimately to win the lottery

On and on it goes, until you’ve added as many details as possible to clearly define your perfect consumer. Having this picture clearly in your mind will help you aim your marketing efforts to your target market. (Uh… That’s why they call it a target.)

Once you know who your Avatar is, you know what he/she does, what interests him/her, where he/she goes, you can align your marketing efforts to deliver the message that he/she wants to hear and be in the place at the time he/she is likely to be looking/listening for your message.

But My Target Market Is Everybody

Oh, of course, you just want $1 from every person in the United States, right?

If you do not focus on a target, you will certainly miss. This is one of the reasons most businesses fail.

If you want to get what you want, you’ve got to focus and exert some energy to create your desired result.

You can have multiple Customer Avatars, and create separate customized marketing efforts to best approach each one, but too many of them will water down your message.

Unbelievable Truths

In my work with individuals breaking through social barriers, pushing through the limits of leading edge science and technology, experimenting with new thought, expanding awareness and consciousness, I am privy to ideas and concepts that are in direct contrast to mainstream thought and ideals.

This has put me smack dab in the middle of situations, circumstances and to actually witness unbelievable – if not impossible – results. I don’t know if you’ve ever been exposed to quantum mechanics and/or quantum theory, but I have the privilege of commiserating with these mind-bending researchers and scientists (and to tell you the truth, some of the concepts that they share are well beyond my comprehension). Some of the discoveries that are being made are challenging everything we’ve ever known or believed.

unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became real

It’s difficult to deal with having your world being rocked with higher revelation of concepts that we believe to be fantasy or science fiction. What occurs to me is that we are living in a time of science fiction becoming reality. It wasn’t long ago when we watched science fiction movies and TV shows with flip phones, hand held computers, 3D virtual reality devices, etc… all here, right now, in real time. These advancements were once thought to be impossible, now are here.

These leading edge new thought advancements infiltrate all technologies, industries, daily living concepts, spiritual thoughts and ideas. Data is being downloaded and bestowed upon certain individuals (everyone from Noah to Tesla and beyond) that could potentially change the world as we know it.

I am aware of technology in existence today (and has been for many years) eliminating the need for our accepted forms of energy consumption, systems and devices exist (working models) that provide electricity that are independent and not connected to the grid. Cars, trucks and other industrial vehicles powered by anything (you wouldn’t believe what) but petroleum-based fuel.

Even traditional medical thought is being rattled by these unbelievable advancements, quickly discarded as snake oil or con games, yet individuals who were once greatly diseased and dying are now healthy and flourishing without traditional medical intervention or designer drugs.

It seems like, more and more, almost every day, I realize that ideas, concepts, truths and facts that I was taught since a very early age, are not as authentic as the emerging data that is trickling down to those with more open minds… and I find my own mind opening. Can’t say that I am impressed with the false information I was force-fed, apparently in an effort to prevent me from thinking that things could be different that I’ve been led to believe.

It appears (though I am no expert on this) that although we (you and I) are for the most part unaware of these advancements, there are factions within (and concurrently without) our government with a working knowledge of all these thoughts and alternative technologies. Though they may be utilized in secrecy within covert operations, the masses are protected (prevented) from having access to these technologies.

Yet, there are some individuals who feel so passionate about telling the truth, that they will risk their reputations, subject themselves to rejection, ridicule and possibly premature death due to “natural causes” in an effort to reveal the truth.

It is a widely held belief that individuals in the last moments of their lives are delusional; this presupposes that any death bed confessions made in someone’s final moments are to be discounted as the ridiculous wild ramblings of the near-dead. Just laugh it off, they’re just saying that in an effort to have the last word, as if the “jokes on you.” Or is it truth they knew they would be silenced for speaking? Left to its self, it could be crazy ranting, but if it lined up with other emerging data… don’t things become curiouser and curiouser?

Certainly there exists certain conspiracy theories, but it does cause one to contemplate if everything we have been led to believe to be true is a conspiracy.

What do you think?

What is Love If True Love Dies?

In my opinion the sad truth of the deterioration of romantic love in our society is tragic.

Just as everything in the mainstream is moving toward making everything disposable diapers, water bottles, razors, pens, tissues, plates, shower curtains and home furnishings, likewise people and romantic relationships are also becoming more and more disposable.

