
When you get challenged by another person, your instinctual preliminary reactive response is to select from your choices of fight or flight. When you are triggered in social interaction, punching someone in the face, or running out of the room would be far too dramatic for anyone who might like to retain some sense of dignity in modern-day society.

Instead, we replace “fight” with self-defense and “flight” with withdrawal. We either post-up to do battle with words, voice inflection, body stance, and physical gestures, or we become more increasingly silent until we have nothing to say and look for more comfortable environmental circumstances elsewhere.

Of course, this is a spectrum and includes many options between these two extremes.

If someone challenges your competency in an area where you’re feeling you are confident about your abilities, you get an adrenaline charge which triggers your response system, which is primarily operated by your ego.

There is a lot of discussion about the ego, some believe we should have none of it, and others believe we would die without it (at this time I am among the latter) and anything possible between those two extremes. I believe the ego is vitally necessary but should be moderated by a heart-centered individual.

You are the result of a lifetime of experience and learning and far from the equivalent of any other being on this planet. While you may be able to get to know someone intimately and have so much in common with this person, you can never know the totality of what goes on behind the scenes.

Just like you know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that no matter how well someone knows you, they cannot know what you are thinking when you are thinking, in the same way, you can never know what’s going on inside someone else’s head. Exponentially beyond this real-time unknowingness, you cannot know what anyone has experienced or learned from their life to this point in time.

When someone challenges you, it is a perfectly normal response to defend yourself, which may include a counter-attack. Obviously, “You don’t know me,” is a reasonable response which will always be true, but accusing whoever has challenged you, feels so much better, as your ego settles into a relentless position of exerting superiority over your challenger.

While you are feeling superior, you’ve now challenged the person who may not have challenged you with any malice whatsoever, as most people challenge motivated by love, compassion, or a sense of caring which is trying to help you live a better life by lending you some of his or her experience or learning. When you counter-attack, you call upon their ego to defend him or her. Now, you are responsible for having triggered an argument or debate, which is far from productive and rarely leads to a positive outcome.

When you and whomever you have engaged in this interaction with are engulfed in this vibratory mismatch, communication is not possible for you are communicating on different frequencies.

You carry with you an enormous cache of hundreds, if not thousands, of sensitivities which have been secretly stored in your subconscious, and are protected by triggers switched on as emergency responses by your ego as a method of self-preservation.

This is the natural state of your human response system. For those who are in the process of awakening, they are in a process of digging up these raw materials which are hidden from the consciousness and dealt with and resolved in a loving matter. Thereby eliminating the emotional trigger from the hidden past life event.

If you can find the wherewithal to love and accept yourself for who you are, you are less likely to become triggered by someone else’s challenge, and it will feel less like a personal attack.

You realize that in most cases this challenge is not an attack, it is only a reflection of that person’s life experience, learning, and self-confidence (at any level) expressing itself. So, it really is more about them asserting themselves, for whatever reason, than it has to do with you at all.

When this happens to you, you can love them, not judge them because you know they are only doing the best they can with what they have, thank them for their input, and compassionately bless them.

Relationship Repeat Offender

Your partner has done it again, and here you are finding yourself caught up in yet another round of the same ol’ thing that you got in an argument the last time. You ask yourself, why are we always fighting over the same old thing(s)? What can you do about your relationship repeat offender?

Here you are again, standing your ground and willing to risk all over this issue that keeps on coming up and simply will not go away. It’s as if your partner refuses to listen, or doesn’t care about your feelings at all, which makes you even more upset, angry, or outraged.

If you can think back to when you were a child, you will probably remember your parents arguing over some of the same issues over and over again, too. Generally, this is where you learn how to act in relationships, and even if you’ve vowed never to be in a relationship like your mom and dad, here you are.

You don’t do it on purpose, but subconsciously, you’ve set your relationship the same way, because it “feels like home.” I know, it’s bizarre, but it’s perfectly normal.