I have witnessed this transition take place. I’ve seen the budding marriages forged in the fifties, fall victim to the wild abandon of the sixties. Then, in the seventies, the legal system welcomed no fault divorces ushering in the disposable marriage that has led to where we are today, bruised, broken and unable to find any love inside.

What is love if true love dies romantic love signs your marriage is over

I never asked the question, “What is love?” because as far back as I can remember, I had a keen inner sense or knowing what love meant to me, and even though I could have followed my peers in the sexual revolution, I maintained my composure and waited for “the one” I would marry following high school.

Innately, I always had an integrous approach to not only keep my word, but especially to do so if I made a vow of commitment in front of family and friends as witnesses. I pledged my love and commitment to not only a woman, but a family and the community. To me, this was heavy business, as love is a terrible thing to waste.

My deep respect for integrous love is one of the many things contributing to my personal freakiness. I don’t mind admitting it, and I proudly let my freak flag fly. I’d much rather make my own way, forge my own trail, research and discover new ideas, enjoy fulfillment, happiness and a quality of life that eludes the masses.

When I began my journey in the God business, I focused on love and relationships (no surprise, as this was my passion, even wrote a book about it) only to find the people who were attracted to counsel with me were not as interested in healing their relationship. Instead of asking, “How can we make our relationship better?” they were asking, “How do you know when your marriage is over?”

If you are in a potentially amazing romantic relationship, yet constantly on guard, continually looking for signs your marriage is over, chances are you will find what you are looking for. In fact, we know this to be true; you do find what you are looking for (and you always find it in the last place you look).

When someone comes in for relationship counsel asking, “Is my marriage over?” why we don’t just affirm, “Yes, you’ve already aligned yourself with the idea that love doesn’t exist, therefore it does not, and your marriage is over.” Cut your losses now, seek an attorney, get everything you can and be done with it as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

One of the main reasons I shifted my focus from relationships, was because my relationship ministry appeared to be more like torture. If someone is looking for an escape route, planning when to leave a marriage is appropriate. If he or she is thinking about how to end a marriage, then the best intentions of any counselor, therapist, coach or cleric has very little to work with. The best you can hope for is to delay the inevitable which usually leads to more damage, hurt feelings and increased legal battles. Where’s the love in that?

The only people who make out on that deal are the relationship counselors, divorce lawyers and the domestic division of our legal system that supports the whole relationship debacle. (Don’t get me started on the decline of that system…)

I knowingly share the realization of the truth of what is, and I say, “I still believe in true love.” I believe that true love is making its way back to us. I’m not saying that its not (note to editors: the double-negative was intentional) going to be a difficult journey, especially when I look around and survey all the broken people with little capacity for love at all within them (more about that, later…).

Our lack of respect for integrous love has left an indelible mark on our hearts, if it hasn’t stomped out any hope of romantic love for good, but there is a growing compulsion that is beginning to emerge as people realize that all this independence is not what it’s cracked up to be.

True love does exist, there is love waiting for you that is difficult for you to imagine in this moment, and you don’t have to worry about how to find true love, because it will find you. This life, in its highest form is all about love, and you will never be happier and fulfilled as when you change your perspective and begin to peer through the eyes of love.

Think about opening your heart to love… Not just romantic love (that may be too much to ask, from where you are at the moment), but dare to begin to look at anything, beginning with the smallest of things, then progress to other situations and circumstances, with love in your heart.

You will be surprised at how you attract even more love, the more your love light shines from within. It’s a process you can love…

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

We Interrupt This Program

You are on the path of personal growth and enlightenment. You are making excellent strives as your heart and mind begin to open more and more to the possibilities as your consciousness expands…

There exists a level of mass consciousness that permeates the inhabitants of the earth. How – or for what reason – these ideas and concepts are nurtured and promoted as they continue to proliferate is a subject for debate, or you can just relax and realize it simply is what it is.

Just when you have inkling that there may be more, life will cause another interruption: misunderstandings (carrying heavy emotional impact), natural disasters, political unrest and polarity, inhumane actions, breaches of security, a terrorist attack, a disfiguring or fatal disease outbreak, growing rates of depression, suicide, wars and rumors of wars… a near endless supply of distractions designed to pull your mind out of the ethers and place your attention firmly back on terra firma.