Pattern Interrupt

Once you realize this, though, you can choose to approach the relationship repeat offender scenario differently. When you see this issue coming up and feel your anxiety building, you can remember what it was like watching your parents and choose a different tactic.

What if in your recollection of your parents’ recurring argument, if you could go back in time and play the part of either of your parents, how could you have done it better? This may give you an idea of what you might try differently in the present.

Taking this momentary reflective pause gives you a chance to apply a new approach to the scenario as an alternative to just launching into your normal responsive reaction when you’re triggered (and you already know what to expect from that), thereby interrupting the old pattern.

When you try a different approach, you open up a world of possibilities for a different outcome, a better result from your previous style of approaching this issue. Everything is not always black and white, and you’d be surprised how much closer you and your partner could be if you throw in a dash of tolerance or compromise into the mix.

If your first line of defense is to post up and ready for battle (or flee) this is learned behavior which you have embraced as a survival skill, but really, you are far better than that. In every relationship, there needs to be a degree of openness, honesty, and vulnerability.

By taking a different approach and allowing other possibilities, you may have eliminated the relationship repeat offender altogether. You have the power to do this.

If you really want to grow in love and compassion in your relationship, you must be willing to lay down your sword and shield, be present and stay in the game. If your normal response is to withdraw or leave the room, stay and play it out. This is your life we’re talking about.

I know you’ve probably heard it before, something like,

You have to love yourself
before you can truly love anyone else.

As ridiculous as it might sound, it’s true. If you’re constantly looking for acceptance or approval from your mate, you will be periodically (or continually) fighting for validation. If you are full of love for yourself, you don’t need validation as much from your partner, or anyone else for that matter. Sure, it’s nice when you are recognized, complimented, or even applauded, but you don’t need it because you are in such a good, loving space regarding yourself.

This also changes the way you view disrespect from your partner (or anyone else for that matter). If someone disses you, and you have a healthy love for yourself, you can simply shrug it off as no big deal, and have compassion for whoever verbally assaulted you, because you realize they are acting out of their own discontent and you can have compassion for them, for they are only doing the best they can with what they have (as are you).

Love yourself. And the next time you get triggered and feel a battle coming on, put down your weapons, stay in the game, take a breath and ask yourself, “How could I do this better?” Then, try something different.

See what happens when you allow infinitely new possibilities to unfold in the loving space you chose to inhabit and share with your partner.

Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Turn Over a New Leaf

So, you’ve taken a look at your life until now, and after a brief review, you come to the conclusion that you’re ready to turn over a new leaf. Looking back, you realize there were a great many things you could have done better, and that your life would be far more miraculous if you start living your life in a better way. Now’s as good a time as any to make the changes necessary for you to turn over a new leaf.

The two keys to successfully turning over a new leaf are taking inspired action and to keep moving ahead to get to the new-improved you and the vastly better life which is waiting for you and may very well be the keys to begin to achieve your highest and best potential.

Inspired Action

While the idea of inspired action seems simple enough, it encompasses a great many sacred components which will empower your ability to change your life miraculously. We all know the idea of cause and effect which supports the idea that any action will cause a resulting reaction which changes your life. You can easily look back at your life and see this is true.

Instead of taking action, which will change your life, taking inspired action will always change your life for the better.

Keep in mind that change can be messy, and sometimes to make a change you may have to experience some discomfort to get you to the right place and time to move in a decidedly different direction. It can be awkward and painful, but if the action you’re taking is inspired, you will find yourself in a far better position to move forward to the life you both want and deserve.

Inspired action should be taken without negative motivation. If you are taking action in anger or to get revenge, there is no chance of it being inspired. Rethink your underlying motive before making any major changes.

Inspired action is not taken due to lack, need to change, or have what you don’t already possess. Inspired action comes with a sense of excitement without expectations attached to it. Inspired action is not about trying to make something happen, more it is about creating new opportunities for new things to unfold before your very eyes.

Inspired action takes courage but is not fear-based action, though there may (and probably should be) some trepidation or fear about taking a huge step outside your comfort zone. As with all huge advances in personal growth and change, there is going to be some fear of the unknown. But as any of us, or even you, can attest, all the biggest and best advances in life come from stepping out in faith.

The potential for miraculous results grows exponentially the further away from your safety zone you veer. God and all the potentialities of love’s pure energy go to work to vector-in a whole new variety of supporting energies and players to support your stepping out in faith, as you in effect leave the old hood and make new friends.

Keep Moving

Once you’ve taken a step in faith, no matter how great or minuscule, the key is to keep going. Keep taking additional steps toward your something new, and something new, exciting and unimaginable begins to unfold before your very eyes.

Failing to continue to move will leads to complacency and stagnation, then “home” the place you’ve taken inspired action to move on from begins to look like someplace you might like to return to.

If you do fall back into the same ol’ same ol’ know that the opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf never goes away. Maybe now, is not the time for you. Try again when you are inspired to try something new.

Stabbed in the Back

You’ve opened your heart, trusted someone you cared about, allowed yourself to be vulnerable, and he or she stabbed you in the back. Now, you look back and can see every red flag that indicated this might be coming, and you ignored them because you saw the only goodness and the sacred potential in this person. Still, you were stabbed in the back.

People disrespect you, friends let you down, even your own family could betray you. No doubt, betrayal leaves wounds and scars that can endure and cause the deterioration of your entire system, body, mind, and spirit.

What should you do when you’ve been stabbed in the back?

Jesus had the nerve to suggest you should forgive those who stab you in the back 7 times 70 times (Matthew 18:22), and I’m certain that it’s not about the math problem so much as it is about if someone stabs you in the back you should just forgive them over and over again.

Forgive them, yes, but do not let them walk all over you.

What can you do when you’ve been stabbed in the back?

You can forgive them for not honoring your ability to ability to only see them in the best light. No need to punish yourself for putting your faith in – and trusting – someone else, which would be the natural response of your ego which stands in judgment of everyone and everything, even you.

At the very least, take sacred action to set boundaries for those who disrespect you, and distance yourself from those you know have a propensity to stab you in the back.

You are responsible for the perseverance of your sacred space. Do not let anyone take your power away or have dominion over you. Remember that even in the worst situations someone may be able to impose their will over your body, but you must allow them to have dominion over your mind. Stop giving your power away. Do not allow them to exert authority over your mind.

Pay more attention. Remember the old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you.” Not all people are loving, open, honest, and respectful of others, like you. Every now and then, your bound to run across the occasional psychopath, sociopath or narcissist, who could certainly throw your otherwise peaceful or harmonious life off-balance, or worse, even turn your whole world upside down.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who do not have your best interest at heart. Some people are just toxic, and it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you to do.

When you’re just getting started setting boundaries, “back off,” and a firm, “no” are good ways to protect your sacred space. Drawing firm lines in the sand (metaphorically or otherwise) around you is also effective.

When you’re totally comfortable with the idea of protecting yourself from the negative influence or impact of others on your psychological wellbeing or your life at all, then you can consider the idea of loving them unconditionally.

Loving others, and blessing those who hurt you, is a tough row to hoe, but if you wrap your heart and mind around the idea that everyone (including you) is only doing the best with what they have, you might be able to imagine having compassion (not feeling sorry) for that person. Consider, if you were in his or her shoes, having lived the very life that he/she had lived up to that point, you would have responded in exactly the same way.

You might be able to find the wherewithal to forgive the person by whom you were stabbed in the back, or maybe even not judge them for any wrongdoing at all, for they were simply doing the best the could with the tools they had at the time.

Don’t worry if all that love seems inconceivable at present, but at the very least, stop letting yourself be stabbed in the back.