Yet, in spite of the distractions, you – chosen one – you persist and press on to the new awakenings that lay ahead. So, here you are, growing and expanding beyond what might be considered prudent by the general population as well as other unseen forces who sense you are on the brink of a breakthrough.

Just when you’re about to move to the next level of your evolution, you are abruptly interrupted

We interrupt this program emergency broadcast system distraction law of attraction

As you approach this brink, alarms begin to sound in unseen stations in, through and surrounding our communities that send waves of uncomfortable discord emerging within your neighboring family, loved ones and citizenry, signaling them to notice your growth and do whatever is necessary to save you from your impending demise.

There are many distractions and obstacles in place to prevent the masses from even considering a path of expanded consciousness. Many societal systems (the Internet) and media manipulations are effective distractions that keep most of us in a state of moderate fear. In most cases, this fear is all that is necessary to keep the sui generis from seeking higher truth.

But you have been called – and you answered the call – to maintain your conscious evolution without regard to a lifetime of programming and all of the tools and systems in place to keep you in-line with the managed mind of the general populace.

Meanwhile, you must be stopped. You are a threat to all belief systems put in place to control the peoples of the world. You will be disrespected, ridiculed, possibly the subject of intervention… anything to save you from taking a bite from the fruit of knowledge.

It is not uncommon for individuals on the path of personal growth and change to meet massive disapproval. People are (and the world is) threatened by you. People will hate you and want to want to drag you down to their level. It is the nature of the mob cult, but because of their numbers, they see themselves as “normal” and you as the black sheep that some believe must be saved (brought back into acceptable alignment with the masses) or (though more extreme) destroyed (for your own good, in an effort to save you from a fate worse than death).

Since the most prolific new thought leaders have short life spans (as they are assassinated, or – more recently – simply die prematurely of “natural causes”) those of us on the path to enlightenment continue to progress and grow, though independently, subversively in an attempt to survive for the benefit of the greater good.

And as we continue to expand in numbers, power and consciousness, there is an growing love and light that is affecting our planet and all its inhabitants, with very little notice… and things are beginning to change.

Oh, you might not see it with the naked eye, but it is there – and you are part of it – for without you and the rest of us, it would not be possible.

Even though the media – and all the powers controlling this planet – would like you to think that we are in dire straits or on the brink of disaster (or the end of the world), there is a growing consciousness that will continue to guide our planet toward the entertaining miraculous and leading us to true happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and peace.

God bless you for taking the high road.


Saying Yes to your highest and best

I say yes to my highest and best inclusive law of attraction exclusive decision making
When one is on the path to achieving their highest and best, often the progress that is made is commensurate to the method used in reference to your yes and no responses.

Basically, there are two kinds of yes, in terms to how you respond to opportunities that present themselves at any given time. Likewise there are two ways to use the word no. Any time you say yes to something the decision is inclusive, that is to say that what you said yes to will be added or included in your life, while no is exclusive of excludes certain things from being present in your life.

I know some of you are saying, “You left out ‘maybe’.” Maybe is a decision to delay decision-making until later (which can be a smooth sleight-of-hand gesture, effectively allowing you to initiate a clearly negative response until a more convenient time). Nonetheless, “maybe,” is not a decision, it is a delay tactic, and may be warranted in the event more information is needed to make a more educated decision.

This expresses the importance of holding in your mind a clear idea of what exactly is your highest and best. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where are you and where do you want to be? The law of attraction is the energy that closes the gap between what you want and where you are, it can also move you further away. Effectively managing your affirmative and negative responses can move you toward making your dreams come true expediently.

Any time you face a choice (we face hundreds, if not thousands, of choices every day) having a clear picture of what you want and where you want to be can be of the most importance, especially in decision-making. This is why we spend time clearly defining what you want, possibly utilizing T charts, early on in a coaching relationship.

Saying Yes to My Highest and Best

Given your options, you can make decisions based on your vision. It’s as easy as saying, “Yes,” to those things that move you closer to your ultimate goal or dream. This sounds easy, but often we find ourselves…

Saying No to what is my highest and best

What? Why would you do that? Because there exists within us subversive programming that resides in our unconscious that might lead us to believe that we are not derserving, not worthy, not educated enough, don’t have enough money… and the list of negative thoughts keep us from saying the proper response, which is, “Yes,” to those things that move us closer to what we want. Saying no to the things that would move you closer, creates more distance between where you are and where you’d like to be.