It’s up to you to do it.

For more information, see: Trust Betrayal dot com.

December 2018 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of December, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Expect Miracles Christmas Morphing They Get Angry When You Set Boundaries
Who are you known as?Who Are You Known As? My Child Let Me Down Healing Blockages
Activating Love to Change the World When Bad Stuff Happens Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening


Expect Miracles

The holidays represent a magical time of year where goodwill and love for your fellow man abound. For those of us lucky enough to spend time with our families, it is a joy and love wells up within us, especially if you’re able to hold a newborn baby in your arms. We anticipate the possibility of miracles but you can expect miracles at any time of year, not just over the holidays.

With the new year just around the corner, it might be time for you to expect miracles every day and see what surprises lay in store for you throughout the coming year.

To put yourself in the state of being which attracts miracles, you can establish a state of awareness and expectation that miracles will occur on a daily basis. Some of the things you can do include creating a vision board, a montage of images representing the things you would like to attract into your life. Put it in a place where you can view it every day. Starting a journal of miracles is also a good idea.

In your journal of miracles, you can jot down all the miracles you witnessed throughout the day. These may not be huge manifestations, but could include anything, like being treated nicely by a server, someone opening the door for you, someone complimenting you, or your receipt of a genuine smile. The more you look for the little miracles, the more they appear, and they grow in their magnificence.

The more you cultivate the frequency of expecting miracles the more the vibration becomes a normal state of mind for you and your life. Like changing the thermostat setting on your climate controller. If it was previously set for 50, the temperature may rise or fall but the climate control works to return you to its set point of 50 degrees. If you change the setpoint to 70 degrees, then the climate control seeks to maintain that temperature instead.

Changing the frequency (or temperature setting) on your body’s vibrational control system can take as few as 21 days in succession. Then your expectation of miracles will be your set point and you will be seeing more and more blessings headed your way. Your ability to bless others will also increase.

As you create an environment where you expect miracles, you influence the ability for others to expect miracles with whom you interact with throughout each day, without even trying.
The expectation of miracles is found within the love vibration, so maintaining an environment around yourself which fosters love will help to substantiate your expectation of miracles being manifest in your life.

Find things to do and purposefully place yourself in situations where you can feel love and love the environment around you. Snuggle a little baby and look into his or her eyes, pet your cat, play with your dog, compliment someone in the supermarket, hold the door for someone with an armload of something, or take a walk amongst nature.

Any acts of kindness you gift to someone reinforces your love vibration and will support your ability to open to receive miracles that are waiting to show themselves to you.

At least within the first 21-day frequency reset period, think about limiting your exposure to media which is negative in nature, and avoid talking behind other people’s back. Try to maintain as much positivity and love in your heart as possible for the first 21 days.

People who have done this, and have succeeded, note they’re being introduced to challenges to maintaining a positive, loving state of mind. Those who have fully been engulfed in regular miracle manifestation faced the challenge(s) and overcome it/them in a positive way, with a positive outcome.

Those who saw the challenge as an attack and found themselves succumbing to the pressure, found themselves returning to their normal setpoint and claimed that expecting miracles could not work for them.

Many of those who failed to achieve the state of miracle expectation the first go-round were able to maintain the state by facing the challenges positively as they presented themselves and were able to find and maintain the love vibration and found themselves expecting miracles.

Miracles come in many shapes and sizes, and this thing I know, there are a great many miracles waiting to be revealed to you even now.

84% of Americans believe in miracles, you may as well be one of them.

Expect miracles.

Christmas Morphing

Let’s fight over stuff, anything that can keep me separated from you, so the powers that be can sit back and laugh at how we’re mere puppets playing into their hands as they roll on the floor laughing out loud, or not. What? Christmas morphing? They never thought that Christmas had enough power of love built-in to its design to morph into an idea that spans all thought systems. Love wins out, again.

While many religions still reject the idea of Christmas as heresy, more and more Americans are embracing the idea and finding their own way(s) to define it for themselves. Christmas is becoming much more than just the celebration of the birth of Jesus, it’s an American tradition.

Here, in the United States, you are allowed to subscribe to any religious belief you like, or no religious belief at all, if you so choose. Angels are like that; they don’t care who or what you are. Angels love you and are there for you, no matter what you believe. God is like that, and increasingly, the All-American-Christmas is embracing all peoples with open arms.

This brings comfort to most but is reason for concern and disdain for the traditionalists who think they are the chosen few who can celebrate Christmas authentically (even if it does have roots in religious beliefs which they do not ascribe to). Christmas is not just for Christians anymore.

The American Christmas rekindles the flame in all of us, that the world could be a better place. That any of us could find a place in our hearts to be kinder, gentler, friendlier, and loving to our fellow human being(s). Even, if only momentarily, we set aside our differences and find joy in being alive, getting a glimpse of what it might look like if we were all “one.”

All one, we are.

During the holidays we are able to find within ourselves the ability to set aside our differences for a better world. This is part a parcel of our burgeoning human evolution. We get to peek into the future, thanks to the All-American Christmas.

We believe there could be goodness in anyone. We believe even Scrooge or the Grinch could find love in their hearts, someday, somewhere.

Even though a government-ruled legal and financial system, and a failing societal structure which are not sustainable are still in place, even amidst all the chaos, there is peace for Christmas. Something inside us wants to reach out, love, and help those who have less in some way because ‘ere but by the grace of God, go I.

During the holidays we are optimistic and hopeful for a better world. We are grateful for what we have, as little as it may be, and may have a twinge of sadness or compassion for those who have less than we do.

Empathetic caring and compassion are in the air. And as much as we’d like to help our fellow man, still many homeless will be hiding out without adequate basic human needs. The sick and dying will not be offered the medical treatment and care they need, and it is well-known this is the most popular time of the year for suicide. There are so many in need who are just outside our reach.

We set aside our differences to have get-togethers with family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even people we have never met. We greet, smile, tell stories, laugh, cry, and embrace. At that moment, the world is a better place.

Our ego takes the back seat while we find our place in the vibration of the Christmas spirit, which by the way is the same frequency as love. ‘Ere love and the American Christmas are one and the same. You feel the vibration and you instantly know, this is not how you feel under normal circumstances because you are engulfed in the field of love.

It is a wonderful place to be.

This is the future of humankind, to bask in love’s frequency, and not to be controlled or lorded-over relentlessly, but to love, to be loved, and to be free, indeed.

You don’t have to wait for Christmas, and you don’t have to let go after New Years Day. You can have this for the rest of your life.

And when you realize this, you have awakened to the idea of the endless possibilities which lay in wait for you and your evolution which has only just begun.

Peace on Earth is not a fantasy.

Say, “Goodbye” to all the barbarianism of the day, peace on Earth is the only hope for our survival.

Merry Christmas Morphing

For the Christians who are torqued-off because your private party has been crashed by non-Christians: Lighten up and see the miracle in Jesus’ ability to bring the world together, if only for a moment, and bless all who celebrate His birthday in whatever way they want.

They Get Angry When You Set Boundaries

Don’t be surprised when people get upset at you when you’re going about the business of setting boundaries in your life. Often the first response you are met with is some form of rage. When you begin to take a stand for yourself and protect your own sacred space, they get angry when you set boundaries.

Bullies are used to having the upper hand and getting what they want. When somebody starts drawing lines in the sand, insisting that they not be crossed, this rocks the bully’s world. They are bound to respond negatively, out loud or more silently/passive aggressively. Either way, you know your decision to stand up for yourself has upset them.

If you’re dealing with someone who is angry because you’ve asserted your right to set and enforce a boundary, then chances are the responsibility lies with you for allowing this person to take advantage of your generosities or overpower you prior to having to set this boundary.