Saying Yes to what is not in our best interest

Then there is our tendency to say, “Yes,” to things that are clearly not in our best interest. It might feel better to have some temporary sense of feeling good, without thinking about the consequences or the effects of our affirmative reaction to something that will not move us closer to what we want. In fact, we may move even further away from what we ultimately want. (One extreme would be participating in addictions.)

Saying No to what is not in our best interest

Though it may take some bravery and courage, saying, “No,” to what is not in our best interest will keep us from falling back and moving us further from the life that we desire. Excluding things that are not in our best interest moves us closer to what we want. Saying no to the things that are not in our best interest is almost as effective as saying, “Yes,” to the things that are.

More Good than Bad

One of my clients uses what he calls the “More Good than Bad Rule,” in all of his decision-making. He possesses a brilliant analytical mind, reduces every decision to an equation, and his inclusive final answer is based on this: If a thing is more good than bad, it’s a yes.

On the other hand, if a thing is more bad than good, then it is an immediate no and exclusion.

He’s very effective at taking action of his negative decisions, which I disagree on. I will usually err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion in business, which sometimes pays off. But I must admit his cut-throat style of eliminating anything more bad than good makes more sense in the long run (though may cause problems in the short-term).

The process that we use to influence our ability to effectively,

let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay

is a fluid process of growth and change.

How can you better wield your decision-making skills today?

Dealing with Disappointment

So, there you are living your life, making progress, feeling confident, satisfied and happy about your life; where’s it’s going, you’re at peace with where you’ve been and it feels good to be you as you blaze your own trail as your train rolls along the tracks of your life.

Then something unexpected happens, throwing you off balance, derails your train or at least slows your roll…

Then what?

It’s not unreasonable to maintain certain expectations as you make your way through life. With the best intentions, you have ideas about the way things should progress and when things don’t turn out the way you expected it is understandable that you would be disappointed.

It happens to all of us, and when it happens, we (who possess a level of emotional sensitivity) can start to feel bad about what happened. Disappointment comes in many shapes, colors and flavors and the span of emotions that one can be drawn to (or lost in) run the gamut of those less than positive.

There you are amidst all the emotional discomfort, wondering what happened? You didn’t ask or plan for this, nonetheless, here you are.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

I’m blessed to have been living my life a while, and I must admit – although I am surprised by unexpected events and outcomes (just like anyone else) – I have developed a propensity to put myself in a particular state of mind, as soon as possible (sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but I get there).
While others may have the propensity to stop, drop and roll, I on the other hand, stop, find and look.

disappointment stop the drama find the treasure look for something better


How much I have in my emotional savings account determines how graceful I will be in stopping forward motion in this moment. If I’ve fairly well-stocked, I can put on my turn signal and look for a nice, safe place to pull over. If my account’s a little lean, I might just stomp on the breaks as hard as I can, without caution or forethought. But, I realize that further forward motion will just take me further from where I want to be, increasing my recovery time, so stop the drama, and if someone else is involved – don’t take it personally – realize we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.


As quickly as possible I try to find the blessing – that good thing – that is hidden from my conscious view; blocked by my emotions. It’s something that I’ve learned from my vast variety of life experience, that everything that doesn’t work out the way I wanted it to, had some higher reason. Some learning, some neglected awareness, some latent skill, some reason to seek another vantage point, further education or to keep me safe from a fate far worse than disappointment.

Find the treasure, message or meaning hidden amidst the chaos.


This is my favorite part, and as I get surprised when something doesn’t work out the way I planned (or expected), as soon as possible, I start looking around for something amazing to be lurking in the wings.

If there’s one thing I have learned in my life, it is this:

Everything that I thought was bad for me – even thought would destroy me because there was no way I could see to consider surviving such a horrific event – led me to something else so amazing!

Had I continued down the path I was headed, there would be no way for me to be in the right place, at the right time, for such an incredible experience or opportunity; no way.

So, these days, when I’m caught off-guard, I start looking around with heightened anticipation, because I know something so crazy good for me is on its way.

… and it’s getting closer… I can feel it, hear it, smell it… almost taste and see it (though not fully present or in view, yet)…

But that’s just me.

It’s not for everybody.

If that sounds too far from your reality, I will give you more practical tips t deal with disappointment tomorrow. Sound good?