At first, the inconvenience may have been mild enough that you were able to overlook it, but after a while, it was clear that you were being taken advantage of, and now it’s time to take care of business.

If your bully is masterful, don’t be surprised when he or she responds with vile accusations of your being at fault, or insisting that you are the bully who is inconsiderate and trying control or manipulate the bully. This intimidation tactic will work sometimes to get the bully what he or she wants. Be prepared for it and don’t fall for it.

It’s not that these people are bad, wrong, or broken. They simply have not learned how to respect the rights of other people up ‘til now. By your setting of boundaries and sticking to them, you are helping the bullies learn that rights of others exist and should be respected. They may learn this valuable lesson from you and others who start to exercise their rights to their own sacred space over time.

So, how do you respond when someone expresses anger at your enforcement of a boundary?

Taking the high road would be not responding at all. Think of this as his or her protesting too much or acting out as his or her inner child tantrum runs wild. Maintain a compassionate state of mind and do not respond. Let the bully fully express his or her rage as much as possible but don’t take it personally.

Remember, the problem, here, is not with you, no matter what they say. Zip your lip, understand that he or she is doing the best he or she can do with the tools that he or she has at the time, and walk away with your boundary firmly in place.

There is nothing to feel bad about. Things are as they are, and people will respond in whatever way seems to fit their state of mind at the time. That’s the way it is. And if someone doesn’t respect your right to set and adhere to a boundary you’ve set, that’s on them, not on you.

The setting of boundaries is one of the methods you can use to keep from losing your energy. Take it back and keep people from draining your energy by limiting the control that bullies, toxic friends, or energy vampires might have had over you.

Who Are You Known As?

You owe yourself the honor of seeing that you are represented in the world in a way that is in accordance with how you would like to be known and/or remembered. So, who are you known as?

You know who you are. You know how you think, what’s important to you, what makes your heart sing, etc.… but are you presenting yourself in such a way, so others can see you for who you are?

More often than not, we are oblivious to how others perceive the public image we project of ourselves.

Nowadays, we have these huge social media billboards posted all over the Internet. You may think of yourself as being a certain kind of person, but what do you look like on the World Wide Web?

In a worst-case scenario, since nearly no one knows it will come, how would you be seen by those who looked you up online after hearing that you had died in an accident today? Chances are, no one has your password, so your social media life would be frozen in time at the sound of your flatline.


Looking at some random people’s social media, you could safely assume that this person would be known as someone who hates the President. This person believes in aliens. Here’s an avid conspiracy theorist. This person falls in love with a different person every month and vacillates between hating and loving prospective lovers.

Here’s a sarcastic critic of just about everyone and everything. Here’s somebody who relentlessly posts shameless selfies. This guy never wears a shirt and has pineapple-hair. This person is clearly always in a drunken stupor, and here’s the world’s biggest fan of marijuana.

I had a friend who was clearly identified as a thrill seeker, so it was no surprise when he was involved in a fatal accident. In his case, his social media was an accurate representation of his tendency to tempt fate. But there was so much more to him that those of us who knew him well saw in him which was not represented on the Internet.

If your ability to post on social media was curtailed by your ability to live, how would you be remembered? It might be worth taking a look at. Maybe it’s time to post something congruent with how you might like to be remembered?

And that’s just your virtual personality. What about in real life?

In real life, at school, work, hanging with friends, we often represent ourselves in one way, when the identity of our authentic self is quite different. We might hide our sensitive side, or present ourselves as bolder, to either prevent ourselves from being vulnerable or to advance our position among peers or coworkers.

You are far more than people might think who you are or what you do.

Chances are, even your family members may not know your best attributes. What you believe,

Maybe it’s time to take a look at how you are perceived in the community. Ask friends and coworkers whom you can trust how they see you. Do they see you the way you want to be seen?

Who are you? Today might be a good take to take a look at your personal brand.